Seasons Lounge And Grill

Seasons Lounge And Grill

store rating 80%
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Full Chicken Kienyeji Choma / Dry Or Wet Fry
Chicken marinated in spices and then grilled soft and tender
3/4 Pork Choma/ Dry or Wet Fry
Spicy, succulent skewered cubes of pork, slowly grilled over hot charcoal to impart a delicious, smoky aroma and stired in well fried chips to taste
1/2 Kg Pork Choma / Dry Or Wet Fry
Spicy, succulent skewered cubes of pork, slowly grilled over hot charcoal to impart a delicious, smoky aroma and stired in well fried chips to taste


1 Kg Pork Choma / Dry Or Wet Fry
Spicy, succulent skewered cubes of pork, slowly grilled over hot charcoal to impart a delicious, smoky aroma and stired in well fried chips to taste
3/4 Pork Choma/ Dry or Wet Fry
Spicy, succulent skewered cubes of pork, slowly grilled over hot charcoal to impart a delicious, smoky aroma and stired in well fried chips to taste
1/2 Kg Pork Choma / Dry Or Wet Fry
Spicy, succulent skewered cubes of pork, slowly grilled over hot charcoal to impart a delicious, smoky aroma and stired in well fried chips to taste
1/4 Kg Pork Choma / Dry Or Wet Fry
Spicy, succulent skewered cubes of pork, slowly grilled over hot charcoal to impart a delicious, smoky aroma and stired in well fried chips to taste


1 Kg Mbuzi Choma / Dry Or Wet Fry
Char-grilled goat meat wraped marinated soft and tender
3/4 Kg Mbuzi Choma/ Dry or Wet Fry
Char-grilled goat meat wraped marinated soft and tender
1/2 Kg Mbuzi Choma / Dry Or Wet Fry
Char-grilled goat meat wraped marinated soft and tender
1/4 Kg Mbuzi Choma / Dry Or Wet Fry
Char-grilled goat meat wraped marinated soft and tender

Chicken Broiler

Full Chicken Broiler Choma / Dry Or Wet Fry
Chicken cooked in onions, tomatoes and mixed spices garnished with coriander
3/4 Kg Chicken Broiler Choma/ Dry or Wet Fry
Chicken cooked in onions, tomatoes and mixed spices garnished with coriander
1/2 Kg Chicken Broiler Choma / Dry Or Wet Fry
Chicken cooked in onions, tomatoes and mixed spices garnished with coriander
1/4 Kg Chicken Broiler Choma / Dry Or Wet Fry
Chicken cooked in onions, tomatoes and mixed spices garnished with coriander

Chicken Kienyeji

Full Chicken Kienyeji Choma / Dry Or Wet Fry
Chicken marinated in spices and then grilled soft and tender
3/4 Kg Chicken Kienyeji Choma/ Dry or Wet Fry
Chicken marinated in spices and then grilled soft and tender
1/2 Kg Chicken Kienyeji Choma / Dry Or Wet Fry
Chicken marinated in spices and then grilled soft and tender


Roast Potatoes
Roasted sweet patatoes
Chips Masala
Deep fried sliced potato strips cooked in a chilli and tomato base
Sliced potato strips deep fried in hot cooking oil
Potatoes mashed together with baby corn, kidney beans and pumpkin leaves
Chopped garden vegetables consisting of tomatoes, onion, coriander, lemon and seasoned with salt
Stiff maize flour porridge
Small triangular pastry with a savory filling that is fried in hot cooking oil
Made from ground meat pork, beef, or poultry
Fried or boiled ground meat with a skin around it


1 Kg Pork At 10% Discount With Large Chips

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Què puc demanar a Seasons Lounge And Grill a Nairobi?
Seasons Lounge And Grill ofereix una gran varietat de productes que pots demanar. Dona una ullada a la seva llista de productes i tria el que vulguis demanar a Seasons Lounge And Grill.
Quant costa el lliurament de Seasons Lounge And Grill a domicili a Nairobi?
Per veure quant costa el lliurament de Seasons Lounge And Grill a Nairobi, consulta les despeses de lliurament a la part superior de la pàgina. També podràs veure-les al desglossament dels costos abans de completar la comanda.
Quant triga el lliurament de Seasons Lounge And Grill a domicili a Nairobi?
Després d’afegir la teva adreça de lliurament, podràs veure el temps estimat de lliurament de cada establiment a la teva zona. També podràs veure el temps de lliurament previst de la comanda feta a Seasons Lounge And Grill a la pàgina de pagament.
Quan puc demanar Seasons Lounge And Grill a domicili?
Durant l’horari de treball de Seasons Lounge And Grill’s, pots fer la teva comanda en qualsevol moment. Gràcies al nostre lliurament superràpid, podràs gaudir del teu glovo al cap d’uns minuts! També pots programar el lliurament a una hora que et vagi bé, encara que l’establiment estigui tancat en el moment de fer la comanda.
Com valoren altres clients a Seasons Lounge And Grill?
Seasons Lounge And Grill ha estat recomanat per un 80% dels clients que han demanat un glovo a l’establiment. Fes la teva comanda avui per veure si també t’agrada!