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Next PeriPeri Shawarma & Fries

Next PeriPeri Shawarma & Fries

store rating 75%
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Glovo Prime
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Shawarma + Chips
Chicken shawarma served alongside crispy potato chips for a satisfying meal.
Chicken Shawarma
Thinly sliced, seasoned chicken wrapped in a flatbread, providing a flavorful shawarma experience.
Shawarma with chicken meat only
Shawarma has chicken meat only with a dash of sauces

Main Meals

Shawarma + Chips
Chicken shawarma served alongside crispy potato chips for a satisfying meal.
Shawarma with chicken meat only
Shawarma has chicken meat only with a dash of sauces
Beef Burger Plain
A classic beef burger featuring a juicy patty on a bun, allowing you to savor the natural flavors.
Chicken Burger Plain
A straightforward chicken burger with a tender chicken patty served on a bun.
Chicken Shawarma
Thinly sliced, seasoned chicken wrapped in a flatbread, providing a flavorful shawarma experience.
Choma Sausages (2)
Two succulent grilled sausages, seasoned to perfection.
Chicken Drum Sticks 2
Two perfectly seasoned and cooked chicken drumsticks, providing a tasty protein option.
Ugali and Wet Fry Fish
Piece of ugali with wet fry fish
Ugali and Dry Fry Fish
Piece of ugali with dry fry fish
Choma Sausage + Bun
Grilled sausage served in a soft, fresh bun for a delicious and portable meal.
Ugali + Wet Fry Beef
Ugali served with succulent beef pieces cooked in a rich and savory wet fry preparation.
Ugali + Dry Fry Beef
Ugali accompanied by beef that has been dry-fried, offering a unique and delicious flavor profile.
Ugali + Vegetable + Eggs
A wholesome combination of ugali, assorted vegetables, and pan fried eggs, creating a balanced and satisfying meal.
2 Chapati and Wet Fry Beef and Kales
2 pieces of chapati with wet fry beef and vegetables(spinanch+kales)
Ugali with vegetables and scrambled eggs
1 piece of ugali with vegetables and 2 scrambled eggs
Beef Samosas (3)
Three crispy pastry pockets filled with seasoned beef, creating a delightful appetizer or snack.
Masala Chips-Mild Or Hot
Crispy potato chips seasoned with a choice of mild or hot masala spices, adding a flavorful kick to this classic snack.
Sautee Potatoes
Potatoes sautéed to perfection, creating a delicious and comforting side dish.
Ugali + Vegetables
A traditional dish featuring ugali (maize porridge) accompanied by a medley of fresh and flavorful vegetables.
Minute maid-apple flavour
Minute maid-Mango flavour
Dasani Water (500mi)
Refreshing 500ml bottle of dasani water to quench your thirst.
Coca-Cola Original 500Ml PET
Choice of various 500ml sodas to complement your meal.
Fanta Orange 500Ml PET
Choice of various 500ml sodas to complement your meal.
Sprite 500Ml PET
Choice of various 500ml sodas to complement your meal.
Fanta passion-500ML PET
Soda drink
Fanta black currant-500ml PET

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Com puc demanar Next PeriPeri Shawarma & Fries a domicili a Nairobi?
Per demanar Next PeriPeri Shawarma & Fries a domicili a Nairobi, simplement obre la pàgina web o aplicació de Glovo i ves a la categoria «Burgers”». A continuació, introdueix-hi la teva adreça per comprovar si, a Nairobi, Next PeriPeri Shawarma & Fries ofereix lliurament a domicili en aquesta àrea. Ara tria els productes que vulguis i afegeix-los a la teva comanda. Quan facis el pagament, es començarà a preparar la teva comanda i, poc després, un repartidor te la lliurarà directament a la porta.
Què puc demanar a Next PeriPeri Shawarma & Fries a Nairobi?
Next PeriPeri Shawarma & Fries ofereix una gran varietat de productes que pots demanar. Dona una ullada a la seva llista de productes i tria el que vulguis demanar a Next PeriPeri Shawarma & Fries.
Quant costa el lliurament de Next PeriPeri Shawarma & Fries a domicili a Nairobi?
Per veure quant costa el lliurament de Next PeriPeri Shawarma & Fries a Nairobi, consulta les despeses de lliurament a la part superior de la pàgina. També podràs veure-les al desglossament dels costos abans de completar la comanda.
Està Next PeriPeri Shawarma & Fries disponible a Prime?
No. Prime és el programa de subscripció de Glovo que permet gaudir de lliuraments gratuïts il·limitats d’alguns dels nostres Partners i altres avantatges.
Quan puc demanar Next PeriPeri Shawarma & Fries a domicili?
Durant l’horari de treball de Next PeriPeri Shawarma & Fries’s, pots fer la teva comanda en qualsevol moment. Gràcies al nostre lliurament superràpid, podràs gaudir del teu glovo al cap d’uns minuts! També pots programar el lliurament a una hora que et vagi bé, encara que l’establiment estigui tancat en el moment de fer la comanda.