Ribs and Wings

Ribs and Wings

store rating 82%
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Top sellers

Bacon Wrapped Wings 12Pcs
Succulent chicken wings wrapped in crispy bacon, offering a delicious blend of flavors and textures.

Chicken Wings

Bacon Wrapped Wings 18Pcs
Succulent chicken wings wrapped in crispy bacon, offering a delicious blend of flavors and textures.
18 Pieces
Classic chicken wings, available in various portion sizes and served with your choice of sauce for a flavorful experience
Bacon Wrapped Wings 12Pcs
Succulent chicken wings wrapped in crispy bacon, offering a delicious blend of flavors and textures.
12 Pieces
Classic chicken wings, available in various portion sizes and served with your choice of sauce for a flavorful experience
Bacon Wrapped Wings 6Pcs
Succulent chicken wings wrapped in crispy bacon, offering a delicious blend of flavors and textures.
6 Pieces
Classic chicken wings, available in various portion sizes and served with your choice of sauce for a flavorful experience

Burgers (Turn It Up Wth A Sauce Of Your Choice)

Beef Burger
Juicy and flavorful burgers made with your choice of beef or chicken patty, served with fresh toppings on a toasted bun
Chicken Burger
Juicy and flavorful burgers made with your choice of beef or chicken patty, served with fresh toppings on a toasted bun


Classic Fries
A delicious side option to complement your main dish
Periperi Fries
A delicious side option to complement your main dish


Beef Ribs
Tender beef ribs, slow-cooked and basted with savory barbecue sauce for a rich flavor.
Pork Ribs
Juicy pork ribs, marinated and grilled to perfection, offering a savory and satisfying meal option.

Chicken Tenders

12 Pieces
6 Pieces
3 Pieces

Chicken Pieces

12 Pieces
Crispy and juicy chicken tenders, breaded and fried to perfection, available in different portion sizes to suit your appetite.
6 Pieces
Crispy and juicy chicken tenders, breaded and fried to perfection, available in different portion sizes to suit your appetite.
3 Pieces
Crispy and juicy chicken tenders, breaded and fried to perfection, available in different portion sizes to suit your appetite.

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Česta pitanja

Nairobi - Kako mogu naručiti dostavu iz trgovineRibs and Wings?
Nairobi - Želiš li naručili dostavu iz trgovine Ribs and Wings, sve što trebaš učiniti jest otvoriti web-stranice ili aplikaciju Glovo i posjetiti kategoriju „Fast food”“. Nairobi - Zatim unesi svoju adresu i provjeri je li dostava iz trgovine Ribs and Wings dostupna u tvom dijelu grada. Tad možeš odabrati željene proizvode i dodati ih svojoj narudžbi. Nakon što dovršiš plaćanje, tvoja će se narudžba početi pripremati i ubrzo nakon toga dostavljač će je donijeti izravno na tvoja vrata.
Nairobi - Koliko košta dostava iz trgovine Ribs and Wings?
Nairobi - Želiš li vidjeti koliko košta dostava iz trgovine Ribs and Wings, pogledaj naknadu za dostavu pri vrhu stranice. Također ćeš je moći vidjeti u prikazu troškova po stavkama prije slanja narudžbe.
Ima li promotivnih akcija za trgovinu Ribs and Wings na Glovu?
Uvijek potraži snižene proizvode i aktualne posebne ponude koje su označene žutom bojom. Ponekad možeš pronaći posebne ponude kao što su 2 za 1 ili sniženu dostavu!
Je li trgovina Ribs and Wings dostupna u Primeu?
Ne. Prime je pretplatnički program Glova u sklopu kojega dobivaš neograničene besplatne dostave od nekih naših partnera i druge pogodnosti!
Kada mogu naručiti dostavu iz trgovine Ribs and Wings?
Tijekom radnog vremena trgovine Ribs and Wings’s narudžbu možeš poslati u bilo kojem trenutku. Zahvaljujući našoj ekspresnoj dostavi moći ćeš uživati u svom glovu već za koju minutu! Također možeš zakazati dostavu za vrijeme koje ti odgovara, čak i ako je trgovina trenutno zatvorena.