The best gas delivery shops in Kenya
Our partner network in Kenya is extensive and growing all the time. All you have to do is type “Gas” into the app and it will use your current location to find the best providers with gas near you.
The Glovo team strives to find the best domestic gas bottle suppliers in Kenya. We take everything into account in our evaluation including quality, reviews, customer service, and more. We’re sure you'll be thrilled with our partner suppliers, so why don't you try it out today on the app or website?
You can choose from multiple international suppliers with standard 13kg and 6kg new bottles and refills available for delivery. You can easily match up the bottle type to your existing gas supplier if you already use gas, or choose common accessories such as regulators.
Gas delivery is super convenient. It saves time and money and gives you greater access to more home and business fuel options. But it isn't the only service that the Glovo app can optimise for you. Did you know you can order 20L full and refill water bottles as well? If you use both gas and water, you can stock up on both at the same time.
And that's not all. The Glovo app gives you easy access to the best order-out restaurants, grocery orders, clothing and accessories, pharmaceutical products, and much more. Download the Glovo app today. You can explore all the options available and find the best options for what you need right now.