Alpha Veggies Groceries

Alpha Veggies Groceries

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Alpha Veggies Fruits

Fresh Red Dragon Fruits – 1kg
Dragon Fruit offers a visually stunning and delicious experience. Known for its mild, sweet flavor and crunchy texture, Dragon Fruit is a refreshing addition to any fruit platter, smoothie, or dessert.
Kiwi Fruits – Pack Of 6
Known for its bright green flesh and sweet-tart flavor, Kiwi fruit is a versatile and delicious addition to any meal. Whether eaten on its own, sliced into salads, or used in smoothies and desserts.
Peaches - 5 pc
Whether enjoyed fresh as a juicy snack, sliced into a refreshing salad, or blended into a smoothie, our peaches add a burst of flavor and nutritional goodness to your day.
Whole Pomegranate – 1 Piece
Our whole pomegranates are carefully selected to ensure they are ripe, juicy, and bursting with flavor. Pomegranates are not only a tasty treat but also packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that are beneficial for your health.
Whole Cantaloupe 1.5kg – Approx 1pc
Indulge in the sweet and juicy taste of our Whole Cantaloupe, available now at Alpha Veggies Groceries! These ripe and flavorful cantaloupes are the perfect addition to your summer fruit salad, smoothie, or snack platter.
Honeydew Melon – 1kg
Indulge in the sweet and refreshing taste of Honeydew Melon, available now at Alpha Veggies Groceries! Our succulent and juicy Honeydew Melons are sourced from local farmers to ensure the highest quality and flavor.
Sweet Bananas – 1kg – Approx 12 Pieces
Our sweet bananas are handpicked to perfection, ensuring they are at their peak ripeness for maximum flavor and sweetness. Packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, sweet bananas are a nutritious addition to your diet.
Matoke Bunch 1kg – Approx 6 Pcs
Discover the exotic and flavorful Matoke bananas, available now at Alpha Veggies Groceries! Grown in the lush tropical regions, these Matoke bananas are known for their unique taste and versatility.
Local Pineapples – 1kg
Experience the tropical delight of Pineapple, available now at Alpha Veggies Groceries! Our Pineapples are sourced from top-quality farms to bring you the freshest and most flavorful fruit possible.
Sweet Melon - 1kg
Savor the succulent and sweet taste of Sweet Melon, available now at Alpha Veggies Groceries! Our Sweet Melon is hand-picked from the finest farms to bring you the juiciest and most flavorful melon possible.
Black Passion Fruit – 500g
Discover the exotic and intense flavor of black passion fruit, available exclusively at Alpha Veggies Groceries! Our premium black passion fruit is handpicked at the peak of ripeness to ensure you receive the freshest and most flavorful fruit.
Yellow Passion Fruit - 500g
Introducing the vibrant and exotic Yellow Passion Fruit, available now at Alpha Veggies Groceries! This tropical fruit is bursting with tangy and sweet flavors that will transport your taste buds to paradise.
Local Lemons – 1kg
Discover the zesty freshness of Local Lemons, now offered at Alpha Veggies Groceries in Nairobi! Our locally grown lemons are bursting with tangy flavor and vibrant citrus notes, making them a must-have ingredient in your kitchen.
Apple Mango – 1kg
Satisfy your cravings for tropical sweetness with our delicious Apple Mango, available at Alpha Veggies Groceries! Our Apple Mango is carefully selected from the finest orchards to ensure you receive the freshest and most flavorful fruit.
Pixie Oranges – 500g
Pixie Oranges are known for their easy-to-peel skin and juicy, seedless segments, making them a convenient and delicious snack option for on-the-go enjoyment. Enjoy them on their own for a burst of citrusy sweetness.
Local Orange (Normal) – 1kg
Experience the burst of sunshine with our locally-sourced oranges, available now at Alpha Veggies Groceries! Our fresh and flavorful oranges are picked at peak ripeness from local orchards, ensuring the highest quality and taste.
Local Pawpaw -1kg
Experience the luscious and tropical taste of Pawpaw fruit, available now at Alpha Veggies Groceries! Our fresh and juicy Pawpaws are sourced from local farms to bring you the best quality and flavor.
Banana bunch – 6 pieces
Our bananas are carefully selected to ensure that they are perfectly ripe and ready to be enjoyed. Sweet, creamy, and full of natural goodness, these bananas are a great source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
Water Melon – 1kg
Quench your thirst and satisfy your sweet cravings with our juicy Watermelons, available now at Alpha Veggies Groceries! Grown locally and picked at peak ripeness, our Watermelons are bursting with refreshing flavor and hydration.

Alpha Veggies Fruit Baskets

Luxurious Fruit Basket
Red or Green grapes, red and green apples, mangoes, small sweet bananas, pixie oranges, black and yellow passion, strawberries, papaya, dragon fruits, kiwis, pineapple, chocolate, flowers + Wine + Bouquet of Flowers + Cadbury Chocolate Bar
Large Fruit Basket
Apples, kiwi fruits, grapes, strawberries, pineapple, pixie oranges, banana bunch, local oranges, passion fruits + Ribena + Bouquet of Flowers + Cadbury Chocolate
Anniversary Gift Fruit Basket
Apples, kiwi fruits, grapes, strawberries, pineapple, pixie oranges, banana bunch, local oranges, passion fruits + Wine + Bouquet of Flowers + Cadbury Chocolate Bar
Medium Fruit Basket
Apples, kiwi fruits, grapes, strawberries, pineapple, pixie oranges, banana bunch, local oranges, passion fruits.
Diabetes Friendly Fruit Basket
Apples, raspberries, blueberries, avocados, local oranges, pixie Oranges, Grapes, lemons, pomegranate, lime + Lucozade
Small Fruit Basket
Apples, kiwi fruits, grapes, strawberries, pineapple, pixie oranges, banana bunch, local oranges.

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Щоб замовити доставку із закладу «Alpha Veggies Groceries» у м. Найробі, достатньо зайти на веб-сайт або відкрити додаток Glovo, а потім перейти до категорії «Fruit & Veg”». Потім введіть свою адресу, щоб дізнатися, чи доступна доставка із закладу «Alpha Veggies Groceries» до вашого району м. Найробі. Виберіть потрібні продукти та додайте їх до свого замовлення. Тепер вам потрібно зробити оплату. Відразу після цього почнеться приготування замовлення, і вже незабаром кур'єр привезе його прямо до ваших дверей.
Я зараз у місті Найробі. Що можна замовити у закладі «Alpha Veggies Groceries»?
Заклад «Alpha Veggies Groceries» пропонує великий асортимент товарів, які ви можете замовити будь-коли. Ознайомтеся з каталогом товарів, які заклад «Alpha Veggies Groceries» пропонує своїм клієнтам, та оберіть ті з них, які хотілося б замовити.
Чи пропонує заклад «Alpha Veggies Groceries» акції або бонуси користувачам Glovo?
Звертайте увагу на товари, що пропонуються зі знижкою, а також на поточні пропозиції, виділені в додатку жовтим кольором. Якщо вам пощастить, ви зможете знайти такі вигідні спеціальні пропозиції, як 2 за ціною 1 або доставка зі знижкою!
Чи бере участь заклад «Alpha Veggies Groceries» у програмі Prime?
Ні. Підписка на Prime дає користувачам право не лише на необмежені безкоштовні доставки з деяких партнерських закладів, а й дозволяє скористатися іншими перевагами!
В який час можна замовляти доставку із закладу «Alpha Veggies Groceries»?
Розмістити замовлення можна в будь-який час, коли заклад «Alpha Veggies Groceries’s» відкрито на нашій платформі. Замовивши у додатку або на веб-сайті, ви отримаєте фірмову швидку доставку і зможете насолоджуватися вашим замовленням Glovo вже за кілька хвилин! Ви також можете запланувати доставку на зручний для вас час, навіть якщо обраний заклад у цей час закритий.