Fettle Kitchen

Fettle Kitchen

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Glovo Prime
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Goat's Gourmet (Mbuzi Combo)

Dry Fry Mbuzi with Chapati
Dry fry goat, brown soft chapati, sauté cabbages, carrots and sultanas, sweet bananas
Mbuzi Combo 1
Mbuzi pilau, sauté cabbage, kachumbari, fruit

Bovine Bounty (Beef)

Beef Combo 4 - Ugali
Beef africana, brown / white ugali balls, sauté sukumawiki, tomato & lettuce salad, fruit
Beef Combo 4 - Brown Rice
Brown rice, beef africana, saute sukuma, tomato lettuce salad, fruit
Red Cabbage Salad, Beef And Brown Rice
Red cabbage salad, dry beef stroganoff gamished with pepper, rusi bisi brown rice, mixed vegetables (broccoli,cauliflower and carrots), fruit salad
Beef Combo 3 - Rosemary Potatoes
Rosemary potatoes, liver & kidneys, saute cabbage, tomato wedges, orange
Liver with Rosemary Potatoes or Brown Ugali
Brown ugali tennis balls / roasted potatoes ;dry pan fry liver and kidney, saute cabbage, tomato wedges and a fruit
Beef Stew With Brown Rice
Beef stew, brown rice, sauté sukumawiki and spinach, lettuce and cucumber salad and fruit
Braised Osobucco With Ugali Or Chapati
Ugali or Chapati, Braised Osobucco, Butternut Salad, Tossed Sukumawiki and a fruit
Beef Combo 1
Beef pilau, kachumbari, cabbage, banana
Dry Fry Matumbo With Mokimo
Matumbo fry, mokimo of green peas, sauté cabbage, beetroot salad, fruit.

Henhouse Specials (Chicken)

Roasted Chicken With Rosemary Potatoes
Roasted Chicken,Rosemary Potatoes, vegetable medley, dipping sauce,kachumbari salad and a fruit
Chicken Stew With Brown Rice Or Brown Ugali
Chicken stew, brown rice / ugali , sauté sukumawiki, carrots and sultana, and a fruit
Chicken Casserole With Vegetable Rice
Vegetable rice, chicken casserole, mixed salad, vichy carrots, bananas
Chicken Combo 2 - Brown Ugali
Brown ugali, chicken stew, carrots and sultana salad, steamed spinach and sukuma

Aquatic Treasures (Fish)

Tilapia in Sauce with Brown Ugali
Brown Ugali Tennis Balls, Dry Fry Tilapia Fish, Managu In Cream, Tomato Wedges and a fruit
Fried Fish Fillet With Cream Potatoes
Creamed potatoes, fried fish fillet, vegetable medley, coleslaw Salad and a fruit
Ugali, Fish Stew And Kachumbari
Kachumbari, fish stew, ugali, managu, grapes
Omena in Sauce With Brown Ugali
Brown ugali tennis balls, omena in sauce, kachumbari and fruit

Verdant Voyage (Vegeterian)

Vegeterian Combo 3
Black beans thick stew, brown rice / chapati, vegetable medley, trio pepper, fruit
Beans with Brown Rice
Brown Rice, Beans Stew, Vegetables Medley, Trio Peppers (Yellow, Green, Red) with Cucumbers, and a fruit
Ndengu Curry with Brown Chapati
Soft Brown Chapati, Ndengu Curry, vegetable medley,Tomato Wedges and a fruit
Fried Githeri With Sauté Cabbage
Fried githeri, carrots and sultanas, sauté cabbage and a fruit
Thoroko Stew With Brown Rice or Brown Chapati
Brown rice, thoroko stew, vegetables medley, and a fruit
Mbaazi in Coconut Milk with Brown Chapati
Soft brown chapati, mbaazi in coconut Milk, cucumber lettuce salad, vegetable medley and friut
Beetroot Salad, Butter Beans In Fried Tomato Sauce, Chapati Glazed-Carrots
Soft brown chapati, butter beans in fried tomato sauce, glazed-carrots, beetroot salad

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Per demanar Fettle Kitchen a domicili a Nairobi, simplement obre la pàgina web o aplicació de Glovo i ves a la categoria «Healthy”». A continuació, introdueix-hi la teva adreça per comprovar si, a Nairobi, Fettle Kitchen ofereix lliurament a domicili en aquesta àrea. Ara tria els productes que vulguis i afegeix-los a la teva comanda. Quan facis el pagament, es començarà a preparar la teva comanda i, poc després, un repartidor te la lliurarà directament a la porta.
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Quant costa el lliurament de Fettle Kitchen a domicili a Nairobi?
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No. Prime és el programa de subscripció de Glovo que permet gaudir de lliuraments gratuïts il·limitats d’alguns dels nostres Partners i altres avantatges.