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Glovo Pizza Promotions

Extra Large Pizza Plus Free 1.25 Litres Soda


BBQ Chicken, Macon & Pepperoni Pizza
We start with oour famous sauce, a topping of BBQ chicken, macon, pepperoni and a topping of cheese.
The Works Pizza
We start with our famous sauce, a topping of green peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, black olives, pepperoni, BBQ chicken, beef, macon and cheese.
Meat Lovers Pizza
We start with our famous sauce, a topping of BBQ beef, beef ham, macon, pepperoni and cheese
BBQ Chicken Pizza
We start with our famous sauce, a topping of sweet corn, a topping of premium marinated chicken, macon and cheese
Chicken Sausage Pizza
We start with our famous sauce, a topping of chicken, sausage, a topping of garden fresh mushrooms, BBQ chicken and cheese.
Turkey Ham & Cheese Pizza
We start with our famous sauce, olives, mushrooms, premium turkey and cheese
Tripple Macon Pizza
We start with our famous sauce, a tripple topping of macon and cheese
Barito Chicken Pizza
We start with our famous sauce, of toppinf of periperi chicken, a topping of green peppers, white onions, tomatoes, relish, mayonnaise, smuttlered and cheese
Regina Pizza
We start with our famous sauce, a topping of beef ham, garden fresh mushroom and cheese
Tikka Chicken Pizza
We start with our famous sauce, a topping of onions, green peppers, specially seasoned premium chicken and cheese
Barito Beef Pizza
We start with our famous sauce, of toppinf of beef, a topping of green peppers, white onions, tomatoes, relish, mayonnaise, smuttlered and cheese
Four Seasons Pizza
We start with our famous sauce, a topping of garden fresh tomatoes on a quater, a topping of ham, and mushroom on a quater , a topping of pepperoni and olives on a quater and cheese
BBQ Beef Pizza
We start with our famous sauce, a topping of beef marinated in our famous BBQ sauce and cheese
Hawaiian Pizza
We start with our famous sauce, a topping, of fresh pineapple, macon and cheese
Boerewors Pizza
We start with our famous sauce, a topping, of premium minced beef covered with tomato, oinion and cheese
Chicken Peri Pizza
We start with our famous sauce, topped with premium spiced chicken and topping of cheese
Red Hot Veggi Pizza
We start with our famous sauce, a topping of red peppers, red chili, red onions, olives, sweet corn, mushroom pineapples and cheese
Veggi Lovers Pizza
We start with our famous sauce, a topping of tomatoes, onions, green peppers, mushroom pineapples and cheese
Cheese Pepperoni Pizza
We start with our famous sauce, a topping, of pepperoni and cheese
Margherita Pizza
We start with our famous sauce, a topping, of fresh hand selected tomatoes and cheese
Cheese Pizza
We start with famous sauce and special two cheese blend

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Com puc demanar Pizza Planet Gateway Mall a domicili a Nairobi?
Per demanar Pizza Planet Gateway Mall a domicili a Nairobi, simplement obre la pàgina web o aplicació de Glovo i ves a la categoria «Pizza”». A continuació, introdueix-hi la teva adreça per comprovar si, a Nairobi, Pizza Planet Gateway Mall ofereix lliurament a domicili en aquesta àrea. Ara tria els productes que vulguis i afegeix-los a la teva comanda. Quan facis el pagament, es començarà a preparar la teva comanda i, poc després, un repartidor te la lliurarà directament a la porta.
Què puc demanar a Pizza Planet Gateway Mall a Nairobi?
Pizza Planet Gateway Mall ofereix una gran varietat de productes que pots demanar. Dona una ullada a la seva llista de productes i tria el que vulguis demanar a Pizza Planet Gateway Mall.
Quan puc demanar Pizza Planet Gateway Mall a domicili?
Durant l’horari de treball de Pizza Planet Gateway Mall’s, pots fer la teva comanda en qualsevol moment. Gràcies al nostre lliurament superràpid, podràs gaudir del teu glovo al cap d’uns minuts! També pots programar el lliurament a una hora que et vagi bé, encara que l’establiment estigui tancat en el moment de fer la comanda.
Com valoren altres clients a Pizza Planet Gateway Mall?
Pizza Planet Gateway Mall ha estat recomanat per un 100% dels clients que han demanat un glovo a l’establiment. Fes la teva comanda avui per veure si també t’agrada!
Quina mena de productes puc demanar a Pizza Planet Gateway Mall?
Pizza Planet Gateway Mall ofereix productes de la categoria «Pizza». Consulta’n la llista de productes per veure què pots demanar. No dubtis a consultar també altres establiments de la categoria «Pizza» disponibles a Nairobi.