Lily's Place

Lily's Place

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Beef Wet / Dry Fry
Succulent beef chunks fried in a thick sauce
KSh796.25 KSh910.00
Full Kienyeji Chicken
Free range chicken grilled, wet or dry fried and is well seasoned
KSh1,950.00 KSh2,600.00
Tandoori Roasted Chicken ¼kg
Roasted chicken marinated in yogurt, lemon juice, and spices
KSh390.00 KSh520.00

Top sellers

Beef Wet / Dry Fry
Succulent beef chunks fried in a thick sauce
KSh796.25 KSh910.00
Full Kienyeji Chicken
Free range chicken grilled, wet or dry fried and is well seasoned
KSh1,950.00 KSh2,600.00
Tandoori Roasted Chicken ¼kg
Roasted chicken marinated in yogurt, lemon juice, and spices
KSh390.00 KSh520.00

Hot Beverages

Made from roasted and ground coffee beans mixed with milk and water.
KSh455.00 KSh520.00
This is a concoction of honey, lemon, finely grated ginger root, ground cinnamon and water
KSh195.00 KSh260.00
An espresso based coffee drink prepared with steamed milk foam
KSh195.00 KSh260.00
Hot Chocolate
Made of melted, solid chocolate mixed with hot milk.
KSh146.25 KSh195.00
African white tea made with milk, tea leaves, water and sugar
KSh97.50 KSh130.00
Ginger Tea
African white tea made with milk, tea leaves, fresh ginger, water with or without sugar.
KSh97.50 KSh130.00

Tea Snacks

Full Breakfast
A substantial cooked breakfast meal
KSh975.00 KSh1,300.00
Salt-cured salt pork made from various cuts, typically the belly or less fatty parts of the back.
KSh195.00 KSh260.00
Spanish Omelette
An omelette made with eggs and potatoes, optionally including onion. served at room temperature
KSh195.00 KSh260.00
Fried Eggs 2
Eggs cooked on a frying pan with oil and well seasoned
KSh97.50 KSh130.00
Choma Sausage
Minced beef meat encased in a skin
KSh97.50 KSh130.00
Well grinded ground beef, well spiced ,packed and shaped deep-fried to perfection
KSh67.50 KSh90.00
Small triangular pastry with a savory filling that is fried in hot cooking oil
KSh67.50 KSh90.00
Pan Cakes
A circular piece of cooked batter made from milk, flour and eggs.
KSh52.50 KSh70.00
Pastry made by mixing wheat flour, sugar, baking powder and cardamom into a dough then deep fried in hot oil
KSh30.00 KSh40.00

Main Dishes

Full Kienyeji Chicken
Free range chicken grilled, wet or dry fried and is well seasoned
KSh1,950.00 KSh2,600.00
Beef Wet / Dry Fry
Succulent beef chunks fried in a thick sauce
KSh796.25 KSh910.00
Tilapia In Coconut Sauce
Crispy fried whole fish deeped and served with coconut sauce
KSh540.00 KSh720.00
Whole Tilapia
Crispy fried whole fish
KSh487.50 KSh650.00
Fish Fingers
Made using a whitefish which has been battered or breaded
KSh487.50 KSh650.00
Kuku kienyeji ¼kg
Mostly prepared as dry or wet fry.
KSh487.50 KSh650.00
Mbuzi ¼kg
Goat in bone fried with onions, peppers and tomatoes.
KSh412.50 KSh550.00
Pan Fried Fish Fillet
Well seasoned fish filet pan fried till crispy
KSh390.00 KSh520.00
Fried Braised Liver
Cubed pieces of fried liver served with onions and tomatoes.
KSh390.00 KSh520.00
Cheese Burger
Dill pickles, olive oil, ketchup, aged cheddar
KSh390.00 KSh520.00
Beef Burger
Made with ground meat patty, cheese and lettuce toppings placed between two halves of a bun
KSh292.50 KSh390.00
Pilau And Kachumbari
Rice cooked in broth, mixed spices and other ingredients
KSh292.50 KSh390.00

Tandoori Special

Fruit juice, 2 sausages, 2 eggs, sauté potatoes, braised beans, toasted bread, tea or coffee
KSh1,105.00 KSh1,430.00
Tandoori Roasted Mbuzi ½kg
Roasted beef marinated in yogurt, lemon juice, and spices
KSh585.00 KSh780.00
Tandoori Roasted Chicken ¼kg
Roasted chicken marinated in yogurt, lemon juice, and spices
KSh390.00 KSh520.00

Healthy Dishes

Kenyan traditional meal of corn and any type of beans mixed and boiled together
KSh292.50 KSh390.00
Mbaazi In Coconut Sauce
Pigeon peas cooked with coconut milk extract
KSh292.50 KSh390.00
Fried ndima with onions, garlic and tomatoes together with local spices
KSh292.50 KSh390.00
Deliciously cooked green banana seasoned with salt
KSh195.00 KSh260.00
Nduma Stew
Fried ndima with onions garlic and tomatoes together with local spices
KSh195.00 KSh260.00
Kamande (Lentils)
Great source of protein and mostly served with rice.
KSh97.50 KSh130.00


Chips Masala
Deep fried sliced potato strips cooked in a chilli and tomato base
KSh292.50 KSh390.00
Sauté / Roast Potatoes
Potatoes steamed in a pan with oil and onions
KSh292.50 KSh390.00
Sliced potato strips deep fried in hot cooking oil
KSh195.00 KSh260.00
Risibisi Rice
Steamed white rice
KSh195.00 KSh260.00
Potatoes mashed together with baby corn, kidney beans and pumpkin leaves
KSh195.00 KSh260.00
Stiff maize flour porridge
KSh97.50 KSh130.00
Unleavened disk-shaped flat bread made of wheat flour
KSh97.50 KSh130.00

Soft Beverages

Bravo juice
Variety of compositions from exotic to native fruit and berry varieties.
KSh805.00 KSh920.00
Hibiscus Drink 1 Litre
Dried hibiscus,citric acid, sweetener,banana pineapple passion, ginger
KSh622.50 KSh720.00
Rauch juice can
No preservatives No sweetener
KSh577.50 KSh660.00
No added sugars, colours or flavours No preservatives
KSh292.50 KSh390.00
Thick juice made from different fruits varieties
KSh195.00 KSh260.00
Soda 500ml
Fanta, coke, sprite,stoney, krest
KSh227.50 KSh260.00
Water 1Litre
Lily's water Cold or warm
KSh97.50 KSh130.00

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