Istanbul Kebab Pizza Rossio

Istanbul Kebab Pizza Rossio

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Doner Especial
Enjoy our Doner Especial – a savory delight filled with succulent meats, fresh veggies, and flavorful sauces, delivering a taste sensation right to you!
9,00 €
Tikka Kebab
Indulge in the aromatic flavors of Tikka Kebab: tender marinated meat skewers, grilled to perfection and bursting with spices, delivering a delightful culinary experience
9,00 €
Curry Kebab
Savor the aromatic blend of spices with our Curry Kebab: tender meat infused with rich curry flavors, grilled to perfection for a deliciously unique twist on a classic favorite
9,00 €
American Kebab
Indulge in the American Kebab: juicy meat, crisp veggies, and savory sauces, all wrapped in warm flatbread for a delicious fusion of flavors that's sure to satisfy your cravings
9,00 €
Chicken Wings
Indulge in delicious, crispy chicken wings, cooked to perfection and delivered straight to your door for an unforgettable dining experience!
8,50 €
Kebab no Prato
Experience the savory delight of Kebab no Prato, a flavorful dish featuring tender meat, fresh vegetables, and aromatic spices, served on a bed of rice for a satisfying meal!
8,00 €
Durum Kebab com Queijo
Enjoy our Durum Kebab com Queijo, a delicious fusion of tender kebab meat, fresh vegetables, and melted cheese, all wrapped in soft flatbread for a delightful and cheesy twist on a classic favorite
7,00 €
Delight in our crispy and flavorful nuggets, perfect for satisfying your cravings with every bite
6,50 €
Durum Kebab
Indulge in our Durum Kebab, a mouthwatering delight filled with tender meat, crisp veggies, and savory sauces, all wrapped in soft, warm flatbread for an irresistible treat!
6,00 €
Durum Falafel
Savor the exquisite taste of our Durum Falafel, crafted with crispy falafel, fresh veggies, and delectable sauces, wrapped in warm, fluffy bread for an unbeatable culinary experience!
6,00 €
Pita Kebab com Queijo
Indulge in our Pita Kebab com Queijo, a flavorful combination of tender kebab meat, fresh vegetables, and melted cheese, all wrapped in warm pita bread for a delicious and cheesy twist on a beloved favorite
6,00 €
Pita Kebab
4,50 €
Pita Falafel
4,50 €


Pizza Atum
Enjoy the savory taste of Pizza Atum: a delightful combination of tangy tomato sauce, creamy cheese, and flavorful tuna, baked to perfection on a crispy crust for a mouthwatering dining experience
14,50 €
Pizza Salame
13,50 €
Pizza Marguerita
13,00 €
Pizza Hawai
13,00 €
Pizza Special
Satisfy your cravings with our Pizza Special: a delectable combination of premium ingredients, savory sauce, and gooey cheese, baked to perfection for an unforgettable dining experience
13,00 €
Pizza Pepperoni
13,00 €
Queijo Formaggi
13,00 €
Kebab Pizza
Savor the fusion of flavors with our Kebab Pizza! Enjoy succulent kebab meat, fresh veggies, and tangy sauces atop a crispy crust for a truly unique and delicious dining experience
12,50 €
Pizza Fungi
Indulge in the earthy flavors of Pizza Funghi: savory mushroom slices atop a bed of rich tomato sauce and melted cheese, creating a deliciously satisfying culinary delight
12,50 €
Pizza Vegetariana
Delight in our Pizza Vegetariana: a medley of fresh vegetables, savory tomato sauce, and melted cheese, all atop a crispy crust for a flavorful and satisfying meat-free feast
10,50 €


Pasta Chicken Tikka
Experience the tantalizing flavors of Pasta Chicken Tikka: tender chicken marinated in aromatic spices, served atop al dente pasta for a fusion of Indian and Italian cuisines that will delight your taste buds
15,00 €
Pasta Gamberi
14,50 €
Pasta Beef
Delight in our Pasta Beef: tender beef slices, al dente pasta, and rich, savory sauce combine for a hearty, satisfying meal that's sure to please your palate
13,50 €
Pasta Chicken
Savor our Pasta Chicken: tender chicken pieces tossed in rich, creamy sauce, served over al dente pasta for a comforting and satisfying meal
12,00 €
Pastel de Bacalhau
Experience the authentic taste of Portugal with our Pastel de Bacalhau: golden, crispy codfish pastries filled with savory goodness, sure to delight your taste buds
9,50 €


Costeleta de Novilho
Enjoy the succulent taste of Costeleta de Novilho: tender veal chops grilled to perfection, delivering a flavorful and satisfying dining experience
16,50 €
Arroz de Gambas
15,50 €
Ameijoas á Bulhão Prato
Savor the traditional flavors of Ameijoas à Bulhão Pato, featuring succulent clams cooked with garlic, coriander, and a hint of lemon for a classic Portuguese culinary experience
13,50 €
Savor the classic taste of Bitoque: tender steak, fried egg, crispy fries, and flavorful sauce, creating a delicious and satisfying Portuguese dish
13,00 €
Arroz de Frango
Enjoy the comforting flavors of Arroz de Frango, a traditional Portuguese dish featuring tender chicken and aromatic rice cooked to perfection, creating a hearty and satisfying meal
12,00 €
Arroz Vegetariano
Savor the wholesome goodness of Arroz Vegetariano, a flavorful dish filled with assorted vegetables and aromatic rice, creating a satisfying and nutritious option for vegetarian dining
9,50 €
5,50 €
4,20 €


Embalagem de Utilização Única
Embalagem de transporte de alimentos
0,37 €
Saco para transporte de produtos
0,10 €

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Звертайте увагу на товари, що пропонуються зі знижкою, а також на поточні пропозиції, виділені в додатку жовтим кольором. Якщо вам пощастить, ви зможете знайти такі вигідні спеціальні пропозиції, як 2 за ціною 1 або доставка зі знижкою!
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Розмістити замовлення можна в будь-який час, коли заклад «Istanbul Kebab Pizza Rossio’s» відкрито на нашій платформі. Замовивши у додатку або на веб-сайті, ви отримаєте фірмову швидку доставку і зможете насолоджуватися вашим замовленням Glovo вже за кілька хвилин! Ви також можете запланувати доставку на зручний для вас час, навіть якщо обраний заклад у цей час закритий.