Chippy's Loaded Fries & More

Chippy's Loaded Fries & More

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store rating 89%
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Glovo Prime
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Original Loaded Fries
Over half a kg of skin-on hand-cut fries, tangy kachumbari, crispy fried chicken pieces, and our signature mild original sauce, all topped with melted mozzarella cheese.
KSh798.00 KSh1,140.00
Cajun chicken wings
6 pieces of breaded, fried chicken wings tossed in our signature cajun spice blend. Pair it with a choice of seasoned fries, plain fries or 1/2 a portion of loaded fries.
KSh970.00 KSh1,270.00
Honey garlic chicken wings
6 pieces of fried chicken wings cooked in our signature honey garlic sauce for a sweet garlic kick. Pair it with your choice of seasoned fries, plain fries or 1/2 a portion of loaded fries.
KSh970.00 KSh1,270.00

Top sellers

Original Loaded Fries
Over half a kg of skin-on hand-cut fries, tangy kachumbari, crispy fried chicken pieces, and our signature mild original sauce, all topped with melted mozzarella cheese.
KSh798.00 KSh1,140.00

Loaded fries

Original Loaded Fries
Over half a kg of skin-on hand-cut fries, tangy kachumbari, crispy fried chicken pieces, and our signature mild original sauce, all topped with melted mozzarella cheese.
KSh798.00 KSh1,140.00
Moto Moto Loaded fries
Over half a kg of skin-on hand-cut fries, tangy kachumbari, crispy fried chicken pieces, and our signature spicy moto moto sauce, all topped with melted mozzarella cheese.
KSh798.00 KSh1,140.00
Honey garlic loaded fries
Over half a kg of skin-on hand-cut fries, tangy kachumbari, crispy fried chicken pieces cooked in our thick honey garlic sauce, all topped with melted mozzarella cheese.
KSh798.00 KSh1,140.00
Hot honey loaded fries
Over half a kg of skin-on hand-cut fries, tangy kachumbari, crispy fried chicken pieces cooked in our sweet and spicy hot honey sauce all topped with melted mozzarella cheese.

Chicken wings

Hot honey chicken wings
6 pieces of breaded, fried chicken wings cooked in our signature hot honey sauce for a hot & sweet kick. Pair it with a choice of seasoned fries, plain fries or 1/2 a portion of loaded fries.
KSh970.00 KSh1,270.00
Honey garlic chicken wings
6 pieces of fried chicken wings cooked in our signature honey garlic sauce for a sweet garlic kick. Pair it with your choice of seasoned fries, plain fries or 1/2 a portion of loaded fries.
KSh970.00 KSh1,270.00
Cajun chicken wings
6 pieces of breaded, fried chicken wings tossed in our signature cajun spice blend. Pair it with a choice of seasoned fries, plain fries or 1/2 a portion of loaded fries.
KSh970.00 KSh1,270.00


Seasoned Chips
Crispy hand cut, skin on French fries tossed in our signature herb & spice blend
Plain Chips


Cold refreshing sprite
Cold refreshing fanta

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Сделать заказ можно в любое время, когда заведение «Chippy's Loaded Fries & More’s» открыто на нашей платформе. Заказав в приложении или на веб-сайте, вы получите фирменную быструю доставку и сможете насладиться вашим заказом Glovo уже через несколько минут! Вы также можете назначить доставку на удобное для вас время, даже если выбранное заведение в данный момент закрыто.