Curry Club

Curry Club

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Dilliwala Butter Chicken
Tender chicken in a rich, silky 'makhani' sauce. A true DILLI! special, straight from the heart. Served with steaming hot rice or hand-crafted and layered paratha roll.
KSh760.00 KSh950.00
Mango Coconut Delight
Smooth and creamy pudding made from ripe mangoes, offering a luscious and tropical dessert option that is both refreshing and indulgent.
KSh320.00 KSh400.00
Orange Juice
Freshly squeezed orange juice, with light pulp. (Serving size:330ml)
KSh272.00 KSh340.00


Chicken Tikka Roll
Our paratha rolls are hand-crafted with layered parathas and a spicy filling of chicken tikka - served with our oh-so-delicious mint yoghurt chutney.
Paneer Tikka Roll
Our paratha rolls are hand-crafted with layered parathas and a spicy filling of Paneer Tikka - served with our oh-so-delicious mint yoghurt chutney.


Lahori Chicken Karahi
Popular Lahori style curry with ripened tomato base, stir fried in Karahi with spices, finished with fresh cilantro and slivers of ginger.Served with steaming hot rice or hand-crafted and layered paratha roll.
Lahori Mutton Karahi
Traditional Lahori style curry with tender mutton, ripened tomato base, stir fried in Karahi with spices, finished with fresh cilantro and slivers of ginger. Served with steaming hot rice or hand-crafted and layered paratha roll.
Chicken Tikka Masala
Prime pieces of chicken breast cooked in an onion and tomato sauce. Generously flavored with secret spices from the streets of DILLI! A traditional favorite. Served with steaming hot rice or hand-crafted and layered paratha roll.
KSh784.00 KSh980.00
Dilliwala Palak Paneer (Veg)
A steadfast, humble, and delicious vegetarian curry. Made rich and creamy with tender pieces of cottage cheese simmered in a flavorful spinach sauce. Served with steaming hot rice or hand-crafted and layered paratha roll.
Dilliwala Butter Chicken
Tender chicken in a rich, silky 'makhani' sauce. A true DILLI! special, straight from the heart. Served with steaming hot rice or hand-crafted and layered paratha roll.
KSh760.00 KSh950.00
Paneer Makhanwalla (Veg)
Soft cubes of paneer in a rich tomato gravy full of flavor and love. Served with steaming hot rice or hand-crafted and layered paratha roll.


Mango Coconut Delight
Smooth and creamy pudding made from ripe mangoes, offering a luscious and tropical dessert option that is both refreshing and indulgent.
KSh320.00 KSh400.00
Malai Kheer
Creamy rice pudding flavored with cardamom, nuts and DILLI! goodness. Perfect for a sweet treat. Serving size: 200gms.


Steamed Rice
Our steamed rice is light, fluffy, and the perfect side to enjoy with our flavorful curries.
Jeera Rice
Infused with the warm aroma of cumin seeds, our jeera rice adds an extra layer of flavor to your meal, making it a delightful choice for pairing with our aromatic curries.
Laccha Paratha
Our Laccha Paratha is a flaky and buttery flatbread, layered and handcrafted to perfection.


Orange Juice
Freshly squeezed orange juice, with light pulp. (Serving size:330ml)
KSh272.00 KSh340.00
Fresh Lemonade
Handcrafted fresh lemonade made with imported lemons, lightly sweetened. (Serving size: 330ml)

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