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Spisa - Sibylla

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Glovo Prime
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Grilled Bamse
Sibylla original sausage 120g
6,80 €
Spicy Sausage with Garlic 100g
6,80 €
Sausage in a bun with mashed potato
5,90 €
Vegetarian Kabanoss
Sausage in a bun with mashed potato
4,80 €
Boiled Sausage
Sibylla original sausage 55g
3,80 €
Grilled Sausage
Sibylla original sausage 55g
3,80 €


Beef Burger 150G
150G Beef Patty, lettuce, tomato, onion & dressing
12,90 €
Vegetarian Burger
100% plant-based burger 90G ( soy protein and seasoned with nutmeg and garlic ), lettuce, tomato, onion & dressing
11,90 €
Beef Burger 90G
90G Beef Patty, lettuce, tomato, onion & dressing
9,90 €
Beef Burger 90G
90G Beef Patty, lettuce, tomato, onion & dressing
9,90 €


Boiled Sausage DOUBLE Roll
Two boiled sausages, mashed potato, lettuce & onion in flat bread
13,90 €
Grilled Bamse Roll
Grilled Bamse sausage 120g, mashed potato, lettuce & onion in flat bread
13,90 €
Kabanoss Roll
Spicy Kabanoss sausage, mashed potato, lettuce & onion in flat bread
13,90 €
Boiled Sausage Roll
Boiled sausage, mashed potato, lettuce & onion in flat bread
11,90 €
Grilled Sausage Roll
Grilled sausage, mashed potato, lettuce & onion in flat bread
11,90 €
Vegetarian Kabanoss Roll
Vegetarian Kabanoss Sausage, Mashed potato, lettuce & onion in flat bread
11,90 €


French Fries
4,50 €
Mashed Potatoes
4,50 €
Cucumber Mayo
1,90 €
Pickel Relish - Boston
1,90 €
Garlic Dip
1,90 €
Chilli Mayo
1,90 €
Cheddar Dip
1,90 €
Scrimp in Mayo/Räksallad
1,90 €
Bernaise Dip
1,90 €


Ice Tea 33CL
3,00 €
Pucko Milk Chocolate
3,00 €
Soft Drink Small 33CL
2,50 €
Fonte Vella Still Water 50CL
2,00 €
1,90 €

Arakatu antzeko dendak kategoria hauetan:

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Badago Spisa - Sibylla dendarako promoziorik Glovo-n?
Bilatu beti produktu deskontudunak eta eskaintza bereziak; horiz markatuta agertzen dira. Batzuetan, eskaintza bereziak ikusiko dituzu; adibidez, eraman 2 eta ordaindu 1, edo deskontua banaketan!
Eskuragarri dago Spisa - Sibylla Prime-n?
Ez. Prime Glovo-ren harpidetza-programa da, eta gure bazkideetako batzuengandik banaketa guztiak doan jasotzeko eta beste abantaila batzuez gozatzeko aukera ematen du.
Badago eskaera egiteko gutxieneko zenbatekorik Spisa - Sibylla dendan?
Spisa - Sibylla dendan, eskaera egiteko gutxieneko zenbatekoa dago. Baina ez kezkatu: zenbatekora iristen ez bazara, tarifa gehigarri bat ordaindu beharko du, baina berdin-berdin jasoko duzu glovo-a!