Pizzaria Bella Napoli

Pizzaria Bella Napoli

Pizzaria Bella Napoli

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Pizza Bella Napoli
2 por 1
Molho Tomate; Mozzarella; Bacon e Camarão
15,60 €
Pizza Havaiana
2 por 1
Molho Tomate; Mozzarella; Camarão e Ananás
15,60 €
Pizza Quatro Queijos
2 por 1
Molho Tomate; Mozzarella; Gorgonzola; Grana Padano e Scamorza
15,60 €
Pizza Frango & Milho
2 por 1
Molho Tomate; Mozzarella; Frango; Milho e Bacon
15,50 €
Pizza Pepperoni
2 por 1
Molho Tomate; Mozzarella; Pepperoni e Mozzarella di Bufala.
15,20 €
Pizza Pollo Al Crema
2 por 1
Natas; Mozzarella; Cebola e Frango
15,20 €
Pizza Capriciosa
2 por 1
Molho Tomate; Mozzarella; Fiambre; Cogumelos e Azeitona laminada.
14,95 €
Pizza Chévre
2 por 1
Molho Tomate; Mozzarella; Queijo de Cabra; Mel e Nozes
14,95 €
Pizza Diavola
2 por 1
Molho Tomate; Mozzarella; Salame Picante e Azeitona laminada.
14,95 €
Pizza Lazio
2 por 1
Molho tomate; mozzarella; Bacon e Cogumelos.
14,85 €
Pizza Vegetariana
2 por 1
Molho Tomate; Mozzarella; Cogumelos; Tomate Cherry; Espinafres salteados e Grana Padano.
14,70 €
Pizza Romano
2 por 1
Molho tomate; mozzarella e Fiambre.
14,55 €
Pizza Margherita
2 por 1
Molho Tomate; Mozzarella; Folhas de Manjericão.
14,45 €
Portobello recheado com Queijo Trufado e Crocante
2 por 1
Portobello recheado com queijo trufado e crocante de presunto
5,50 €
Pão de Alho com Queijo
2 por 1
Massa de pizza com mozzarella e azeite de alho.
4,65 €
Pão de Alho
2 por 1
Massa de pizza com azeite de alho.
4,10 €

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Întrebări frecvente

How much does Pizzaria Bella Napoli delivery in Lisabona cost?
In order to see how much the delivery from Pizzaria Bella Napoli in Lisabona costs, see the delivery fee at the top of the page. You will also be able to see it in the breakdown of costs before placing your order.
How long does the Pizzaria Bella Napoli delivery in Lisabona take?
After adding your delivery address you will be able to see how long is the expected delivery time for each store in your area. You can also check the expected delivery time for your order from Pizzaria Bella Napoli at checkout.
Is Pizzaria Bella Napoli available in Prime?
Nu. Prime is Glovo’s subscription program where you get unlimited free deliveries from some of our partners and other benefits!
What kind of products can I order from Pizzaria Bella Napoli?
Pizzaria Bella Napoli offers products from the following category: Internacional. See the product list above to see what you can order. Don’t hesitate to check also other stores available in Internacional in Lisabona.
Is there a minimum order value at Pizzaria Bella Napoli?
There is a minimum order quantity at Pizzaria Bella Napoli. But don’t worry - if you don’t reach you will only have to pay an additional fee, but your glovo will be delivered to you anyways!