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The Art Bistro

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store rating 93%
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Teriyaki Bowl With Chicken
Chicken with pearl rice, tomato, cucumber, coriander and cabbage / pollo con arroz perla, tomate, pepino, and cilantro
21,45 €
Beef Curry Tamarind
Beef Curry Tamarind with Saffron Rice / Carne De Res Al Curry De Tamarindo Con Arroz Con Azafrán 200g + 150g
19,45 €
Pork Cordon Bleu With French Cooked Ham & Melted Swiss Cheese
Tender & crispy pork cordon bleu with French cooked ham and melted Swiss cheese 190gr - 200gr / Cordon bleu de cerdo tierno con jamón cocido francés y queso suizo fundido 190gr - 200gr
17,95 €
Organic Chicken Kiev Filled With Melted Herb de Provence Butter
Organic Chicken Kiev filled with melted Herb de Provence Butter - Air-fried 1pcs / Pollo Kiev Orgánico Relleno De Mantequilla De Hierbas Provenzales Derretida - Frito Al Aire 1ud
16,95 €
The most soothing, comforting soup, you’ll be feeling better in no time! The veggies and garlic/ginger/lemongrass/lemon juice combo here does absolute wonders and has you feeling better and back on your feet in no time.
15,55 €
dreamy creamy flavoured cheddar broccoli soup
This cheddar broccoli soup has a dreamy creamy texture and is packed to the brim with flavour! Broccoli and cheese really are a match made in heaven, and today we’re celebrating that match in the form of our ART BROCCOLI soup
15,55 €
Home Made Beef Lasagna
Home made lasagna with layers of slow cooked ragù bolognese and besciamella cheese sauce / Lasaña casera con capas de ragú boloñesa cocida a fuego lento y salsa de queso besciamella
12,56 € 13,95 €
Focaccia Smoked Salmon
Freshly baked focaccia topped with silky smoked salmon / Focaccia recién horneada cubierta con sedoso salmón ahumado
11,66 € 12,95 €

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The Art Bistro dendan, eskaera egiteko gutxieneko zenbatekoa dago. Baina ez kezkatu: zenbatekora iristen ez bazara, tarifa gehigarri bat ordaindu beharko du, baina berdin-berdin jasoko duzu glovo-a!