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The Art Bistro

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Truffle Gnocchi
With parmesan cheese cream and black alba truffle / Con crema de queso parmesano y trufa negra alba
17,60 € 22,00 €
Truffle Ravioli with Parmesan Cream
With black alba truffle / Con trufa negra alba
17,60 € 22,00 €
Beef Poke Bowl
Rice bowl topped with pickled ginger, cucumber, carrot strips, edamame, red onion and kimchi mayonnaise / Tazón de arroz cubierto con jengibre encurtido, pepino, tiras de zanahoria, edamame, cebolla morada y mayonesa de kimchi
15,30 € 17,00 €
Caprese Burrata Salad
Tomatoes, pesto, burrata cheese and balsamic reduction / Tomates, pesto, queso burrata y reducción de balsámico
13,95 € 15,50 €
Chicken Caesar Salad
Romaine lettuce with chicken, croutons and crispy bacon / Lechuga romana con pollo, picatostes y tocino crujiente
12,60 € 14,00 €
Açaí Bowl
Acai bowl covered in homemade granola, seasonal fruits, chia seeds and coconut flakes / Tazón de acai congelado cubierto con granola casera, frutas de temporada, semillas de chía y virutas de coco
12,15 € 13,50 €
Buttered Cod Fish
Buttered cod fish - 120-150g/ Bacalao a la mantequilla - 120-150g
11,66 € 12,95 €
Beef Curry Tamarind
Beef Curry Tamarind with Saffron Rice / Carne De Res Al Curry De Tamarindo Con Arroz Con Azafrán 200g + 150g
12,50 €
Granola Bowl
Greek yoghurt covered in homemade granola, seasonal berries, chia seeds and coconut flakes / Yogur griego cubierto con granola casera, frutas de temporada, semillas de chía y virutas de coco
10,80 € 12,00 €
2 Plant Based Patties 220 - 225gr BEYOND MEAT
The Beyond burger (TM) is the world's first plant-based burger that tastes like an authentic fresh beef burger / El Beyond burger (TM) es la primera hamburguesa vegetal del mundo que sabe como una auténtica hamburguesa de ternera fresca
9,81 € 10,90 €
Home Made Beef Lasagna
Home made lasagna with layers of slow cooked ragù bolognese and besciamella cheese sauce / Lasaña casera con capas de ragú boloñesa cocida a fuego lento y salsa de queso besciamella
9,45 € 10,50 €
German Beef & Pork Meatballs
German frikadellen beef and pork meatballs - 2 Pcs 220 gr / Albóndigas alemanas de ternera y cerdo - 2 uds 220 gr
8,96 € 9,95 €
Focaccia Mortadella
Light and airy focaccia bread layered with savoury slices of mortadella / Ligero pan de focaccia con sabrosas lonchas de mortadela
8,06 € 8,95 €
Organic Chicken Kiev Filled With Melted Herb de Provence Butter
Organic Chicken Kiev filled with melted Herb de Provence Butter - Air-fried 1pcs / Pollo Kiev Orgánico Relleno De Mantequilla De Hierbas Provenzales Derretida - Frito Al Aire 1ud
8,90 €
Avocado Toast
Toasted sourdough bread with mashed avocado / Pan de masa madre tostado con aguacate triturado
8,01 € 8,90 €
Catalan Breakfast
Toasted sourdough bread served with shaved tomatoes and olive oil / Pan de masa madre tostado servido con tomates rallados y aceite de oliva
7,65 € 8,50 €
Chili Con Carne
7,65 € 8,50 €
Focaccia Smoked Salmon
Freshly baked focaccia topped with silky smoked salmon / Focaccia recién horneada cubierta con sedoso salmón ahumado
7,16 € 7,95 €
Pork Cordon Bleu With French Cooked Ham & Melted Swiss Cheese
Tender & crispy pork cordon bleu with French cooked ham and melted Swiss cheese 190gr - 200gr / Cordon bleu de cerdo tierno con jamón cocido francés y queso suizo fundido 190gr - 200gr
7,90 €
Fried Rice With Vegetables
5,31 € 5,90 €
German Potato Salad
5,31 € 5,90 €
Greek Salad
5,31 € 5,90 €
Mushrooms With Sweetcorn
5,31 € 5,90 €
Pasta Salad
5,31 € 5,90 €
Mashed Potatoes
200g of smooth and creamy mashed potatoes, whipped to perfection for a comforting and classic side dish / 200g de suave y cremoso puré de patatas, batido a la perfección para una reconfortante y clásica guarnición
4,95 € 5,50 €
German Nurnberger Sausages Air-fried
Price for 4 pcs. / Precio por 4 uds.
4,41 € 4,90 €
Hashbrown Air-fried
Price for 2 pcs. / Precio por 2uds.
2,61 € 2,90 €

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