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Pizza Cheesey (33 Cm.)
Cheddar, roquefort manchego, mozzarella de bufalla, elemental y parmesano
9,50 €
pizza carbonara (33 cm.)
Bacon, champiñones, cebolla, nata, huevo y orégano
9,50 €
pizza barbacoa (33 cm.)
Carne picada, bacón y salsa barbacoa
9,00 €
Pizza 4 Estaciones (33 Cm.)
Jamón York, salami, alcachofa y champiñones
9,00 €
pizza prosciutto (33 cm.)
Jamón York y queso
7,90 €
Sepia Plancha Con Salsa Verde
7,50 €

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Are there any promos for GULA RESTAURANTE in Glovo?
Always look for discounted products and current special offers, which are marked in yellow. Sometimes you can find special offers such as 2 for 1 or discounted delivery!
How do other customers rate GULA RESTAURANTE?
GULA RESTAURANTE was recommended by 96% of customers who ordered their glovo from there. Place your order today and check if you also like it.
Is there a minimum order value at GULA RESTAURANTE?
There is a minimum order quantity at GULA RESTAURANTE. But don’t worry - if you don’t reach you will only have to pay an additional fee, but your glovo will be delivered to you anyways!