Tastie Hasty Place(Quick Bites)

Tastie Hasty Place(Quick Bites)

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Main Meals

A pizza loaded with various types of meat, such as pepperoni, sausage, ham, bacon, and possibly others, along with cheese and tomato sauce.
Zanzibar (Meat Lover)
A hearty pizza featuring a variety of meats, such as beef, chicken, sausage, and possibly pepperoni, along with cheese and tomato sauce.
Peperoni (Salami)
A pizza topped with slices of pepperoni or salami, along with cheese and tomato sauce.
A classic pizza topped with ham (or canadian bacon), pineapple chunks, cheese, and tomato sauce
Steak Pizza Beef
A pizza topped with slices of steak or beef, along with cheese and tomato sauce, possibly with additional toppings like onions or mushrooms.
Chicken Tikka
A pizza topped with pieces of marinated and grilled chicken tikka, along with cheese and tomato sauce, possibly with additional toppings like onions and bell peppers.
BBQ Chicken Pizza
A pizza featuring barbecue sauce, chunks or shreds of grilled chicken, cheese, and possibly other toppings like onions or bell peppers
Vegetarian Pizza
A pizza topped with various vegetables, such as bell peppers, mushrooms, onions, olives, and possibly tomatoes, along with cheese and tomato sauce
A simple pizza topped with fresh mozzarella cheese, tomatoes, fresh basil leaves, olive oil, and tomato sauce.
Roasted Chicken
A quarter portion of a roasted chicken, typically seasoned and cooked until golden and tender.
Texas Burger
A hearty burger variation, possibly featuring a larger beef patty, bacon, barbecue sauce, cheese, and other toppings
Chicken Burger
A burger consisting of a chicken patty served on a bun, typically accompanied by lettuce, tomato, onions, and condiments like mayonnaise or ketchup.
1 Piece Plus Fries
A meal consisting of  pieces of chicken (likely fried) served with a side of fries.
Beef Burger
A burger made with a beef patty served on a bun, typically accompanied by lettuce, tomato, onions, and condiments like mustard or mayonnaise
Veggie Burger
A burger made with a vegetarian patty, often composed of ingredients like black beans, chickpeas, vegetables, or grains, served on a bun with lettuce, tomato, onions, and condiments
Fruit Salad
A salad made with a variety of fresh fruits, often served chilled and dressed with a light syrup or citrus dressing.
A salad made with shredded cabbage and carrots, dressed with mayonnaise or a vinaigrette dressing.
Mixed Salad
A salad made with a variety of fresh mixed greens, such as lettuce, spinach, arugula, along with other vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers, often served with a dressing on the side.
Chicken Bites
Bite-sized pieces of chicken, typically breaded and fried, served as a snack or appetizer, often with dipping sauces
Plain Fries
French fries served without any additional seasoning or toppings
1 Piece
A popular east african snack made from slices of potatoes or other vegetables, coated in a spiced gram flour batter and deep-fried
A portion of sausage, usually served as a standalone item or as an addition to other dishes.
A savory pastry filled with spiced potatoes, peas, and sometimes meat, folded into a triangular shape and deep-fried
A smoked sausage, often served as a snack or appetizer

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Què puc demanar a Tastie Hasty Place(Quick Bites) a Nairobi?
Tastie Hasty Place(Quick Bites) ofereix una gran varietat de productes que pots demanar. Dona una ullada a la seva llista de productes i tria el que vulguis demanar a Tastie Hasty Place(Quick Bites).
Quant triga el lliurament de Tastie Hasty Place(Quick Bites) a domicili a Nairobi?
Després d’afegir la teva adreça de lliurament, podràs veure el temps estimat de lliurament de cada establiment a la teva zona. També podràs veure el temps de lliurament previst de la comanda feta a Tastie Hasty Place(Quick Bites) a la pàgina de pagament.
Està Tastie Hasty Place(Quick Bites) disponible a Prime?
No. Prime és el programa de subscripció de Glovo que permet gaudir de lliuraments gratuïts il·limitats d’alguns dels nostres Partners i altres avantatges.
Quan puc demanar Tastie Hasty Place(Quick Bites) a domicili?
Durant l’horari de treball de Tastie Hasty Place(Quick Bites)’s, pots fer la teva comanda en qualsevol moment. Gràcies al nostre lliurament superràpid, podràs gaudir del teu glovo al cap d’uns minuts! També pots programar el lliurament a una hora que et vagi bé, encara que l’establiment estigui tancat en el moment de fer la comanda.
Quina mena de productes puc demanar a Tastie Hasty Place(Quick Bites)?
Tastie Hasty Place(Quick Bites) ofereix productes de la categoria «Burgers». Consulta’n la llista de productes per veure què pots demanar. No dubtis a consultar també altres establiments de la categoria «Burgers» disponibles a Nairobi.