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Legume proaspete

Ceapa galbena , +/- 1 kg
2,99 RON
Patrunjel radacina la caserola, 300g
5,99 RON
Linte rosie, +/-1 kg
9,99 RON
Ardei tricolor, 500 g
12,99 RON
Ardei chili mix, 50 g
8,99 RON
Rosii Cherry Sugarino, caserola, 400 g
14,99 RON
Gulii la bucata
3,39 RON
Telina radacina, +/-1 kg
6,79 RON
Ceapa galbena la plasa, 2 kg
6,99 RON
Cartofi pentru prajit si piure, 2.5 kg
14,99 RON
Varza alba tocata, 300 g
4,99 RON
Loboda, pret pe legatura
1,79 RON
Ceapa alba, 500g
8,99 RON
Andive 500 g
5,99 RON
Pastarnac radacina, +/- 1 kg
7,79 RON
Vinete, +/- 1 kg
11,99 RON
Telina Apio, la bucata
5,99 RON
Fenicul, +/- 1 kg
12,99 RON
Ciuperci Enoki, 100 g
8,99 RON
Ciuperci Champignon, +/- 1 kg
15,99 RON
Fasole pestrita, +/-1 kg
9,99 RON
Pastarnac, 300 g
5,99 RON
Cartofi pentru salata, 2.5 kg
14,99 RON
Ceapa verde romaneasca, pret pe legatura
1,99 RON
Cartofi albi la plasa, 5 kg
22,99 RON
Conopida, pret pe bucata
12,99 RON
Dovlecei, +/- 1.25 kg
12,99 RON
Cartofi noi import, +/- 1 kg
4,29 RON
Morcovi, pret pe legatura
3,49 RON
Apio ECO, bucata
9,99 RON
Ciuperci Champignon albe, 250 g
5,49 RON
Ceapa Echalot la plasa, 250 g
6,99 RON
Ghimbir, +/- 100g
21,99 RON
Usturoi alb, 250 g
7,49 RON
Dovleac Eco, bucata
8,99 RON
Broccoli, +/- 1 kg
13,99 RON
Ceapa rosie, 500 g
4,99 RON
Rosii cherry cocktail la caserola, 500g
12,99 RON
Dovlecei Zucchini, +/- 1kg
11,99 RON
Usturoi, +/- 1 kg
22,99 RON
Ceapa rosie, +/- 1 kg
4,99 RON
Praz, +/- 1 kg
8,99 RON
Cartofi rosii pentru salata, la plasa 2.5 Kg
14,99 RON
Ciuperci Pleurotus, 500 g
9,99 RON
Ciuperci Mun Goong, 50 g
11,00 RON
Ciuperci Champignon brune, 500 g
9,49 RON
Fasole alba, 500 g
7,99 RON
Cartofi rosii la plasa, 5kg
22,99 RON
Legume la caserola: morcov, ceapa, pastarnac si telina, 500 g
4,99 RON
Ceapa galbena la plasa, 500 g
4,49 RON
Sfecla rosie, +/- 1 kg
4,49 RON
Morcovi import, +/- 1 kg
3,69 RON
Varza de Bruxelles, 500g
6,99 RON
Rosii ciorchine Filiera Auchan, 250 g
12,99 RON
Ghimbir ECO, 250 g
9,99 RON
Cartofi rosii, +/- 1 kg
3,99 RON
Usturoi verde, pret pe bucata
2,49 RON
Leurda, pret pe legatura
1,59 RON
Dovleac placintar, +/- 3 kg
6,49 RON
Fasole uscata alba, +/- 1 kg
10,49 RON
Cartofi dulci, +/-1.5 kg
8,99 RON

Legume uscate

Linte verde Auchan, 500g
5,29 RON
Fasole alba uscata Auchan, 1 Kg
8,99 RON
Fasole pestrita Auchan, 400g
4,99 RON
Fasole alba bob mare Auchan, 500g
6,99 RON
Fasole alba Deroni Bob gustos, 900 g
10,70 RON
Linte rosie Auchan, 500g
5,99 RON
Naut Auchan, 500g
4,99 RON
Arpacas Boromir, 1 Kg
4,50 RON
Linte rosie Solarie, 500g
12,30 RON

Legume congelate

Mazare fina Edenia, 450g
7,45 RON
Mix Orez asiatic si pui Frosta, 450g
15,49 RON
Fasole galbena pastai Casa Taraneasca, 400g
7,40 RON
Amestec de legume china mix Bonduelle, 400g
9,95 RON
Amestec de legume wok Edenia, 450 g
10,80 RON
Amestec de legume pentru ciorba perisoare Casa Taraneasca, 1 kg
21,00 RON
Broccoli Gradena, 400 g
9,45 RON
Amestec legume la tigaie in stil italian Frozana, 400g
9,20 RON
Orez mexican Uncle Statis, 450g
8,29 RON
Cartofi pai congelati 10mm Fantasy , 2.5Kg
32,40 RON
Cartofi taiati, congelati Pouce, 1Kg
8,99 RON
Mix de ciuperci cu hribi si galbiori calitatea I Auchan, 500g
17,99 RON
Ciuperci taiate Edenia, 450g
10,70 RON
Amestec de legume cu orez hawai mix Bonduelle, 400g
9,70 RON
Cartofi congelati, pentru cuptor Farm Frites, 450g
10,10 RON
Fasole verde pastai Casa Taraneasca, 400 g
7,45 RON
Vinete congelate Piramida, 1Kg
14,30 RON
Amestec de legume si orez Stir Fry Edenia, 450g
8,95 RON
Mazare fina Edenia, 1 kg
14,30 RON
Amestec de legume Casa Taraneasca, 400 g
7,85 RON
Cartofi pai congelati Auchan La Masa in Romania, 1 kg
10,79 RON
Vinete coapte si tocate Casa Taraneasca, 400g
10,70 RON
Galbiori calitate I Auchan, 300g
17,99 RON
Cartofi pai congelati 10mm Fantasy, 1Kg
16,10 RON
Legume pentru bors Casa Taraneasca, 400g
6,75 RON
Ardei gras in 3 culori, 350g
7,25 RON
Amestec de legume royal mix vapeur Bonduelle, 400g
9,95 RON
Mancare de legume in stil mexican Edenia, 400g
8,45 RON
Mix de legume pentru ciorba vacuta Edenia, 450 g
7,45 RON
Amestec de legume, 4 anotimpuri Bonduelle, 400g
7,95 RON
Sparanghel verde Golden Garden, 1Kg
58,00 RON
Mazare boabe Pouce, 450g
4,99 RON
Mazare verde fina congelata Casa Taraneasca, 1kg
14,90 RON
Conopida Edenia, 450g
8,85 RON
Fasole galbena lata Casa Taraneasca, 400 g
8,35 RON
Cuburi de hribi Aroma Padurii, 300g
26,70 RON
Amestec de legume spring mix vapeur Bonduelle, 400g
10,90 RON
Amestec mexican de legume cu orez Gradena, 400g
8,35 RON
Broccoli Edenia, 450 g
10,40 RON
Amestec legume pentru ciorba de vacuta Auchan, 450g
4,99 RON
Cartofi prajiti Aviko Super Crunch, 750 g
19,60 RON
Legume pai Edenia, 450g
13,70 RON
Amestec Asia wok Frosta, 450g
14,29 RON
Pastai de soia Casa Taraneasca, 400g
14,29 RON
Fasole verde taiata Pouce, 450g
3,89 RON
Morcovi baby Edenia, 450g
8,75 RON
Fasole galbena taiata Pouce, 450g
3,99 RON
Amestec de legume pentru ciorba vacuta Casa Taraneasca, 400g
6,75 RON
Mazare verde Bonduelle Vapeur, 1 kg
12,29 RON
Spanac tocat portii Pouce, 450g
4,49 RON
Amestec de legume pentru salata boeuf Auchan, 450g
4,49 RON
Fasole verde Casa Taraneasca, 400g
6,35 RON
Amestec de legume cu orez mexico mix Bonduelle, 400g
11,10 RON
Amestec de legume pentru salata boeuf Casa Taraneasca, 400 g
6,75 RON
Amestec de legume pentru ciorba perisoare Casa Taraneasca , 400g
6,75 RON
Cartofi rondele congelati Auchan La Masa in Romania, 1 kg
10,79 RON
Dovleac pentru placinta congelat, 350g
6,25 RON
Bame intregi Casa Taraneasca, 400g
9,95 RON
Amestec cu conopida Edenia, 450g
9,15 RON
Cartofi felii in coaja condimentati Aviko, 600g
12,30 RON
Ardei capia copt si congelat Piramida, 500g
19,70 RON
Hribi cuburi calitate I Auchan, 300g
17,99 RON
Amestec de legume pentru salata boeuf Casa Taraneasca, 1 kg
15,90 RON
Mazare verde boabe, dulce, vapeur Bonduelle, 400g
7,55 RON
Amestec mexican Casa Taraneasca, 400 g
5,79 RON
Amestec de legume duet mix vapeur Bonduelle, 400g
7,85 RON
Amestec de legume mexican Auchan, 450g
4,49 RON
Cartofi dulci pai Edenia, 450g
18,40 RON
Broccoli Piramida, 350g
6,10 RON
Amestec de legume pentru ciorba traditionala Casa Taraneasca, 400 g
6,75 RON
Amestec mexican Gradena, 400 g
8,85 RON
Spanac tocat si portionat Gradena, 1Kg
13,40 RON
Amestec de legume pentru tigaie cu dovlecel, Summer stir-fry Bonduelle, 400g
8,45 RON
Amestec hawaii Edenia, 450g
8,45 RON
Amestec de legume pentru iahnie fasole alba, boabe Casa Taraneasca, 400 g
9,95 RON
Sparanghel verde Casa Taraneasca, 300g
19,90 RON
Mazare ECO Ardo, 600 g
19,90 RON
Amestec 7 legume World of Taste, 450g
8,75 RON
Amestec mexican Edenia 100% natural, 1Kg
15,70 RON
Cartofi wedges in coaja Farm Frites , 600g
8,99 RON
Spanac congelat Piramida, 350g
5,80 RON
Fasole galbena foarte fina, pastai rotunde, taiate, vapeur Bonduelle, 400g
7,95 RON
Porumb boabe congelat Auchan, 450g
6,99 RON
Ghebe (nameko) Aroma Padurii, 300g
12,60 RON
Amestec de legume si ciuperci pentru tigaie Casa Taraneasca, 400 g
8,05 RON
Amestec mexican de legume cu orez Casa Taraneasca, 400 g
8,65 RON
Cartofi prajiti Aviko Zig-Zag, 750g
13,40 RON
Morcovi baby Auchan, 450g
6,49 RON
Amestec de telina cu morcov Eisberg Simply Fresh, 500 g
9,99 RON
Spanac congelat Edenia, 1Kg
13,80 RON
Spanac frunze intregi Bonduelle, 400g
8,45 RON
Amestec de legume pentru ciorba vacuta Pouce, 450 g
3,49 RON
Porumb dulce boabe Bonduelle, 400g
12,50 RON
Fasole galbena Edenia, 1 kg
15,40 RON
Ghebe Nameko calitatea I Auchan, 300g
10,99 RON
Ciuperci champignon Auchan, 450g
6,29 RON

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How can I order Auchan Hypermarket delivery in Констанца?
To order your Auchan Hypermarket delivery in Констанца, all you have to do is open the Glovo website or app and go to “Супермаркет” category. Next, enter your address to see if delivery for Auchan Hypermarket is available in your area of Констанца. Then you can choose the products you want and add them to your order. Once you complete the payment, your order will start to be prepared and soon after a courier will bring it directly to your door.
How much does Auchan Hypermarket delivery in Констанца cost?
In order to see how much the delivery from Auchan Hypermarket in Констанца costs, see the delivery fee at the top of the page. You will also be able to see it in the breakdown of costs before placing your order.
How long does the Auchan Hypermarket delivery in Констанца take?
After adding your delivery address you will be able to see how long is the expected delivery time for each store in your area. You can also check the expected delivery time for your order from Auchan Hypermarket at checkout.
Are there any promos for Auchan Hypermarket in Glovo?
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Is Auchan Hypermarket available in Prime?
Нет. Prime is Glovo’s subscription program where you get unlimited free deliveries from some of our partners and other benefits!