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Abyssinia Ethiopian Restaurant

Abyssinia Ethiopian Restaurant

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Gomen Kitfo
Cooked and minced kale and spinach prepared to perfection with herbed butter and spices
Kitfo Special
Ethiopian beef tartar made of specially selected lean round steak; seasoned with herbed butter, spices and mitmita. Served with gomen kitfo, ayib and kotcho and made raw, mild or well done
Lamb, chicken, or fish. A tasty dish of cubed lamb, chicken or fish, sautéed with onions, spices and herbed butter. With gravy

House Specialties

Kitfo Special
Ethiopian beef tartar made of specially selected lean round steak; seasoned with herbed butter, spices and mitmita. Served with gomen kitfo, ayib and kotcho and made raw, mild or well done
Tikur Kitfo
Cooked ethiopian steak tartar made of specially selected lean round steak; seasoned with herbed butter, spices and mitmita
Gored Gored
A dish made of cubed lean beef mixed with berbere, herbed butter and house spices and served rare
Gomen Kitfo
Cooked and minced kale and spinach prepared to perfection with herbed butter and spices
Special mouth - watering house cheese seasoned with herbed butter and spices, and mixed with cooked and minced kale


Lamb, chicken, or fish. A tasty dish of cubed lamb, chicken or fish, sautéed with onions, spices and herbed butter. With gravy
Yesiga Tibs
Cubed sirloin steak -beef sautéed with onions, spices and herbed butter. With gravy
Shekla Tibs
Beef, Lamb, Chicken, Or Fish. Cubes of beef, lamb, chicken or fish, sautéed with rosemary, onion, garlic, tomato, green pepper, spices and herbed butter. No gravy
Zlzil Tibs
Strips of sirloin steak -beef sautéed with rosemary, onion, garlic, tomato, green pepper, spiced and herbed butter. No gravy


Tibs Firfir
Kitfo, lamb, chicken, or fish spiced deliciously and mixed with shredded injera
Yesiga Tibs Firfir
Spiced to your taste and mixed with injera
Quanta Firfir
Dried lean beef stewed in berbere sauce -berbere, onions, tomato, garlic and ginger and mixed with injera;
Yesiga We't Firfir
Yebere we't or minchet abish we't mixed with shredded injera. Served hot -key or mild -alicha
Vegetarian -Yes'ome Firfir
Berbere sauce -berbere, onions, tomato, garlic and ginger mixed with injera

Meat And Chicken Hot Dishes -k'ey

Abyssinia Goulash
Beef, Lamb, Chicken, Or Fish. A mild or hot goulash made from your choice of beef, lamb, chicken or fish, served with your choice of rice or injera
K'ey Doro We't
Chicken cubes and hard boiled eggs tastefully simmered in herbed butter, spices, onions and berbere. Accompanied by some ayib -home - made cottage cheese
Bozena Shiro
A mouthwatering sauce of ground chick peas and cubed lean beef simmered in berbere, onions, spices and seasonings.
Yesiga K'ey We't
Cubed lean beef simmered with spices, onions, herbed butter, berbere * and tomatoes into a delicious stew
Yebeg K'ey We't
Cubed lean lamb simmered with spices, onions, herbed butter, berbere and tomatoes into a delicious stew
Minchet Abish K'ey We't
Minced lean beef stewed in herbed butter, garlic, spices, berbere, tomatoes and onions

Mild Dishes (alicha)

Alicha Doro We't
Chicken Cubes and hard boiled eggs tastefully simmered in herbed butter, spices, onions and turmeric
Yesiga Alicha We't
Cubed lean beef stewed in turmeric, onion, herbed butter & spices
Yebeg Alicha We't
Cubed lean lamb stewed in turmeric, onions and herbed butter
Minchet Abish Alicha We't
Minced lean beef stewed in herbed butter, turmeric & onions

Vegetarian Dishes

Abyssinia Paneer We't Or Firfir
Paneer Cubes Tastefully Simmered In Herbed Butter, Spices, Onions
Shiro Tegamino We't
A Delicious Sauce Made From Roasted And Powdered Chick Peas, Onions, Garlic And Green Peppers -Optional. Served In A Traditional Pot
Shiro Silse We't
Spicy Shiro Tegamino
Egg Curry
Boiled Eggs Tastefully Simmered In Herbed Butter, Spices, Onions And Berbere. Accompanied By Ayib -Home - Made Cottage Cheese
Gomen Kitfo
Cooked And Minced Kale And Spinach Prepared To Perfection With Herbed Butter And Spices
Special Mouth - Watering House Cheese Seasoned With Herbed Butter And Spices, And Mixed With Cooked And Minced Kale
Shiro Regular We't
Made From Powdered Chick Peas, Onions, Tomatoes & Spices
Misir -K'ey We't
A Delicious Split Lentil Onions, Berbere, Spices, Ginger And Garlic.Sauce Served Hot
Misir -Alicha We't
A Delicious Whole Lentil Sauce Made With Onions, Spices, Ginger, Garlic And Turmeric. Served Mild
Kik '-Alicha We't
Tasty Split Peas Cooked With Onions, Ginger, Garlic And Turmeric
Vegetable Dishes
Atikilt, Gomen, Fessolia


Super Combination
Serves 4-5 people doro abyssinia, shiro tegamino or shiro silse, shekla lamb / chicken / fish, combination regular platter
Combination Special 4
Serves 4-5 people vegetarian platter, doro or asa w'et, shekla lamb / beef, shiro tegamino or shiro silse and house salad, served with 4 injeras;
Combination Special 3
Serves 2-3 people doro wet, yesiga tibs, shiro tegamino / silse, shekla vegetables, and house salad, served with 2 injeras beef / lamb
Vegetarian Platter Special 1
Serves 3-4 people vegetarian platter dishes, shiro tegamino, zimamojat, 1/2 misir k'ey, served with 4 injeras
Vegetarian Platter Special 2
Serves 3-4 people shiro silse, enkulal we't, missir k'ey, atikilt, gomen and house salad, served with 4 injeras
Combination Special
Serves 1-2 people kitfo, doro k'ey, yesiga alicha, atikilt, gomen, shiro and house salad, served with 2 injeras
Combination Regular
Serves 1 person k'ey w'et beef, minchet abish w'et alicha, minchet abish w'et k'ey, doro w'et k'ey, shiro, atikilt, gomen, with house salad & homemade cheese
Vegetarian Platter Regular
Serves 1 person key missir, shiro, missir alicha, kik alicha, atikilt, gomen and house salad

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Com puc demanar Abyssinia Ethiopian Restaurant a domicili a Nairobi?
Per demanar Abyssinia Ethiopian Restaurant a domicili a Nairobi, simplement obre la pàgina web o aplicació de Glovo i ves a la categoria «Local food”». A continuació, introdueix-hi la teva adreça per comprovar si, a Nairobi, Abyssinia Ethiopian Restaurant ofereix lliurament a domicili en aquesta àrea. Ara tria els productes que vulguis i afegeix-los a la teva comanda. Quan facis el pagament, es començarà a preparar la teva comanda i, poc després, un repartidor te la lliurarà directament a la porta.
Què puc demanar a Abyssinia Ethiopian Restaurant a Nairobi?
Abyssinia Ethiopian Restaurant ofereix una gran varietat de productes que pots demanar. Dona una ullada a la seva llista de productes i tria el que vulguis demanar a Abyssinia Ethiopian Restaurant.
Hi ha promocions de Abyssinia Ethiopian Restaurant a Glovo?
Busca sempre els productes amb descompte i les ofertes especials (s’indiquen en groc). De vegades, pots trobar ofertes especials com ara 2x1 o lliurament amb descompte!
Està Abyssinia Ethiopian Restaurant disponible a Prime?
No. Prime és el programa de subscripció de Glovo que permet gaudir de lliuraments gratuïts il·limitats d’alguns dels nostres Partners i altres avantatges.
Quan puc demanar Abyssinia Ethiopian Restaurant a domicili?
Durant l’horari de treball de Abyssinia Ethiopian Restaurant’s, pots fer la teva comanda en qualsevol moment. Gràcies al nostre lliurament superràpid, podràs gaudir del teu glovo al cap d’uns minuts! També pots programar el lliurament a una hora que et vagi bé, encara que l’establiment estigui tancat en el moment de fer la comanda.