Tempura camarão, abacate, pepino surmi, salada de maionese com molho palling
8,50 €
10,00 €
Special Hot Rolls
Sweet Jelly 10 Unidades
Salmão, abacate, cobertura philadelphia com molho doce da casa
8,50 €
10,00 €
Hoso Maki Salmon
Hoso maki de salmão
6,80 €
8,00 €
Combinados Sushi and Sashimi
Chef Free Style 120 Unidades
Rolo frio de 50 peças, rolo quente de 50 peças, sashimi de salmão de 10 peças e sashimi de atum de 10 peças
89,25 €
105,00 €
Chef Freestyle de Salmão 72 Peças
66 Peças sushi frio e quente 6 peças sashimi de salmão
57,80 €
68,00 €
Chef Freestyle 52 Peças
46 Peças sushi frio e quente 6 peças sashimi
40,80 €
48,00 €
Chef Freestyle de Salmão 36 Peças
32 Peças sushi frio e quente, 4 peças sashimi de salmão
29,75 €
35,00 €
Asian Frio 23 Peças
6 Variedades e sushi frio
19,55 €
23,00 €
Sushi Sunshine 14 Peças
12 Rolos quentes e frio 2 nigiris
15,30 €
18,00 €
Sushi & Sashimi 16 Peças
14 Peças sushi frio e quente, 2 peças sashimi de salmão
15,30 €
18,00 €
Pratos Quentes
Yakisoba Vaca
Couve lombarda, brocolis, pimentas mix com carne de vaca e molho yakisoba
11,48 €
13,50 €
Yakisoba Frango
Couve lombarda, brocolos, pimentos mix com frango e molho yakissoba
11,05 €
13,00 €
Frango Empanado
Frango empanado com arroz e batata frita
9,35 €
11,00 €
Indian Nepali
Butter Lamb Masala With Rice
Butter Lamb (Lamb Makhani) is one of the most popular curries in the world and yet happens to be one of the easiest! No hunting down hard to find ingredients, this chef recipe that makes the most incredible curry sauce.
14,45 €
17,00 €
Lamb Tikka Masala with Rice
Lamb tikka masala is composed of Lamb tikka, boneless chunks of Lamb marinated in spices and yogurt that are roasted in an oven, served in a creamy sauce. A tomato and coriander sauce is common, but no recipe for lamb tikka masala is standard
14,45 €
17,00 €
Butter Prawn Masala With Rice
Butter prawn(prawn Makhani) is one of the most popular curries in the world and yet happens to be one of the easiest! No hunting down hard to find ingredients, this chef recipe that makes the most incredible curry sauce.
13,60 €
16,00 €
Prawn Tikka Masala With Rice
Prawn tikka masala is composed of Prawn tikka, prawn marinated in spices and yogurt that are roasted in an oven, served in a creamy sauce.A tomato and coriander sauce is common, but no recipe for Prawn tikka masala is standard
13,60 €
16,00 €
Butter Chicken Masala with Rice
Butter Chicken (Murgh Makhani) is one of the most popular curries in the world and yet happens to be one of the easiest! No hunting down hard to find ingredients, this chef recipe that makes the most incredible curry sauce.
12,75 €
15,00 €
Chicken Tikka Masala with Rice
Chicken tikka masala is composed of chicken tikka, boneless chunks of chicken marinated in spices and yogurt that are roasted in an oven, served in a creamy sauce.
11,90 €
14,00 €
11,90 €
14,00 €
Chicken Steam MOMO(10 unit)
10,20 €
12,00 €
Veg Steam Momo(10 unid)
10,20 €
12,00 €
veg jhol momo(10unit)
10,20 €
12,00 €
Chicken Jhol momo(8 unit)
10,20 €
12,00 €
Prawn Chowmin
Fried Noodles With Prawn And Vegetables
11,90 €
14,00 €
Chicken Chowmin
Fried Noodles With Chicken And Vegetable
11,05 €
13,00 €
Pork Chowmin
Fried Noodles With Pork And Vegetables
11,05 €
13,00 €
Veg Chowmin
Fried Noodles With Vegetable
9,35 €
11,00 €
vegan curry with Rice
Tofu Curry with Rice
Tofu,Vegetables,Curry And Rice
11,90 €
14,00 €
Mix vegetable Curry With Rice
11,05 €
13,00 €
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Sunrise Asian Fusion ofereix productes de la categoria «Asiática». Consulta’n la llista de productes per veure què pots demanar. No dubtis a consultar també altres establiments de la categoria «Asiática» disponibles a Funchal.
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