La Gofreria

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Самое популярное

(2 Ingredients)
7,10 €
Crepe Salat
(2 Ingredients)
7,10 €


Gofre (2 Ingredients) + Batuts (2 Ingredients)
(2 Ingredients)
13,50 €
Crepe Dolç + Batut
(2 Ingredients)
13,50 €
Crepe Salat + Beguda
(2 Ingredients)
10,95 €

Gofres i Crepes

(2 Ingredients)
7,10 €
Crepe Salat
(2 Ingredients)
7,10 €
Crepe Dolç
(2 Ingredients)
6,10 €


Tròs Pastís Red Velvet
Red Velvet (ració)
5,50 €
Tròs Pastís Carrot Cake
Carrot Cake (ració)
5,50 €
Tros Pastís Xoco Nutella
Tros Pastís Xoco Nutella
5,50 €
Tròs Pastís "Huesitos"
Husitos (ració)
3,80 €
2,70 €


(2 ingredients)
5,15 €
(2 ingredients)
5,15 €


Suc de taronja natural
3,80 €
Coca-Cola Sabor Original
Coca-Cola Sabor Original (lata 330ml.)
3,15 €
Coca-Cola Zero Azúcar
Coca-Cola Zero Azúcar (lata 330ml.)
3,15 €
Cacaolat (20 cl.)
2,80 €
Suc Granini Pinya
Suc Granini Pinya (33 cl.)
2,60 €
Suc Granini Taronja
Suc Granini Taronja (33 cl.)
2,60 €
Suc Granini Prèssec
Suc Granini Prèssec (33 cl.)
2,60 €
Aigua Petita
Aigua Petita (33 cl.)
2,00 €


Amanida de formatge fresc
Mezclum, maduixes, formatge fresc, muesli i vinagreta de maduixa
7,90 €
Amanida de formatge de cabra
Mezclum, maduixes, ceba caramel.litzada, formatge de cabra i vinagreta de maduixa
7,90 €
Amanida de fruita
Mezclum, maduixes, alvocat, muesli i vinagreta de maduixa
7,90 €
Amanida de tonyina
Mezclum, tonyina, tomàquet cherry, nous i vinagreta de maduixa
7,90 €

Healty bowl by La Gofre

Healty Bowl by La Gofre
Fes-te el bowl al teu gust amb ingredients fescos de KM0 i qualitat. Tria un ingredient de cada familia: - Verd, Cereal, Proteïna, Toppings, Veggie i salsa
12,95 €


Torrada de La Gofre
Torrada amb formatge philadelphia, alvocat i ou a la planxa
7,80 €
Bikini Trufat
Bikini amb formatge emmental i trufa
5,95 €
Avocado Toast
Torrada amb tòmaquet KM0 i alvocat
5,50 €
Sandwich clàssic de pernil dolç i formatge
4,50 €

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Часто задаваемые вопросы

How much does La Gofreria delivery in Матаро cost?
In order to see how much the delivery from La Gofreria in Матаро costs, see the delivery fee at the top of the page. You will also be able to see it in the breakdown of costs before placing your order.
How long does the La Gofreria delivery in Матаро take?
After adding your delivery address you will be able to see how long is the expected delivery time for each store in your area. You can also check the expected delivery time for your order from La Gofreria at checkout.
Is La Gofreria available in Prime?
Нет. Prime is Glovo’s subscription program where you get unlimited free deliveries from some of our partners and other benefits!
When can I order delivery from La Gofreria?
During La Gofreria’s working hours you can place your order at any time. Thanks to our speedfast delivery you will be able to enjoy your glovo within minutes! You can also schedule your delivery to a time that would be convenient for you, even if the store is currently closed.
What kind of products can I order from La Gofreria?
La Gofreria offers products from the following category: Бранч. See the product list above to see what you can order. Don’t hesitate to check also other stores available in Бранч in Матаро.