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Bibi's Swahili Kitchen

Bibi's Swahili Kitchen

store rating 93%
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Top sellers

Mbuzi Karanga
Tender goat meat simmered in a flavorful coconut-based sauce, served with your choice of chapati or aromatic coconut rice for a truly indulgent Swahili delight.
Bibi's Famous Chicken Biryani
Fragrant basmati rice cooked with tender chicken pieces and a blend of Swahili spices, offering a rich and aromatic biryani experience.
Kuku Wa Kupaka
Grilled chicken marinated in a tangy coconut sauce, served with your choice of chapati or fragrant coconut rice, offering a harmonious blend of flavors.

Breakfast & Snacks

Mbaazi na Mahamri
Creamy pigeon peas served with fluffy mahamri, a traditional Swahili sweet bread, creating a delightful and satisfying combination.
Tamarind Chicken Skewers
Succulent chicken pieces marinated in tangy tamarind sauce, skewered and grilled to perfection, offering a tantalizing burst of flavor.
Swahili Beef Kebabs
Tenderly grilled to perfection and infused with a tantalizing blend of spices. Served with Coconut Chutney.
Swahili Kebab Roll
Savory beef mince wrapped in soft chapati, creating a delightful roll bursting with Swahili flavors, perfect for a quick and satisfying meal.
Beef Samosas
Hand-crafted samosas filled with minced beef, onions and seasoned aromatic spices (4 pcs)
Chicken Samosas
Hand-crafted samosas filled with minced chicken, onions and seasoned aromatic spices. (4 pcs)
Viazi Karai
Crispy fried potato wedges with aromatic lightly spiced batter, perfect for a flavorful snack or side dish. Served with home-made tamarind chutney.
Crunchy potato slices fried to perfection and seasoned with aromatic spices, served alongside a zesty tomato chutney.

Main Course

Kuku Wa Kupaka
Grilled chicken marinated in a tangy coconut sauce, served with your choice of chapati or fragrant coconut rice, offering a harmonious blend of flavors.
Mbuzi Karanga
Tender goat meat simmered in a flavorful coconut-based sauce, served with your choice of chapati or aromatic coconut rice for a truly indulgent Swahili delight.
Mutton Pilau
Fragrant basmati rice cooked with tender mutton and a blend of aromatic spices, offering a rich and flavorful pilau experience.
Maharagwe Ya Nazi
Creamy coconut-infused kidney beans served with your choice of chapati or aromatic coconut rice, providing a comforting and nourishing Swahili meal.
Bibi's Famous Chicken Biryani
Fragrant basmati rice cooked with tender chicken pieces and a blend of Swahili spices, offering a rich and aromatic biryani experience.


Sweet and fluffy Swahili doughnuts dipped in a luscious syrup, offering a delightful treat that satisfies your sweet cravings.
Mango Pudding
Smooth and creamy pudding made from ripe mangoes, offering a luscious and tropical dessert option that is both refreshing and indulgent.


Tamarind and Ginger Juice
Refreshing and tangy juice made from tamarind and ginger, providing a zesty and invigorating beverage option.
Fresh Orange
Freshly squeezed orange juice, with light pulp. (Serving size: 330ml)
Lemongrass Ginger Iced Tea
A refreshing and aromatic blend of lemongrass and ginger, served over ice. Serving size: 330ml.

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Com puc demanar Bibi's Swahili Kitchen a domicili a Nairobi?
Per demanar Bibi's Swahili Kitchen a domicili a Nairobi, simplement obre la pàgina web o aplicació de Glovo i ves a la categoria «Chicken”». A continuació, introdueix-hi la teva adreça per comprovar si, a Nairobi, Bibi's Swahili Kitchen ofereix lliurament a domicili en aquesta àrea. Ara tria els productes que vulguis i afegeix-los a la teva comanda. Quan facis el pagament, es començarà a preparar la teva comanda i, poc després, un repartidor te la lliurarà directament a la porta.
Què puc demanar a Bibi's Swahili Kitchen a Nairobi?
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Quan puc demanar Bibi's Swahili Kitchen a domicili?
Durant l’horari de treball de Bibi's Swahili Kitchen’s, pots fer la teva comanda en qualsevol moment. Gràcies al nostre lliurament superràpid, podràs gaudir del teu glovo al cap d’uns minuts! També pots programar el lliurament a una hora que et vagi bé, encara que l’establiment estigui tancat en el moment de fer la comanda.
Com valoren altres clients a Bibi's Swahili Kitchen?
Bibi's Swahili Kitchen ha estat recomanat per un 93% dels clients que han demanat un glovo a l’establiment. Fes la teva comanda avui per veure si també t’agrada!