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Tomate Rama Carrefour (Aprox. 1Kg)
2,49 €
Tomate Pera Carrefour (Aprox. 1Kg)
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2,09 €
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1,11 €
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0,95 €
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1,54 €
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1,27 €
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1,82 €
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1,09 €
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1,76 €
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Judías, Brócoli y Espárragos
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Cebolla y Ajo
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1,87 €
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1,43 €
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2,20 €
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1,54 €
Hierbas Aromáticas
Laurel Deshidratado Bandeja 20 Gr.
2,60 €
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1,11 €
Verdura Preparada
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1,60 €
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1,16 €
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1,98 €
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Ñora Entera Deshidratada Trevijano Bandeja 60 Gr.
2,93 €
Rabanitos Carrefour Bolsa 250 Gr.
1,09 €
Alcachofa Carrefour Granel (Aporx. 1 Kg.)
4,48 €
Berenjena 2ª Categoría Carrefour A Granel (Aprox. 1Kg)
2,09 €
Arreglo para Cocido Carrefour (Aprox. 1Kg)
2,77 €
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