Jay's Grill Bar

Jay's Grill Bar

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Main Meals

Tilapia Fish served with Ugali or Chapati or Rice
Wet fried tilapia fish served with Ugali, rice or chapati plus vegetables
Beef served with Rice and Vegetables
Basmati rice served with beef cubes and vegetables.
Beef served with Ugali or Chapati
Beef cubes served with an option of Ugali or Chapati and vegetables.
2 piecer plus chips
2 pieces of deep fried chicken served with chips
Swahili made rice with beef and a variety of local spices served with kachumbari.
Charcoal Grilled Chicken
Grilled chicken well marinated with spices
Masala chips
Chips coated with cooked tomatoes and herbs.
A dish consisting of small pieces of meat, tomatoes, onions, etc, threaded onto skewers and grilled, generally over charcoal
Slices of potatoes and deep fried in cooking oil
Made from ground meat pork, beef, or poultry
Meat Ball
Crispy and crunchy snack made of minced meat filling seasoned with garlic, pepper, nutmeg and salt
Small triangular pastry with a savory filling that is fried in hot cooking oil
Unleavened disk-shaped flat bread made of wheat flour with a stew
Fried or boiled ground meat with a skin around it

Raw Chicken

The meat is tough and some time to cook
Marinated Broiler
Seasoned chicken with spices
Bred chicken raised specifically for meat production

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Quanto costa la consegna a domicilio da Jay's Grill Bar a Nairobi?
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Quanto tempo impiega la consegna da Jay's Grill Bar a Nairobi?
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Quali tipi di prodotti posso ordinare da Jay's Grill Bar?
Da Jay's Grill Bar troverai tanti articoli di questa categoria: Fast food. Dai un’occhiata all’elenco di prodotti qui sopra per sapere cosa puoi ordinare. Non esitare a verificare anche gli altri negozi disponibili nella categoria “Fast food” a Nairobi.