Kwa Moi Bites

Kwa Moi Bites

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Glovo Prime
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Main Meals

Fish coconut curry n ugali
Stiff maize flour porridge served with fish
Matumbo Stew / Fry with Ugali
Soft tripe meat served in gravy
Beef Fry / Stew with Ugali
Chunks of beef cooked in a thick sauce served with ugali
Beef Stew / Fry with Rice
Beef stewed in a sauce served with steamed rice or dry fried with onions and tomatoes and served with rice
Beef Stew / Fry with Chapati
Beef stewed in a sauce served with steamed rice or dry fried with onions and tomatoes and served with 2 chapatis
Ndengu Stew with Chapati
Green grams cooked in a sauce and served in gravy
Beans Stew with Chapati
Unleavened disk-shaped flat bread made of wheat flour with beans stew
Ndengu Stew with Rice
White steamed rice served with ndengu stew
Poussin chips with sauce
Sliced potato strips deep fried in hot cooking oil. Free kachumbari
Plain chips n fried omelette with kachumbari
Chips served with omelet and kachumbari
Maru bhajia
Indian snack made of chopped vegetables mixed in spiced batter and deep fried in hot oil
Vegetable fried rice
White steamed rice fried with vegetables
Beans Stew with Rice
White steamed rice with beef stew
Egg fried rice
White steamed rice fried with eggs
Omena ugali
Stiff maize flour porridge served with omena
Plain chips with caleslaw salad
Sliced potato strips deep fried in hot cooking oil
Ugali managu
Stiff maize flour porridge served with managu
1 Beef smokies with kachumbari
Fried or boiled ground meat with a skin around it
Cinnamon Mandazi(1pc)
Pastry made by mixing wheat flour, sugar, baking powder and cardamom into a dough then deep fried in hot oil
1 Boiled egg with kachumbari
Eggs boiled in a hot water served with kachumbari
Special masala tea,mix tea
Made by boiling black tea in milk and water with a mixture of aromatic herbs and spices
Beef samosa
Small triangular pastry with a savory filling that is fried in hot cooking oil
Chapati plain
Unleavened disk-shaped flat bread made of wheat flour with a stew

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Per demanar Kwa Moi Bites a domicili a Nairobi, simplement obre la pàgina web o aplicació de Glovo i ves a la categoria «Healthy”». A continuació, introdueix-hi la teva adreça per comprovar si, a Nairobi, Kwa Moi Bites ofereix lliurament a domicili en aquesta àrea. Ara tria els productes que vulguis i afegeix-los a la teva comanda. Quan facis el pagament, es començarà a preparar la teva comanda i, poc després, un repartidor te la lliurarà directament a la porta.
Quant costa el lliurament de Kwa Moi Bites a domicili a Nairobi?
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Està Kwa Moi Bites disponible a Prime?
No. Prime és el programa de subscripció de Glovo que permet gaudir de lliuraments gratuïts il·limitats d’alguns dels nostres Partners i altres avantatges.
Hi ha un valor mínim de comanda a Kwa Moi Bites?
Sí, Kwa Moi Bites té un valor mínim de comanda. Però no et preocupis: si no arribes al mínim, podràs pagar un recàrrec perquè el teu glovo s’entregui igualment!