Ashiva Restaurant

Ashiva Restaurant

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Spanish Omelette
Spanish omelette or Spanish tortilla is a traditional dish from Spain. It is celebrated as one of the most popular dishes of the Spanish cuisine. It is an omelette made with eggs and potatoes,
Plain Omelette
dish made from eggs, fried with butter or oil in a frying pan.
Boiled Eggs
A boiled egg is an egg cooked in its shell by immersing it in boiling water.
Scrambled Eggs
Scrambled eggs is a dish made from eggs (usually chicken eggs) stirred, whipped, or beaten together typically with salt, butter, oil, and sometimes other ingredients, and heated so that they form into curds.
Sunside Up Egg
Sunny side up eggs are fried eggs with the yolk intact and the whites barely set. The whites are soft and creamy, not rubbery or crispy. You can cover the pan briefly to cook the whites or baste with butter.


Water 500ml
Mineral water is water that contains dissolved minerals and gases. It can come from natural springs and often contains calcium carbonate, magnesium sulfate, potassium, and sodium sulfate. Mineral water can also contain gases like carbon


It is an uncooked salad dish consisting of chopped tomatoes, onions, and chili peppers.


Coconut Tilapia
TILAPIA FISH IN COCONUT SAUCE also commonly known as “samaki wa kupaka” is a popular coastal region dish here in Kenya
Roast Potatoes
Roast Potatoes have the most delicious golden crunchy exterior with a creamy potato inside
Potatoe Wedges
Potato wedges are irregular wedge-shaped slices of potato, often large and unpeeled, that are either baked or fried.
french fries, side dish or snack typically made from deep-fried potatoes that have been cut into various shapes, especially thin strips.
Ugali, also known as posho, nsima, and other names, is a type of corn meal made from maize or corn flour in several countries in Africa.
Kienyeji are traditional vegetables from the brassica family that grow naturally in Kenya. They are non-hybrid and occur in farm fields or are propagated from existing plants.

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