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Mr Fish

Mr Fish

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Ugali beef & kienyeji
Ugali served with chicken filets, which are thinly sliced cuts of chicken breast or thigh meat, often seasoned and cooked to perfection.
Chips and Fish Fillets
French fries accompanied by fish full fillets, typically battered and deep-fried until golden and crispy, providing a satisfying seafood opt
Chips and full Chicken
A popular dish comprising French fries (chips) served with full chicken, commonly fried or grilled, seasoned to enhance the flavor.

Main Meals

Ugali and Full Chicken
A classic combination featuring ugali alongside chicken, which could be prepared in various ways such as grilled, roasted, or stewed, seasoned with spices and herbs according to preference.
Chips and full Chicken
A popular dish comprising French fries (chips) served with full chicken, commonly fried or grilled, seasoned to enhance the flavor.
Ugali full fillet & Kienyeji
A traditional Kenyan dish consisting of a thick maize porridge (ugali) served with a fish fillet, typically fried. The fish fillet is often seasoned with spices and herbs for flavor. Seasoned traditional Kenyan Greens are served on the side.
Chips and Fish Fillets
French fries accompanied by fish full fillets, typically battered and deep-fried until golden and crispy, providing a satisfying seafood opt
Ugali and Fish (TILAPIA)
A traditional Kenyan dish consisting of a thick maize porridge (ugali) served with a whole tilapia fish, typically grilled or fried. The fish is often seasoned with spices and herbs for flavor.
Chips and Tilapia
A dish featuring French fries served with tilapia, commonly prepared by frying or grilling the fish, offering a convenient and delicious meal option.
Ugali and Half Chicken
A classic combination featuring ugali alongside Half chicken, which could be prepared in various ways such as grilled, roasted, or stewed, seasoned with spices and herbs according to preference.
Chips and Half Chicken
A popular dish comprising French fries (chips) served with half chicken, commonly fried or grilled, seasoned to enhance the flavor.
1 Piece of fish fillet
Deep-fried to a perfect taste
Chips beef
A dish consisting of French fries served with Beef, typically grilled or fried. The Beef is often seasoned with spices and herbs for flavor. and a soft, spongy, or thick dessert is served on the side.
Ugali 1/2 fillet & Kienyeji
A traditional Kenyan dish consisting of a thick maize porridge (ugali) served with a 1/2 fish fillet, typically fried. The1/2 fish fillet is often seasoned with spices and herbs for flavor. Seasoned traditional Kenyan Greens are served on the side.
Pilau chicken & Pooding
A traditional East African dish consisting of seasoned rice served with Chicken, typically grilled or fried. The chicken is often seasoned with spices and herbs for flavor. and a soft, spongy, or thick dessert is served on the side.
Pilau beef & pooding
A traditional East African dish consisting of seasoned rice served with Beef, typically grilled or fried. The Beef is often seasoned with spices and herbs for flavor. and a soft, spongy, or thick dessert is served on the side.
1 piece of Tilapia whole plain
Deep-fried to a perfect taste
Chips and Half Fillet
French fries accompanied by fish half fillets, typically battered and deep-fried until golden and crispy, providing a satisfying seafood opt
Ugali and Half Fish [Tilapia]
Similar to the first item, but instead of a whole fish, it's served with half of a fish, usually tilapia, prepared in the same manner.
Ugali beef & kienyeji
Ugali served with chicken filets, which are thinly sliced cuts of chicken breast or thigh meat, often seasoned and cooked to perfection.
Ugali 1/4 fillet & kienyeji
A traditional Kenyan dish consisting of a thick maize porridge (ugali) served with a1/4 fish fillet, typically fried. The 1/4 fish fillet is often seasoned with spices and herbs for flavor. Seasoned traditional Kenyan Greens are served on the side.
Ugali and Quarter Chicken
A classic combination featuring ugali alongside quarter chicken, which could be prepared in various ways such as grilled, roasted, or stewed, seasoned with spices and herbs according to preference.
Chips and Quarter chicken
A popular dish comprising French fries (chips) served with quarter chicken, commonly fried or grilled, seasoned to enhance the flavor.
Ugali Mbuta(Nile perch)
Ugali omena & kienyeji
A traditional Kenyan dish consisting of a thick maize porridge (ugali) served with silver cyprinid fish,[omena] typically fried. The fish is often seasoned with spices and herbs for flavor.
Chips and Quarter fillets
French fries accompanied by fish quarter fillets, typically battered and deep-fried until golden and crispy, providing a satisfying seafood opt
Ugali and Kienyeji
Ugali served with kienyeji chicken, which refers to indigenous or free-range chicken breeds in Kenya, often prepared in traditional methods such as stewing or roasting for enhanced flavor and tenderness.
Omena plain
Deep-fried to a perfect taste
Chapati beef
chapati plain

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Mr Fish ofereix productes de la categoria «Local food». Consulta’n la llista de productes per veure què pots demanar. No dubtis a consultar també altres establiments de la categoria «Local food» disponibles a Nairobi.