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Pentru iarna

Razuitor maner burete Veropa
9,99 RON
Racleta gheata BOTTARI
4,99 RON
Solutie pentru parbriz, -20 grade Celsius, JP Auto Carmax, 4L
35,90 RON
Prevent Gresat/Dezg Zavor 50 M
13,49 RON
Sare pentru drumuri 3 kg
4,49 RON
Sonax Sol. Dezghet. Incuietori
10,90 RON
Kentaur Spray Dezg/Raz 500Ml
22,90 RON
Razuitor Veropa
2,49 RON
Bottari Perie Cu Racleta
25,90 RON
Perie-Racleta 75 cm BOTTARI
29,90 RON
Kentaur Gresat/Dezg Zavor 50Ml
11,49 RON
Razuitor Perie 44cm All Ride
10,90 RON
Prevent Spray Dezghetare 300Ml
18,90 RON
Racleta standard, Rexxon
4,99 RON
Racleta gheata cu manusa 34.5 cm, galben, BOTTARI
19,90 RON
Razuitor simplu Veropa
3,49 RON
Solutie Pentru Degivrare-Spalare Parbrize -20C, Jetxpert, 4L
34,90 RON
Dr.Marcus Tit.Degiv -40C 750Ml
19,90 RON
Kentaur Pulv Dezgh 750Ml
16,90 RON
Kentaur Spray Dezghetare 300Ml
16,90 RON
Sonax Laveta Anti-Aburire
8,99 RON
Lichid Parbriz Careus Iarna Eco -20C 5L
22,90 RON
Racleta Perie 70-100cm BOTTARI
45,90 RON
Razuitor style mini Veropa
8,99 RON
Solutie protejare chedere Sonax
24,90 RON
Perie cu Racleta 50cm BOTTARI
11,49 RON
Razuitor cu perie Veropa
22,90 RON
Racleta gheata manusa All Ride
13,90 RON
Racleta gheata, Fiskars
29,90 RON
Solutie dezgheare Prevent
24,90 RON
Razuitor cosy grip Veropa
13,90 RON
Perie-Racleta maxi BOTTARI
22,90 RON
Lichid Spalare Parbrize Careus Iarna Eco, -30C, 4 Litri
28,90 RON

Odorizanti auto

Odorizant auto Car Deo Exotic Paloma
2,49 RON
Odorizant auto bradut Wunder-Baum Woodwork
9,99 RON
Odorizant Dr.Marcus speaker vanilie
12,90 RON
Odorizant Paloma premium spray gold rush
18,90 RON
Odorizant Paloma premium spray cool fire
18,90 RON
Bradut 3 pack vanillaroma Wunder-Baum
19,98 RON
Odorizant Little Joe ocean breeze
22,90 RON
Odorizant Paloma sticluta oriental spice
14,90 RON
Odorizant parfum fresh Paloma
8,99 RON
Odorizant cherry Little Joe
22,90 RON
Odorizant WB bradut new car
9,99 RON
Odorizant Dr.Marcus sonic pinacolada
4,99 RON
Odorizant auto New Fashion Car Oppio Black
16,90 RON
Odorizant Paloma spray liliac garden
15,90 RON
Odorizant auto Paloma Style Santal Oud
12,90 RON
Odorizant WB clip tropical
19,90 RON
Odorizant Paloma premiumspray royal forest
18,90 RON
Breloc alcooltest Bottari
42,90 RON
Odorizant auto cu membrana lichida Little Joe Cherry
22,90 RON
Odorizant Dr.Marcus Easy-Clip, Strawberry
17,90 RON
Odorizant Dr.Marcus regulated new car
26,90 RON
Odorizant Paloma happy bag vanilia
10,90 RON
Odorizant WB bottle vanilla
29,90 RON
Odorizant Paloma parfum fresh-mount.fr.
6,99 RON
Odorizant Dr.Marcus pump spray pine
24,90 RON
Odorizant auto Paloma Parfum Cotton White
8,99 RON
Odorizant auto Paloma fiola blackdiamond 5 ml
8,99 RON
Odorizant Dr.Marcus sonic fresh lemon
4,99 RON
Odorizant Paloma premium spray mi amor
18,90 RON
Parfum vanilla Paloma
8,99 RON
Odorizant auto Paloma Style Brocart Rouge
12,90 RON
Odorizant WB bottle tropical
29,90 RON
Odorizant auto membrana Little Joe Fresh Mint, 3.5 ml
22,90 RON
Odorizant Dr.Marcus marcus pump spray ocean
24,90 RON
Odorizant auto cu membrana lichida Little Joe New Car
22,90 RON
Odorizant Paloma happy bag new car
10,90 RON
Odorizant parfum bubble gum Paloma
8,99 RON
Odorizant Paloma happy bag black di
10,90 RON
Odorizant Paloma happy bag fresh
10,90 RON
Odorizant auto New Fashion Car Gio
16,90 RON
Odorizant parfum new car Paloma
8,99 RON
Odorizant auto Wunder-Baum Clip Bubble Gum
19,90 RON
Odorizant auto Dr.Marcus Senso Luxury Black
31,90 RON
Odorizant Little Joe tonic
22,90 RON
Odorizant Paloma parfum fresh - passion
6,99 RON
Odorizant auto Paloma Style Love Story
12,90 RON
Odorizant Paloma spray hawaii surf
15,90 RON
Odorizant Dr.Marcus easy clip fresh mel
17,90 RON
Odorizant auto Dr.Marcus Senso Luxury Bubble Gum
31,90 RON
Odorizant auto bradut Wunder-Baum Leather
9,99 RON
Odorizant auto cu membrana lichida Little Joe Bubble Gum
22,90 RON
Odorizant Dr.Marcus regulated vanilie
26,90 RON
Odorizant auto Paloma Parfum Fruit Cocktail
8,99 RON
Odorizant Paloma aqua balls new car
18,90 RON
Odorizant auto Paloma Parfum Leather
8,99 RON
Odorizant WB bottle sport
29,90 RON
Odorizant Car Deo Sport Paloma
2,49 RON
Odorizant Paloma parfum fresh - exotic
6,99 RON
Odorizant Paloma spray black diamond
15,90 RON
Odorizant capsula cu gel pentru masina lime My Shaldan
34,90 RON
Odorizant Paloma aqua balls bubble gu
18,90 RON
Odorizant auto Dr. Marcus Sonic Cherry Blossom
4,99 RON
Odorizant Duo Bumble Gum&Cherry Paloma
9,99 RON
Odorizant Dr.Marcus easy clip ocean bre
17,90 RON
Odorizant Paloma sticluta cherry
14,90 RON
Odorizant auto Dr.Marcus Senso Luxury Lemon
31,90 RON
Odorizant WB bradut bubble gum
9,99 RON
Odorizant flower Little Joe
22,90 RON
Odorizant parfum cherry Paloma
8,99 RON
Odorizant Dr.Marcus sonic red fruits
4,99 RON
Odorizant auto Car Deo Fresh Paloma
2,49 RON
Odorizant auto New Fashion Car Adora
16,90 RON
Odorizant My Shaldan Deo auto gel lemon
34,90 RON
Odorizant Dr.Marcus regulated ocean
26,90 RON
Odorizant Car Deo Limone Paloma
2,49 RON
Odor. Auto Fiola Paloma Sport
8,99 RON
Odorizant Dr.Marcus pump spray new car
24,90 RON
Odorizant Dr.Marcus speaker new car
12,90 RON
Odorizant auto New Fashion Car Tom Noir
16,90 RON
Odorizant Dr.Marcus speaker pacyfic
12,90 RON
Odorizant auto bradut Wunder-Baum Frosted Pine
9,99 RON
Odorizant auto Paloma Style Castus Royal
12,90 RON
Odorizant Dr.Marcus pump spray vanilie
24,90 RON
Odorizant Dr.Marcus Pump-Spray, Antitabac
24,90 RON
Odorizant Paloma aqua balls black diaond
18,90 RON
Odorizant auto Paloma liqid fiola alpin 5 ml
8,99 RON
Odorizant Paloma happy bag cherry
10,90 RON
Odorizant Dr.Marcus sonic ocean breeze
4,99 RON
Odorizant Little Joe passion
22,90 RON
Odorizant Dr.Marcus sonic exotic vanill
4,99 RON
Odorizant Dr.Marcus easy clip dark nigh
17,90 RON
Odorizant Paloma sticluta ocean fresh
14,90 RON
Odorizant Paloma sticluta bubble gum
14,90 RON
Odorizant auto Car Deco Cocos Paloma
2,49 RON
Odorizant auto Dr. Marcus Sonic Coffee
4,79 RON
Odorizant Paloma od parfum turbo gum
8,99 RON
Odorizant Dr.Marcus sonic black
4,99 RON
Odorizant Paloma spray new car
15,90 RON
Odorizant Dr.Marcus speaker sport fresh
12,90 RON
Odorizant auto Little Joe Metallic Cedarwood
24,90 RON

Solutii curatare interior

Solutie bord orange 500ML Prevent
29,90 RON
Servetele pentru plastic Jolie
5,59 RON
Spray pentru bord Dr. Marcus Shining Cockpit Vanilla, 750 ml
44,90 RON
Set 42 servetele umede pentru tapiterie din piele Expert Wipes
9,99 RON
Silicon balsam Prevent
33,90 RON
Solutie tapiterie Prevent
29,90 RON
Spray bord mar Prevent
29,90 RON
Solutie pentru ingrijirea tapiteriei textile Jolie
11,12 RON
Spray dr.marcus cockpit spray 750 ocean
44,90 RON
Solutie bord aroma lamaie Sonax
35,12 RON
Servetele auto piele Jolie
5,59 RON
Spray silicon Prevent
22,90 RON
Aerosol curatare tapiserie Prevent
46,90 RON
Spray titanium All Textile Cleaner Dr.Marcus
31,90 RON
Solutie antibacteriana pentru curatarea instalatiei de aer conditionat, 100 ML Sonax
39,92 RON
Spray igienizare instalatie climatizare, Carplan 150ml
69,90 RON
Set 42 servetele umede pentru bord Expert Wipes
9,99 RON
Solutie intretinere bord Prevent
24,90 RON
Spray bord Dr. Marcus New Car, 750 ml
44,90 RON
SONAX Servetele umede auto pentru suprafetele din sticla, 10 buc
10,32 RON
Solutie bord Prevent
29,90 RON
Solutie tapiterie piele Prevent
39,90 RON
Spuma bord satin, mere verzi, Carplan 500ml
23,90 RON
SONAX Servetele umede auto pentru suprafetele interioare, 10 buc
10,32 RON
Solutie spray profesionala pentru curatarea tapiteriei Alcantara Sonax Xtreme, 400 ml
59,12 RON
Solutie spray pentru intretinere bord cu aroma de lemon-fresh Sonax, 400 ml
39,92 RON
Spuma bord satin 500ml Carplan
22,90 RON
Solutie spray pentru intretinere bord cu aroma de New Car Sonax, 400 ml
39,92 RON
Set 30 servetele intretinere bord auto Vanilla Dr.Marcus
19,90 RON
Solutie universala interior Sonax
35,12 RON
Set 30 servetele de curatat piele Dr.Marcus
19,90 RON
Set 30 servetele de curatare pentru sticla Lemon Dr.Marcus
20,90 RON
Solutie intretinere tapiserie piele Carplan 500ml
20,90 RON
14,90 RON
Aerosol pentru indepartarea petelor de ulei Prevent
52,90 RON
Spray pentru bord Dr. Marcus Shining Cockpit Lemon, 750 ml
44,90 RON
Servetele sticla Jolie
5,59 RON
Aerosol curatare interior Prevent
25,90 RON
Solutie pentru curatare interioara Prelix
24,90 RON
Set 30 servetele intretinere bord auto Ocean Dr.Marcus
19,90 RON
Solutie tapiterie piele Sonax
39,92 RON
Jolie Sol Curatare Bord
14,32 RON
SONAX Servetele umede auto pentru suprafetele din plastic, 10 buc
10,32 RON
Solutie intretinere interioara auto Carplan Ultra, 500 ml
17,90 RON
SONAX Servetele umede auto pentru suprafetele din plastic, efect mat, 10 buc
10,32 RON
Solutie spray cu spuma pentru curatarea tapiteriei din piele Sonax Xtreme, 250 ml
71,92 RON
Jolie Sol Curtare Piele
14,32 RON
Spray bord levantica Prevent
29,90 RON
SONAX Perie pentru tapiterie textila si piele
31,92 RON
Solutie pentru curatat aer conditionat Prevent, 400 ml
39,90 RON
Spray tapiserie textil Carplan 400ml
27,90 RON
Servetele textile Jolie
5,59 RON
Spuma bord satin lemon Carplan 500ml
22,90 RON
Spray bord lamaie Prevent
29,90 RON
Set 42 servetele umede pentru tapiterie textila Expert Wipes
9,99 RON
SONAX Solutie universala pentru neutralizarea mirosurilor neplacute 500 ml
47,92 RON
Aerosol universal multi 60 Prevent, 150 ml
19,90 RON
Spray pentru bord Dr. Marcus Shining Cockpit Black, 750 ml
44,90 RON
14,90 RON
Spuma bord satin, vanilie, Carplan 500ml
22,90 RON
Set 30 servetele de curatare bord auto Dr.Marcus, Negru
19,90 RON
Servetele auto universale Jolie
10,32 RON
Spray titanium satin cockpit milk Dr. Marcus
40,90 RON

Solutii curatare exterior

Stergator parbriz Grand Prix, 480 mm/19"
12,90 RON
Curatator parbriz ML Bottaroi
24,90 RON
Polish si ceara Sonax, Rosu
35,92 RON
Pasta abraziva pentru curatarea farurilor Arexons
32,90 RON
Solutie curatare insecte Prevent
26,90 RON
Stergator 53cm Valeo first
32,90 RON
Solutie pentru ingrijirea jantelor Jolie
11,12 RON
Stergator parbriz Grand Prix, 550 mm/22"
13,90 RON
Stergator 24/60 cm Alca
16,43 RON
Stergator 65cm Valeo first
44,90 RON
SONAX Ceara cu actiune rapida 500 ml
52,72 RON
Solutie curatare jante Dr.Marcus
29,90 RON
Stergator flat 28 Carguard
11,90 RON
Sampon auto cu ceara Jolie, aroma portocala, 1000 ml
17,52 RON
Solutie polish argintiu Carplan Ultra 500ml
28,90 RON
Laveta intretinere tapiserie piele, Carrefour
29,93 RON
Stergator flat 550 Valeo first
62,90 RON
Jol Sol Curatare Anvelope
19,92 RON
Solutie parbriz Prevent
23,90 RON
Laveta piele Puzzle
26,90 RON
Sampon auto Carplan Ultra 1l
17,90 RON
Laveta intretinere tapiserie piele 350, Carrefour
71,18 RON
Stergator flat 26 Carguard
11,90 RON
Detergent auto pentru insecte si impuritati Dr.Marcus
28,90 RON
Solutie polish rosu Carplan Ultra 500ml
33,90 RON
Sampon auto 1l Kentaur
9,99 RON
Solutie pentru curatare sticla Jolie
11,12 RON
Polish cu ceara Sonax, 250 ml, Alb
39,92 RON
Solutie pentru dressing exterior lucios Sonax Xtreme, 750 ml
43,92 RON
Stergator luneta tip clasic Heyner, 16"/40 cm
73,90 RON
Sampon auto Wax Dr.Marcus
24,90 RON
Stergator 45cm Valeo first
27,90 RON
Stergator 48cm Valeo first
30,90 RON
Stergator parbriz Grand Prix, 530 mm/21"
13,90 RON
Laveta pentru sticla Carrefour, microfibra, 40x40 cm, Albastru
6,79 RON
Spray curatat / intretinere pneuri Sonax
44,72 RON
Polish cu ceara Sonax, 250 ml, Gri/Argintiu
39,92 RON
Bottari perie curatat adaptor
16,90 RON
Stergator 18/45 cm Alca
13,43 RON
Stergator parbriz Grand Prix, 410 mm/16"
11,90 RON
Polish cu ceara Sonax, 250 ml, Albastru
39,92 RON
Perie maner lemn 46.5cm Bottari
21,90 RON
S tergator flat 525 Valeo first
56,90 RON
Stergator luneta tip clasic Heyner, 12"/30 cm
68,90 RON
Sampon cu ceara Carplan Ultra 1l
17,90 RON
Stergator 23/58 cm Alca
16,43 RON
Stergator 22/56 cm Alca
15,68 RON
Stergator flat 18 Carguard
10,90 RON
Stergator 41cm Valeo first
26,90 RON
Stergator flat 14 Carguard
10,90 RON
Solutie polish negru Carplan Ultra 500ml
28,90 RON
Solutie curatare jante Sonax
50,32 RON
Stergator flat 700 Valeo first
66,90 RON
Solutie curatare jante Prevent
24,90 RON
Stergator luneta tip flat Heyner, 16"/40 cm
74,90 RON
Stergator luneta tip flat Heyner, 14"/35 cm
73,90 RON
Solutie pentru curatere plastic exterior, interior si motor Sonax Xtreme, 500 ml
63,92 RON
Set 10 Lavete microfibra, Carrefour
32,90 RON
Laveta Microfibra
4,99 RON
Spray titanium intense tire shine Dr. Marcus
34,90 RON
Spray pentru intretinerea anvelopelor Prevent
33,90 RON
Spray titanium engine cleaner and degreaser Dr.Marcus
33,90 RON
Stergator 35cm Valeo first
20,90 RON
Stergator 21/53 cm Alca
15,68 RON
Stergator 51cm Valeo first
30,90 RON
Perie pentru curatare autoturisme, Cyclops
11,90 RON
Laveta auto Dunlop XXL, microfibra, Gri
19,90 RON
Stergator flat 450 Valeo first
56,90 RON
Stergator parbriz Grand Prix, 450 mm/18"
12,90 RON
Lamela stergator 60 cm Alca
11,93 RON
Stergator parbriz Grand Prix Topflex, 16"
8,99 RON
Stergator flat 400 Valeo first
54,90 RON
Pasta acoperire zgarieturi universal Carplan 150g
27,90 RON
Stergator flat 350 Valeo first
59,90 RON
Stergator flat 20 Carguard
10,90 RON
Stergator 19/48 cm Alca
14,18 RON
Curatator de geamuri pliabil Carrefour, 27x10x3 cm
17,90 RON
Solutie pentru parbriz si caroserie Prelix
24,90 RON
Stergator parbriz Grand Prix, 510 mm/20"
12,90 RON
Curatator telescopic cu laveta din microfibra Carrefour, Multicolor
29,90 RON
Stergator flat 24 Carguard
11,90 RON
SONAX Sampon concentrat 1000 ml
23,92 RON
Laveta pentru piele Dunlop, microfibra, 35x35 cm, Gri
10,90 RON
Stergator flat 22 Carguard
10,90 RON
Stergator flat 16 Carguard
10,90 RON
Solutie spray pentru indepartarea smoalei Sonax, 300 ml
42,32 RON
Solutie pentru curatat si cerat Dr. Marcus Titanium Wash & Wax, 750 ml
49,90 RON
Stergator First flat 600 mm Valeo
62,90 RON
Racleta anti-insecte pentru geam Carrefour, maner aluminiu, Gri
15,90 RON
Spray Titanium window & glass cleaner Dr. Marcus, 750 ml
27,90 RON
Stergator luneta tip clasic Heyner, 14"/35 cm
69,90 RON
Stergator parbriz Alca Special clasic, 28"/70 cm
36,68 RON
Stergator 16/40 cm Alca
12,68 RON
Pasta lustruire Prevent
32,90 RON
Stergator flat 19 Carguard
10,90 RON
Stergator luneta tip flat Heyner, 12"/30 cm
69,90 RON
Stergator 20/50 cm Alca
14,18 RON
Stergator flat 21 Carguard
10,90 RON
Ceara auto Carplan Caros 500ml
17,90 RON
Spuma activa pentru aparate cu presiune Jolie, 1000 ml
27,92 RON

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How can I order Carrefour Hypermarket delivery in Пітешті?
To order your Carrefour Hypermarket delivery in Пітешті, all you have to do is open the Glovo website or app and go to “Супермаркет” category. Next, enter your address to see if delivery for Carrefour Hypermarket is available in your area of Пітешті. Then you can choose the products you want and add them to your order. Once you complete the payment, your order will start to be prepared and soon after a courier will bring it directly to your door.
How much does Carrefour Hypermarket delivery in Пітешті cost?
In order to see how much the delivery from Carrefour Hypermarket in Пітешті costs, see the delivery fee at the top of the page. You will also be able to see it in the breakdown of costs before placing your order.
How long does the Carrefour Hypermarket delivery in Пітешті take?
After adding your delivery address you will be able to see how long is the expected delivery time for each store in your area. You can also check the expected delivery time for your order from Carrefour Hypermarket at checkout.
Is Carrefour Hypermarket available in Prime?
Ні. Prime is Glovo’s subscription program where you get unlimited free deliveries from some of our partners and other benefits!
When can I order delivery from Carrefour Hypermarket?
During Carrefour Hypermarket’s working hours you can place your order at any time. Thanks to our speedfast delivery you will be able to enjoy your glovo within minutes! You can also schedule your delivery to a time that would be convenient for you, even if the store is currently closed.