Mswahili Plate

Mswahili Plate

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Chicken Biryani and Kachumbari
A delicious savory rice dish that's loaded with spicy marinated chicken, caramelized onions and flavorful saffron rice

Main Meals

Chicken Pilau, Kachumbari and Soda 300ml
Rice cooked in broth, mixed spices and other ingredients served with kachumbari and soda
Chicken Tikka 1/4 served with Chips, Coleslaw and Soda 350ml
Chicken marinated in yogurt and spices and then grilled served with chips, coleslaw and soda
BBQ Chicken 1/4 served with Chips, Coleslaw and Soda 350ml
Grilled whole Guinea fowl & pepper, fresh and tasty served with chips
Mutton Biryani, Rice and Kachumbari
A delicious savory rice dish that's loaded with mutton caramelized onions and flavorful saffron rice
Fish Curry, Rice/Chapati 2pcs and Kachumbari
Fish curry made with a lot of spices and tomato served with accompaniment of choice and kachumbari
Coconut Fish, Rice and Kachumbari
A dish featuring tropical, spicy, and tangy flavors of coconut, chili, and lime served with rice and kachumbari
Chicken Biryani and Kachumbari
A delicious savory rice dish that's loaded with spicy marinated chicken, caramelized onions and flavorful saffron rice
Chicken Tikka, Rice and Kachumbari
Chicken marinated in yogurt and spices and then grilled served with rice and kachumbari
Mutton Curry, Rice/Chapatis 2pcs and Kachumbari
A mutton dish cooked in an Indian-style sauce of hot-tasting spices served with accompaniment of choice
Beef Biryani, Rice and Kachumbari
A delicious savory rice dish that's loaded with spicy marinated beef, caramelized onions and flavorful saffron rice
Chicken Pilau and Kachumbari
Served with soup and kachumbari
Beef Curry and Rice/Chapati
A beef dish cooked in an Indian-style sauce of hot-tasting spices served with accompaniment of choice
Beef Pilau and Kachumbari
Served with soup and kachumbari
Coconut Beans, Rice/ Chapatis 2pcs
Tasty coconut beans served with accompaniment of choice

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Combien coûte la livraison de Mswahili Plate à Nairobi ?
Pour savoir combien coûte la livraison chez Mswahili Plate à Nairobi, consultez les frais de livraison en haut de la page. Vous verrez aussi la répartition des coûts avant de confirmer la commande.
Combien de temps prend la livraison de Mswahili Plate à Nairobi ?
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Quand puis-je commander chez Mswahili Plate ?
Pendant les horaires d'ouverture de Mswahili Plate’s, vous pouvez passer commande à tout moment. Grâce à notre livraison rapide, vous dégusterez vos plats en quelques minutes ! Vous pouvez aussi programmer votre livraison pour l'heure qui vous arrange, même si l'établissement est actuellement fermé.