All Around Pizza & Sandwich

All Around Pizza & Sandwich

store rating 96%
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Cele mai vândute

Pizza Pepperoni
blat, sos rosii, mozzarella 150g , pepperoni 70g
52,90 RON


Pizza Pulled pork BBQ
blat, sos bbq , mix cheddar&mozzarella&ementaler 150g, pulled pork 100g, ardei iute proaspat
52,90 RON
Pizza Turkey sourcream
blat, sos sourcream, mozzarella 150g , curcan 100g, ceapa verde
52,90 RON
Pizza Pepperoni
blat, sos rosii, mozzarella 150g , pepperoni 70g
52,90 RON
Pizza All Cheese
blat, sos smantana, mozarella 100g ,blue cheese 50g, brie 50g Ementaler 50g, parmesan
52,90 RON
Pizza Mediteraneană
blat,sos de roșii, mozzarella 150g, brânză capră 50g, cimbru roșii Cherie
52,90 RON
Pizza All Meat
blat, sos de rosii, mozzarella150gr, peperoni30gr, chorizo30gr , vita50gr
52,90 RON
Pizza cu Trufe
blat,sos de roșii, mozzarela 150g,braseola30gr, kalamata30gr, rucola, trufe
52,90 RON
Pizza Diavola
blat ,sos de roșii, salam picant30gr, pepperoncino30gr , mozzarella150gr,ardei iute verde
52,90 RON
Pizza Prosciuto cotto e Funghi
blat,sos de roșii, mozzarella150gr, prosciuto cotto50gr , ciuperci30gr, parmesan
52,90 RON
Pizza Pecorino
blat, sos de roșii, mozzarella150gr, pecorino30 gr, chilli ,bacon50gr, ceapă roșie
52,90 RON
Pizza Prosciuto crudo
Blat, sos de roșii, mozzarella150gr, prosciuto Crudo50gr, roșii uscate50gr
52,90 RON
Pizza Primavera
blat,sos de roșii, mozzarella150gr, porumb30gr, măsline20gr, ardei gras20gr, ciuperci30gr, dovlecei70gr
52,90 RON
Pizza Rustica
Blat,sos de roșii, mozzarella150gr, bacon50gr, cârnați50gr, ceapă, ardei gras
52,90 RON
Pizza Quattro Stagioni
Blat, sos de roșii, mozzarella150gr, șuncă50gr, salam50gr, ciuperci50gr măsline30gr
52,90 RON
Pizza Margherita
Blat,sos de roșii 50g, mozzarella bufala130gr , busuioc
52,90 RON
Pizza Veggie
blat, sos de rosii, mozzarella150gr, ardei gras 20g, ceapa 30g, ciuperci 30g, rosii 50g, masline negre 30g, porumb 50g
52,90 RON
Pizza Carbonara
blat, sos smantana, mozzarella 150g, pecorino 30g, ou, pancetta
52,90 RON
Pizza Vulcano
blat, sos de rosii, mozzarella 150g, chorizo 30g, carnat picant 30g, pepperoncino, ou
52,90 RON
Pizza MMB
blat, sos de rosii, mozzarella 150g , chiftele marinate, patrunjel
52,90 RON
Pizza Pulled Pork HoneyMustard
blat ,sos de mustar cu miere, mozzarella 150g, pulled pork 150g , ardei gras, ceapa
52,90 RON


Marinated Meatballs
Chifla, chiftele marinate, mozzarella
35,90 RON
Grilled Sausage
Chifla, carnat, mix cheddar & mozzarella &ementaler, salata coleslaw, sos picant
35,90 RON
Grilled Chicken
Chifla, pui grill, sos barbecue, salata, sos chipotle, ceapa
35,90 RON
Teriyaki Chicken
Chifla, pui teriyaki, salata, rosii, sos chipotle
35,90 RON
Chifla, pulled pork, cheddar, sos cheddar, castraveti murati
35,90 RON
Chifla, prosciutto cotto , burrata , pomodoro sechi , rucola, valeriana
35,90 RON


26,00 RON
26,00 RON
Lemon Cake
22,00 RON
22,00 RON
Clatite cu Nutella
22,00 RON
Clatite cu Dulceata
20,00 RON

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How long does the All Around Pizza & Sandwich delivery in Букурещ take?
After adding your delivery address you will be able to see how long is the expected delivery time for each store in your area. You can also check the expected delivery time for your order from All Around Pizza & Sandwich at checkout.
Are there any promos for All Around Pizza & Sandwich in Glovo?
Always look for discounted products and current special offers, which are marked in yellow. Sometimes you can find special offers such as 2 for 1 or discounted delivery!
How do other customers rate All Around Pizza & Sandwich?
All Around Pizza & Sandwich was recommended by 96% of customers who ordered their glovo from there. Place your order today and check if you also like it.
Is there a minimum order value at All Around Pizza & Sandwich?
There is a minimum order quantity at All Around Pizza & Sandwich. But don’t worry - if you don’t reach you will only have to pay an additional fee, but your glovo will be delivered to you anyways!
Can I order products from All Around Pizza & Sandwich for someone else?
Yes, of course! You can easily send products from All Around Pizza & Sandwich to someone else or make it a gift. All you need to do is introduce the correct delivery address in Букурещ. Just before confirming the order you will be able to add contact details of the person who will receive it. You can also add an optional comment to let the courier know that the order is supposed to be a gift.