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Sushi Away

store rating 93%
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Glovo Prime
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Mais vendidos

Gyoza Porco/Pork
6 peças/pieces Carne de porco picado e alho francês. Pork meat with French onion.
5,25 €
Uramaki Salmão/Salmon
8 peças/pieces Contem Salmão, mayonese, pepino, abacate e sementes de sesamo It has salmon, mayonese, cucumber, avocado and sesame seeds
5,95 €
Temaki Salmão/Salmon
Contem Salmão, mayonese, cebola frita, pepino, abacate e sementes de sesamo It has salmon, mayonese, fried onions, cucumber, avocado and sesame seeds
5,00 €

Combo Sushi

Combo Salmão - 14 peças/pieces
Combinado com 4 peças de ozomaki, 4 uramaki, 2 niguiri e 4 sashimi tudo de salmão, peças grandes Made with 4 pieces of ozomaki, 4 uramaki, 2 niguiri and 4 sashimi, everything salmão and large size
14,50 €
Combo Misto - 9 peças/pieces
4 ozomaki, 4 uramaki e 1 temaki á escolha dos ingredientes nas opções por orderm da descrição 4 ozomaki, 4 uramaki and 1 temaki with your own choise on the option group by the order of the description
11,95 €
Combo salmão e atum - 12 peças/pieces
4 ozomaki de atum, 4 uramaki de salmão, 2 sashimi de salmão e 2 sashimi de atum 4 ozomaki of tuna, 4 uramaki of salmon, 2 sashimi salmon and 2 sashimi tuna
11,50 €
Combo Niguiri - 8 peças/pieces
feito com, 2 peças de niguiri de salmão. 2 peças de atum, 2 de camarão cozido e 2 de pele de salmão estrelada temperada Made with, 2 pieces of niguiri salmão, 2 pieces of tuna, 2 pieces of cooked shrimp and 2 pieces salmão skin pan fired with spices
11,25 €
Combo vegerariano - 12 peças/pieces
Com 4 ozomaki de pepino, 4 uramaki de abacate e 4 peças de niguiri de abacate (possível peças sem mayonese) With 4 ozomaki of cucumber, 4 uramaki avocado and 4 niguiri avocado (possible without mayo)
10,50 €
Combo Dragão - 8 peças/pieces
Construído no recheio mayonese com camarão panado e uma tira de pepino por cima, coberto de abacate com o molho de doce ligeiro pimentado A roll with breaded shrimp, mayo and cucumber as filling, topped with avocado slices and a sweet chilling sauce
10,00 €
Combo Sashimi - 10 peças/pieces
Contruído por 5 peças de sashimi de salmão e 5 peças de sashimi de atum Constructed with 5 pieces of sashimi salmão and 5 pieces of sashimi tuna
9,75 €


Temaki Salmão/Salmon
Contem Salmão, mayonese, cebola frita, pepino, abacate e sementes de sesamo It has salmon, mayonese, fried onions, cucumber, avocado and sesame seeds
5,00 €
Temaki Atum/Tuna
Contem Atum, mayonese, cebola frita, pepino, abacate e sementes de sesamo It has tuna, mayonese, fried onions, cucumber, avocado and sesame seeds
5,00 €
Temaki Delicias do Mar/Kani
Contem Delicias do Mar, mayonese, cebola frita, pepino, abacate e sementes de sesamo It has kani, mayonese, fried onions, cucumber, avocado and sesame seeds
4,75 €
Temaki Camarão Panado/Breaded Shrimp
Contem Camarão Panado, mayonese, cebola frita, pepino, abacate e sementes de sesamo It has Breaded Shrimp, mayonese, fried onions, cucumber, avocado and sesame seeds
4,75 €
Temaki Frango Panado/Breaded Chiken
Contem Frango Panado, mayonese, cebola frita, pepino, abacate e sementes de sesamo It has breaded Chiken, mayonese, fried onions, cucumber, avocado and sesame seeds
4,75 €
Temaki Vegetariano/Vegetarian
Contem mayonese, cebola frita, pepino, abacate e sementes de sesamo It has mayonese, fried onions, cucumber, avocado and sesame seeds
4,50 €


Niguiri Atum/Tuna
2 peças/pieces
3,75 €
Niguiri Salmão/Salmon
2 peças/pieces
3,50 €
Niguiri Camarão/Shrimp
2 peças/pieces
3,50 €
Niguiri Pele de Salmão/Salmon Skin
2 peças/pieces
3,50 €
Niguiri Abacate/Avocado
2 peças/pieces
3,25 €


Hotroll Abacate/Avocado
8 peças/pieces Contém só Abacate It has only Avocado
7,25 €


Ozomaki salmão/salmon
8 peces/pieces
4,95 €
Ozomaki Atum/Tuna
8 peças/pieces
4,95 €
Ozokami Delicias do Mar/Kani
8 peças/pieces
4,75 €
Ozomaki Camarão Panado/Breaded Shrimp
8 peças/pieces
4,75 €
Ozokami Pepino/Cucumber
8 peças/pieces
4,50 €
Ozomaki Abacate/Avocado
8 peças/pieces
4,50 €
Ozomaki Frango Panado/Breaded Chiken
8 peças/pieces
4,50 €


Uramaki Salmão/Salmon
8 peças/pieces Contem Salmão, mayonese, pepino, abacate e sementes de sesamo It has salmon, mayonese, cucumber, avocado and sesame seeds
5,95 €
Uramaki Atum/Tuna
8 peças/pieces Contem Atum, mayonese, pepino, abacate e sementes de sesamo It has tuna, mayonese, cucumber, avocado and sesame seeds
5,95 €
Uramaki Delicias do Mar/Kani
8 peças/pieces Contem Delicias do Mar, mayonese, pepino, abacate e sementes de sesamo It has Kani, mayonese, cucumber, avocado and sesame seeds
5,75 €
Uramaki Camarão Panado/Breaded Shrimp
8 peças/pieces Contem Camarão Panado, mayonese, pepino, abacate e sementes de sesamo It has breaded shrimp, mayonese, cucumber, avocado and sesame seeds
5,75 €
Uramaki Frango Panado/Breaded Chiken
8 peças/pieces Contem Frango Panado, mayonese, pepino, abacate e sementes de sesamo It has Breaded Chiken, mayonese, cucumber, avocado and sesame seeds
5,75 €
Uramaki Pepino
8 peças/pieces Contem mayonese, pepino e sementes de sesamo It has mayonese, cucumber and sesame seeds
5,50 €
Uramaki Abacate/Avocado
8 peças/pieces Contem mayonese,abacate, cebola frita e sementes de sesamo It has mayonese, avocado, fried onions and sesame seeds
5,50 €
Uramaki Manga/Mango
8 peças/pieces Contem Manga e sementes de sesamo It has mango and sesame seeds
5,50 €

Comida Chinesa/Chinese Food

5,75 €
Arroz Xau Xau/Pan fried Rice
tem ovo, ervilhas ecenoura It has egg, green peas and carrots
5,50 €
Massa Chinese/Chinese noodles
Contem massa esparaguete, ovo, couve, cenoura e cebola. Its made with spagetti, egg, cabagge, carrot and onion.
5,50 €
Gambas Panada/Breaded Shrimp
5 peças/pieces
5,50 €
Frango Panado/Breaded Chiken
5 peças/pieces
5,50 €
Crepe de Gambas/Spring Roll Shrimp
5 peças/pieces
5,50 €
Crepes Vietnamitas/Vietnam Spring Rolls
4 peças/pieces Contem carne de porco, massa de arroz, rebento feijão, couve e cenoura. It has pork meat, rice noodles, soy beans, cabagge and carrot.
5,25 €
Gyoza Porco/Pork
6 peças/pieces Carne de porco picado e alho francês. Pork meat with French onion.
5,25 €
Gyoza Vegetariano/Vegetarian
6 peças/pieces Contem couve, cebola e cenoura. It has Cabagge, onion and carrot.
5,25 €
6 peças/pieces Feito com carne de porco picada e gema de ovo. Made with minced pork and egg white.
5,25 €
Crepe Carne/Meat Sring Roll
4 peças/pieces Contem carne de porco picado, couve, cenoura e cebola. It has pork meat, cabagge, carrot and onion.
4,75 €
Crepes Vegetais/Vegetarian Sring Rolls
4 peças/pieces Contem couve, cenoura e cebola. It contains Cabagge, carrot and onion.
4,75 €
Sopa Miso/Miso Soup
Feito com pasta de miso, tofu e alga. It has Miso paste, tofu and seaweed.
3,50 €


Molho de Soja/Soy Sauce
1,50 €
Molho Doce Chilli/Sweet Chilli
1,50 €
1,25 €
1,25 €


Tsintao 330cl
3,50 €
SuperBock Preta 330cl
2,95 €
SuperBock sem Álcool/no Alcohol 330cl
2,95 €
SuperBock 330cl
2,25 €
Sagres 330cl
2,25 €
Coca-Cola 330cl
2,00 €
Cocla-Cola 0 330cl
2,00 €
Iced Tea Pessego 330cl
2,00 €
Iced Tea Limão 330cl
2,00 €
Iced Tea Manga 330cl
2,00 €
Sumol Laranja 330cl
2,00 €
Sumol Ananás 330cl
2,00 €
Guaraná 330cl
2,00 €
7-Up 330cl
2,00 €
Fanta 330cl
2,00 €
Água das Pedras/Sparkling Water 0.25l
2,00 €
Água das Pedras de Limão/Sparkling Water with lemon Flavour 0.25l
2,00 €
Água 0.5l
1,50 €


0,20 €

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