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Viennas Café

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Glovo Prime
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Els més venuts

Bagel Milanesa de pollo / Chicken Milanese Bagel
Pollo Frito Empanado, Queso Suizo Derretido, Lechuga y Salsa de Tu Elección Por favor, seleccione su selección de salsa de bagel / cualquier complemento a continuación: Breaded Fried Chicken, Melted Swiss Cheese, Lettuce & Sauce Of Your Choice
14,50 €

Desayunos Y Brunch/Breakfast And Brunch - Served All Day

Gran Desayano Inglés / Big English Breakfast
Huevos, Bacon Inglés, Salchichas Cumberland, Alubias con Tomate, Champiñones Y Tostadas Por favor, seleccione la(s) opción(es) a continuación: Eggs, English Bacon & Cumberland Sausages, Beans with Tomato, Mushrooms and Toast
18,95 €
Tosta de Aguacate / Smashed Avocado Toast (V)
Tomates cherry, queso feta, humous, glaseado balsámico y semillas de girasol Por favor, seleccione la(s) opción(es) a continuación: Cherry Tomatoes, Feta Cheese, Humous, Balsamic Glaze & Sunflower Seeds
15,50 €
Sandwich Kevin Bacon
Bacon, huevo frito, aguacate, tomate, rúcula y pesto mayonesa de albahaca. Por favor, seleccione una(s) opción(s) a continuación: English Bacon, Fried Egg, Avocado, Tomato, Rocket & Basil Pesto Mayo
13,00 €
Pan De Platano Casero / House Made Banana Bread (V)
Canela, mascarpone, miel y nueces confitadas Cinnamon Mascarpone, Honey & Candied Walnuts
9,75 €

Almuerzo / Lunch - Served All Day

Cordero Kofta Shish / Lamb Kofta Kebab
Cordero Picado A La Brasa de Carbón Y Cilantro. Arroz, Ensalada, Ezme de Tomate y Pimientos Picados, Pan Pita y Salsas Charcoal Grilled Minced Lamb & Coriander Kofta Kebab. Rice, Salad, Diced Tomato & Peppers Ezme Salad, Pitta Bread & Sauces
24,75 €
Shish de Pollo Kebab / Chicken Shish Kebab
Brocheta de Pechuga de Pollo Marinada a la Brasa de Carbón. Arroz, Ensalada, Ezme/Tomate Y Pimientos Picados. Pan Pita y Salsa Charcoal Grilled Marinated Chicken Breast Skewered Kebab. Rice, Salad, Diced Tomato/Peppers Ezme Salad, Pitta Bread,Sauces
22,50 €
Ensalada César / Chicken Cesar Salad
Servido Con Pollo Empanado Crujiente, Queso Parmesano, Bacon Crujiente, Crutones, Lechuga Y Aderezo César. Served With Crispy Breaded Chicken, Parmesan Cheese, Crispy Bacon, Croutons, Lettuce & Cesar Dressing.
18,95 €
Wrap de Pollo Con Fritas / Chicken Wrap with Fries
Pollo Cajún, Aguacate, Ensalada, Tomate, Cebolla Caramelizada, Salsa Chipotle, Servido Con Patatas Cajun Chicken, Avocado, Mixed Leaf Salad, Tomato, Caramelised Onion, Chipotle Sauce. Served With Fries
18,95 €
Ensalada de pechuga de pollo marinada / Marinated Chicken Breast Gem Salad
Elección de pollo:lechuga, pepino, aguacate, salsa de tomate, almendras tostadas, queso feta,aderezo cremoso de pesto de albahaca. Choice of Chicken: Lettuce, Cucumber, Avocado, Tomato Salsa, Toasted Almond, Feta Cheese, Creamy Basil Pesto Dressing.
18,95 €
Salmón ahumado Gem Ensalada / Smoked Salmon Gem Salad
Smoked Salmon, Lettuce, Cucumber, Avocado, Tomato Salsa, Toasted Almond, Feta Cheese, Creamy Basil Pesto Dressing. Salmón ahumado, pepino, aguacate, salsa de tomate, almendras tostadas, queso feta,aderezo cremoso de pesto de albahaca.
18,50 €
Ensalada De Queso De Cabra / Goat Cheese Salad (V)
Queso de cabra a la plancha, rúcula, champiñones, nueces confitadas, manzanas frescas Grill Goats Cheese, Rocket, Mushrooms, Candied Walnuts, Fresh Apples.
18,20 €
Pizza De Chorizo
Champiñones, pimientos asados, tomate cherry, aceitunas y queso feta
18,20 €
Hamburguesas Viennas con Patatas Fritas / Viennas Burger & Fries
Hamburguesa de Ternera, Alioli, Pepinillos, Lechuga y Queso Suizo Servido con Patatas Fritas Prime Beef Patty, House Made Relish, Alioli, Pickles, Lettuce & Swiss Cheese. Served with Fries
17,95 €
Burger De Pollo Frito & Fries / Fried Chicken Burger & Fries
Lechuga, salsa kimchi, ensalada de col y pepinillos, patata fritas Lettuce, Kimchi Mayo, Coleslaw & Pickles Served with Fries
17,95 €
Hamburguesa De Cerdo con Patatas Fritas/ BBQ Pulled Pork Burger & Fries
Cerdo Desmenuzado a la BBQ, Mayonesa de Chipotle, Pepinillo y Ensalada de Col Servido con Patatas Fritas Chipotle Mayo, Pickles & Coleslaw. Served with Fries
17,95 €
Wrap de Atún con patatas fritas / Tuna Wrap with Fries
Atún, Maíz Dulce, Cebolla Morada, Mayonesa, Ensalada, Servido Con Patatas Fritas Tuna Mixed With Sweet Corn, Red Onion, Mayo, Mixed Leaf Salad. Served With Fries
17,95 €
Wrap Vegetal Con patatas fritas / Veggie Wrap with Fries (V)
Queso Halloumi, Espinacas, Tomate, Pesto Mayo, Servido Con Patatas Fritas Halloumi Cheese, Spinach, Tomato, Pesto Mayo, Served With Fries
17,95 €
Sandwich De Ternera
Confitura balsámico de cebolla, crema de rábano picante, rúcula y champiñones
15,60 €
Bagel De Carne Salada / Salt Beef Bagel
Carne salada casera de vienna, encurtidos, mostaza inglesa o mostaza con miel Homemade Salt Beef, pickles, English mustard or honey mustard
15,60 €
Quesadillas de pollo / Chicken Quesadillas
Pollo cajún, queso, pico de gallo, guacamole, crema agria. Cajun Chicken, cheese, pico de gallo, guacamole, sour cream.
15,60 €
Bagel De Salmón / Open Salmon Bagel
Salmón ahumado, queso crema, alcaparras y brotes de guisantes Smoked Salmon, Cream Cheese, Capers & Snow Pea Sprouts
14,50 €
Bagel Milanesa de pollo / Chicken Milanese Bagel
Pollo Frito Empanado, Queso Suizo Derretido, Lechuga y Salsa de Tu Elección Por favor, seleccione su selección de salsa de bagel / cualquier complemento a continuación: Breaded Fried Chicken, Melted Swiss Cheese, Lettuce & Sauce Of Your Choice
14,50 €
Ensalada De Verano Little Gem / Little Gem Summer Salad (V)
Lechuga, Pepino, Aguacate, Cherry Hairloom, Pesto de Albahaca, Queso Feta y Almendras Tostadas Gem Lettuce, Cucumber, Avocado, Tomato Salsa, Toasted Almond, Feta Cheese & Creamy Basil Pesto Dressing.
13,00 €
Bagel Caprese / Bagel Caprese (V)
Mozzarella de búfala, tomate, pesto de albahaca y rúcula Buffalo Mozzarella, Tomato, Basil Pesto & Rocket
13,00 €

Acompañamientos / Sides, Accompaniments

Queso Halloumi Grillado / Grilled Halloumi Cheese (V)
Porción de Queso Halloumi Grillado Portion of Grilled Halloumi Cheese
6,50 €
Batata Frito / Sweet Potato Fries (V)
5,50 €
Porción de salmón ahumado / Portion of Smoked Salmon
Porción de salmón ahumado Portion of Smoked Salmon
5,50 €
Patatas Fritas / Fries (V)
4,95 €
English Bacon (2 pieces per portion /2 piezas por porción)
English Bacon (2 pieces per portion)
3,90 €
Hash Browns (2 pieces per portion /2 piezas por porción) (V)
Hash Browns - 2 pieces per portion Hash Browns - 2 piezas por porción
3,90 €
3,00 €

Refrescos / Soft drinks

San Pellegrino
5,00 €
Agua Con Gas / Sparkling Water
La botella puede variar / Bottle may vary Size 500ml
4,50 €
Agua Sin Gas / Still Water
La botella puede variar / Bottle may vary Size 500ml
3,50 €

Cafés / Coffee’s

Iced Latte
Double Shot of Coffee with cold milk. Choice of dairy alternatives & Syrups Doble carga de café con leche fría. Elige el tipo de leche y tu Sirope.
5,20 €
Café Con Leche / Coffee With Milk
Café y leche Shot of Coffee With Milk
4,50 €
Café y leche Shot of coffee and milk
4,50 €
Café y leche Latte - milk with a shot of coffee
4,50 €
Flat White
Espresso doble y leche Flat White - Double Shot of coffee and milk
4,30 €
Café Cortado
Espresso y leche Cortado - Espresso and milk
3,75 €
Café Machiato
Espresso y leche Machiato - Espresso and milk
3,75 €
Café Expresso
Single Shot Coffee
3,30 €
Café Americano /Americano Coffee
Espresso y agua caliente Americano Coffee - Espresso & Hot Water
3,30 €

Zumos Recién exprimido / Freshly Squeezed Juices

Zumo Boost C / Juice Boost C (500 Ml.)
Zanahoria, jengibre, limón Recién exprimido Freshly Squeezed Carrot, ginger, lemon (500 Ml.)
9,50 €
Zumo Alkalizer / Alkalizer Juice (500 Ml.)
Remolacha, zanahoria, pepino y manzana recién exprimidos. Freshly squeezed Beetroot, carrot, cucumber & apple. (500 Ml.)
9,50 €
Zumo Detox / Detox Juice (500 Ml.)
Pepino, manzana, zanahoria y jengibre Recién exprimido Detox Juice (500 Ml.) Cucumber, apple, carrot & ginger (500 Ml.)
9,50 €
Zumo Power / Juice Power (500 Ml.)
Naranja, zanahoria y manzana recién exprimidas Juice Power (500 Ml.) Freshly squeezed Orange, Carrot & Apple (500 Ml.)
9,50 €
Zumo De Naranja Natural / Fresh Orange Juice (500 Ml.)
Zumo De Naranja Natural Recién exprimido Fresh Orange Juice Freshly Squeezed (500 Ml.) (500 Ml.)
9,10 €

Batidos recién hechos / Freshly Made Smoothies

Smoothie Acai
Açai, plátano, mango y agua de coco Smoothie Acai Acai, banana, mango and coconut water
11,75 €
Smoothie Tropico
Fruta de la pasión, piña, mango, maracuyá y agua de coco Smoothie Tropico Passion fruit, pineapple, mango, passion fruit and coconut water
9,50 €
Smoothie Go Green
Espirulina, espinaca, manzana y aguacate Smoothie Go Green Spirulina, spinach, apple and avocado
9,50 €
Smoothie Immunity
Piña, mango, cúrcuma, pimienta de cayena y leche de coco Smoothie Immunity Pineapple, mango, turmeric, cayenne pepper and coconut milk
9,50 €
Smoothie Berry Mojito
Arándanos, mango, piña, menta, lima y agua de coco Smoothie Berry Mojito Blueberries, mango, pineapple, mint, lime and coconut water
9,50 €
Smoothie Salted Caramel
Plátano, mango, caramelo, sal marina y leche de coco Banana, mango, caramel, sea salt and coconut milk
9,50 €
Smoothie Viennas Coffee Kick
Café expreso, plátano, cacao y mantequilla de cacahuete Smoothie Viennas Coffee Kick Espresso coffee, banana, cocoa and peanut butter
9,50 €
Espresso, helado de vainilla, leche y crema batida Frappuccino Espresso, vanilla ice cream, milk and whipped cream
9,50 €
Plátano, helado de vainilla, canela y leche Bananaccino Banana, vanilla ice cream, cinnamon and milk
9,50 €

Batidos de leche recién hechos / Freshly Made Milkshakes

Batido De Chocolate / Chocolate Milkshake
Batido De Chocolate Chocolate Milkshake
9,00 €
Batido De Caramelo / Caramel Milkshake
Batido De Caramelo Caramel Milkshake
9,00 €
Batido De Fresa / Strawberry Milkshake
Batido De Fresa Strawberry Milkshake
9,00 €
Batido De Vainilla / Vanilla Milkshake
Batido De Vainilla Vanilla Milkshake
9,00 €
Batido De Nutella / Nutella Milkshake
Batido De Nutella Nutella Milkshake
9,00 €

Cervezas / Beer

Cerveza Alhambra / Alhambra beer
Alhambra beer 330 ml
5,00 €
Cerveza Budweiser / Budweiser beer
Budweiser beer 330ml
5,00 €
Cerveza Nastro Azzurro Peroni / Peroni Beer
Peroni Beer 330ml
5,00 €
Cerveza Corona / Corona Beer
Corona Beer 330ml
5,00 €
Cerveza Victoria/ Victoria Beer
Victoria Beer 330ml
5,00 €
Cerveza Heineken / Heineken Beer
Heineken Beer 330ml
5,00 €
Cerveza San Miguel 0% de alcohol / San Miguel Beer 0% Alcohol
San Miguel Beer 0% Alcohol 330ml
4,00 €
Victoria sin alcohol Cerveza / Victoria no alcohol Beer
Victoria no alcohol Beer 330ml
4,00 €

Vino de la casa por la botella / House Wine by the Bottle

Vino blanco de la casa (botella) / House White Wine (Bottle)
Botella de vino blanco de la casa. Las botellas pueden variar Bottle of House White Wine. Bottles may vary.
25,00 €
Vino rosa de la casa (botella) / House Rose Wine (Bottle)
Vino rosa de la casa (botella). La botella puede variar House Rose Wine (Bottle). Bottle may Vary Bottle may vary
25,00 €
Vino tinto de la casa (botella) / House Red Wine (Bottle)
Vino tinto de la casa (botella). La botella puede variar. House Red Wine (Bottle). Bottle may vary.
25,00 €

Breakfast And Brunch - Served All Day

Big English Breakfast
Eggs, English Bacon & Cumberland Sausages, Beans with Tomato, Mushrooms and Toast 2 x Fried Eggs, 2 x English Bacon & Sausages, Baked Beans, Mushrooms and Tomatoes, 2 Slices of Toast Please select your choices / and any add on’s below:
18,95 €
Smashed Avocado Toast (V)
Cherry Tomatoes, Feta Cheese, Humous, Balsamic Glaze & Sunflower Seeds Please select the option(s) below:
15,50 €
Sandwich Kevin Bacon
English Bacon, Fried Egg, Avocado, Tomato, Rocket & Basil Pesto Mayo Please select from the option(s) below:
13,00 €
House Made Banana Bread (V)
With Cinnamon Mascarpone, Honey & Candied Walnuts
9,75 €
Sausage Sandwich
2 slices of toasted bread & 2 English Cumberland Sausages Please select your choices/add on’s below:
8,95 €
Bacon Sandwich
2 slices of toasted bread & 2 slices of English bacon Please select your choices/add on’s below:
8,95 €

Brunch / Lunch - Served All Day

Lamb Kofta Kebab
Charcoal Grilled Minced Lamb & Coriander Kofta Kebab. Rice, Salad, Diced Tomato & Peppers Ezme Salad, Pitta Bread & Sauces
24,75 €
Chicken Shish Kebab
Charcoal Grilled Marinated Chicken Breast Skewered Kebab. Rice, Salad, Diced Tomato/Peppers Ezme Salad, Pitta Bread,Sauces
22,50 €
Chicken Wrap with Fries
Cajun Chicken, Avocado, Mixed Leaf Salad, Tomato, Caramelised Onion, Chipotle Sauce. Served With Fries
18,95 €
Marinated Chicken Breast Gem Salad
Choice of Chicken: Lettuce, Cucumber, Avocado, Tomato Salsa, Toasted Almond, Feta Cheese, Creamy Basil Pesto Dressing.
18,95 €
Chicken Cesar Salad
Served With Crispy Breaded Chicken, Parmesan Cheese, Crispy Bacon, Croutons, Lettuce & Cesar Dressing.
18,95 €
Smoked Salmon Gem Salad
Smoked Salmon, Lettuce, Cucumber, Avocado, Tomato Salsa, Toasted Almond, Feta Cheese, Creamy Basil Pesto Dressing.
18,50 €
Goat Cheese Salad (V)
Grilled Goats Cheese, Rocket, Mushrooms, Candied Walnuts, Fresh Apples.
18,20 €
Viennas Burger & Fries
Prime Beef Patty, House Made Relish, Alioli, Pickles, Lettuce & Swiss Cheese. Served with Fries
17,95 €
Fried Chicken Burger & Fries
Lettuce, Kimchi Mayo, Coleslaw & Pickles Served with Fries
17,95 €
BBQ Pulled Pork Burger & Fries
Chipotle Mayo, Pickles & Coleslaw. Served with Fries
17,95 €
Tuna Wrap with Fries
Tuna Mixed With Sweet Corn, Red Onion, Mayo, Mixed Leaf Salad. Served With Fries
17,95 €
Veggie Wrap with Fries (V)
Halloumi Cheese, Spinach, Tomato, Pesto Mayo, Served With Fries
17,95 €
Salt Beef Bagel
Homemade Salt Beef Bagel with gherkin/pickles. Please select your mustard choice / add on’s below:
15,60 €
Chicken Quesadillas
Cajun Chicken, cheese, pico de gallo, guacamole, sour cream.
15,60 €
Chicken Milanese Bagel
Breaded Fried Chicken, Melted Swiss Cheese, Lettuce & Sauce Of Your Choice. Please select your choices of bagel sauce / any add on’s below:
14,50 €
Open Salmon Bagel
Smoked Salmon, Cream Cheese, Capers & Snow Pea Sprouts
14,50 €
Little Gem Summer Salad (V)
Gem Lettuce, Cucumber, Avocado, Tomato Salsa, Toasted Almond, Feta Cheese & Creamy Basil Pesto Dressing.
13,00 €
Caprese Bagel (V)
Buffalo Mozzarella, Tomato, Basil Pesto & Rocket
13,00 €


Portion of Grilled Halloumi Cheese (V)
Portion of Grilled Halloumi Cheese
6,50 €
Sweet Potato Fries (V)
Sweet Potato Fries
5,50 €
Portion of Smoked Salmon
Portion of Smoked Salmon
5,50 €
Fries (V)
4,95 €
Hash Browns (2 pieces per portion) (V)
Hash Browns (2 pieces per portion)
3,95 €
English Bacon (2 pieces per portion)
English Bacon (2 pieces per portion)
3,95 €

Kid’s Menu

House-made Breaded Fried Chicken Breast Fingers & Fries
House made Breaded Fried Chicken Breast Fingers & Fries
11,00 €
Kid’s Pizza Margarita (V)
Tomato & Cheese Pizza Margarita
11,00 €
Kid’s Pasta Pomadoro (V)
Pasta Served with Tomato Sauce & Cheese
8,50 €

Soft Drinks

San Pellegrino
San Pellegrino 500ml
5,00 €
Sparkling Water
Sparkling Water - Bottle may vary Size 500ml
4,50 €
Still Water
Still Water - Bottle may vary Size 500ml
3,50 €


Iced Latte
Double Shot of Coffee with cold milk. Choice of dairy alternatives & Syrups
5,20 €
Coffee With Milk
Shot of Coffee With Milk
4,50 €
Shot of Coffee With Milk
4,50 €
Latte - milk with a shot of coffee
4,50 €
Flat White
Double Shot of coffee and milk
4,50 €
Double Expresso
Double Shot Coffee
3,75 €
Espresso and milk
3,75 €
Espresso and milk
3,75 €
Single Shot Coffee
3,30 €
Americano Coffee
Espresso & Hot Water
3,30 €

Freshly Squeezed Juices

Alkalizer Juice (500 Ml.)
Alkalizer Juice Freshly squeezed Beetroot, carrot, cucumber & apple. (500 Ml.)
9,50 €
Juice Boost C (500 Ml.)
Freshly Squeezed Carrot, ginger, lemon
9,50 €
Detox Juice (500 Ml.)
Cucumber, apple, carrot & ginger
9,50 €
Juice Power (500 Ml.)
Freshly squeezed Orange, Carrot & Apple
9,50 €
Fresh Orange Juice (500 Ml.)
Fresh Orange Juice Freshly Squeezed (500 Ml.)
9,10 €

Freshly Made Smoothies

Smoothie Tropico
Passion fruit, pineapple, mango, passion fruit and coconut water
9,50 €
Smoothie Immunity
Pineapple, mango, turmeric, cayenne pepper and coconut milk
9,50 €
Smoothie Berry Mojito
Blueberries, mango, pineapple, mint, lime and coconut water
9,50 €
Smoothie Viennas Coffee Kick
Espresso coffee, banana, cocoa and peanut butter
9,50 €
Espresso, vanilla ice cream, milk and whipped cream
9,50 €
Banana, vanilla ice cream, cinnamon and milk
9,50 €
Smoothie Acai
Acai, banana, mango and coconut water
9,50 €

Freshly Made Milkshakes

Chocolate Milkshake
Chocolate Milkshake
9,00 €
Vanilla Milkshake
Vanilla Milkshake
9,00 €
Strawberry Milkshake
Strawberry Milkshake
9,00 €
Caramel Milkshake
Caramel Milkshake
9,00 €
Nutella Milkshake
Nutella Milkshake
9,00 €


Alhambra beer
Alhambra beer 330 ml
5,00 €
Budweiser beer
Budweiser beer 330ml
5,00 €
Peroni Beer
Peroni Beer 330ml
5,00 €
Corona Beer
Corona Beer 330ml
5,00 €
Victoria Beer
Victoria Beer 330ml
5,00 €
Heineken Beer
Heineken Beer 330ml
5,00 €
San Miguel Beer 0% Alcohol
San Miguel Beer 0% Alcohol 330ml
4,00 €
Victoria Beer no alcohol Beer
Victoria no alcohol Beer 330ml
4,00 €

House Wine by the Bottle

Bottle of House White Wine
Bottle of House White Wine. Bottles may vary.
25,00 €
Bottle of House Rose Wine.
Bottle of House Rose Wine. Bottles may vary.
25,00 €
Bottle of House Red Wine.
Bottle of House Red Wine. Bottles may vary
25,00 €

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