Tusiu Healthcare Limited

Tusiu Healthcare Limited

Tusiu Healthcare Limited

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Digestive Health

ABZ syrup
Albendazole is an antiparasitic medication. It works by keeping the worms from absorbing sugar (glucose), thereby depleting their energy level. This causes the worms to die and treats your infection.
ABZ tablets
Albendazole is an antiparasitic medication. It works by keeping the worms from absorbing sugar (glucose), thereby depleting their energy level. This causes the worms to die and treats your infection.
Alben suspension
Albendazole is an antiparasitic medication. It works by keeping the worms from absorbing sugar (glucose), thereby depleting their energy level. This causes the worms to die and treats your infection.
Alben tablets
Alben tablets contains Albendazole an antiparasitic medication. It works by keeping the worms from absorbing sugar (glucose), thereby depleting their energy level. This causes the worms to die and treats your infection.
Alugel Suspension
AluGel contains Magnesium Hydroxide (Milk of Magnesia) 80 mg, Aluminium Hydroxide 6 g used to treat heartburn, upset stomach and indigestion.
Enterogermina 3 pieces
Enterogermina is a probiotic containing Bacillus Clausii. It helps in restoring and maintaining normal flora in the gut. Its packed in a ready to drink liquid vial, its tasteless, lactose free, gluten free and sugar free
Gaviscon Double Action solution
Gaviscon Doubke Action solution is used for the treatment of symptoms resulting from the reflux of acid, bile and pepsin into the oesophagus such as acid and for symptoms of excess stomach acid.
Gaviscon peppermint solution
Gaviscon Peppermint solution is used for the treatment of symptoms resulting from the reflux of acid, bile and pepsin into the oesophagus such as acid and for symptoms of excess stomach acid.
Maalox Satchets 3 satchets
Maalox Stick sachets provides an antacid suspension that relieves your symptoms in two different ways: Antacid- Neutralises excess stomach acid. Anti-gas Ingredient- reduces gas pain and pressure.
Relcer Gel
Relcer Gel contains Magnesium Hydroxide (Milk of Magnesia) 80 mg, Aluminium Hydroxide 6 g and Activated Dimethicone 100 mg used to treat heartburn, upset stomach and indigestion.
Zentel tablets
Zentel Suspension contains Albendazole which is a broad spectrum Anthemintic used as a dewormer for the eradication of Pin-worms, Whip-worms, Ascaris Lumbricoides, Hookworm and Tapeworms.

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