Magic Bowl

Magic Bowl

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Pratos Principais

Chicken Tikka Biryani - prato saboroso de frango e arroz
Chicken Biryani is a savory chicken and rice dish that includes layers of chicken, rice, and aromatics that are steamed together. The bottom layer of rice absorbs all the chicken juices as it cooks, giving it a tender texture and rich flavor, while t...
4,99 €
Boneless Grilled Chicken (Airfried) with plain basmati rice - Frango Grelhado Desossado com arroz basmati
Boneless Grilled Chicken (Airfried) with plain basmati rice - Frango Grelhado Desossado com arroz basmati
3,99 €


Harabhara kebab-veg - Rissóis com legumes
Hara bhara kabab are healthy, flavorful pan-fried patties loaded with spinach, green peas and potatoes Hara bhara kabab são rissóis fritos saudáveis e saborosos carregados com espinafre, ervilhas e batatas
1,20 €
Chicken Samosa (AIR fried) - Chamuças de frango (frito Sem oleo)
Chicken samosa is a popular Indian appetizer which is air fried with a savory filling of minced chicken and masalas. A Chamuças de frango é um entradas indiano popular que é frito ao ar com um recheio saboroso de frango picado e masalas.
0,99 €
Chicken Samosa (Oil fried) - Chamuças de frango (frito em oleo)
Chicken samosa is a popular Indian appetizer which is deep fried in oil with a savory filling of minced chicken and masalas. A Chamuças de frango é um Entradas indiano popular que é frito em óleo com um recheio saboroso de frango picado e masalas.
0,85 €


Coca-Cola Original Lata 330ml
1,49 €
Coca-Cola Sem Açúcar Lata 330ml
1,49 €


Malai Roll - 3 pc
Bread Roll Malai is a Indian dessert with sandwich bread and whole milk. Bread Roll Malai é uma sobremesa indiana com pão de sanduíche e leite integral.
3,95 €


0,10 €

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