Calabash Pork and Chicken

Calabash Pork and Chicken

Calabash Pork and Chicken

store promotion 2 for 1 some items
store promotion -10% some items
store rating 92%
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store rating
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Full chicken biryani rice
Full chicken with biryani sauce, Rice, boiled eggs, fried potatoes and Kachumbari. Prep time 30 minutes
KSh3,240.00 KSh3,600.00
Full Broiler bahati
Full Broiler chicken with green maize, peas, boiled eggs and chips
KSh1,620.00 KSh1,800.00
Half chicken biryani rice
Full chicken with biryani sauce, Rice, boiled eggs, fried potatoes and Kachumbari.
KSh1,620.00 KSh1,800.00
1Kg Spare Ribs Marinated(new)
Pan grilled marinated spare ribs thi
KSh1,350.00 KSh1,500.00
Family meal chicken n chips (New)
Full Chicken fry mixed with chips (Vuruga)
KSh1,350.00 KSh1,500.00
Family meal pork and ugali and greens
1Kg pork and 3 ugali and greens
KSh1,215.00 KSh1,350.00
Broiler Fry Wet / Dry Full
This full broiler made to you taste indicate wet or dry when ordering
KSh1,080.00 KSh1,200.00
Full grilled Chicken
Grilled on double pan to perfection
KSh1,080.00 KSh1,200.00
1/2 Pork Chips
2 for 1
Half Spare Ribs Marinated
Pan grilled marinated Spare Ribs
KSh675.00 KSh750.00
1/2 chicken Ugali broiler greens
Fry chicken with ugali and greens
KSh630.00 KSh700.00
Chips Masala
2 for 1
Deep fried sliced potato strips cooked in a chilli and tomato base
2 for 1
Vegetables sliced and dipped in a spiced chickpea batter and fried until crispy.
Guacamole salsa
2 for 1
Tomatoes, onion, lime juice, dhania and ovacado salsa
2 for 1
2 for 1
Chopped garden vegetables consisting of tomatoes, onion, coriander, lemon and seasoned with salt
2 for 1
A type of stiff porridge made by mixing corn meal with boiling water

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Co mogę zamówić z Calabash Pork and Chicken w mieście Nairobi?
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Ile kosztuje dostawa z Calabash Pork and Chicken w mieście Nairobi?
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Jak długo trwa dostawa z Calabash Pork and Chicken w mieścieNairobi?
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Czy oferta Calabash Pork and Chicken jest dostępna w Prime?
Nie. Prime jest subskrypcją oferowaną przez Glovo, która zapewnia nieograniczone bezpłatne dostawy od wybranych partnerów oraz inne korzyści!
Kiedy mogę zamówić dostawę z Calabash Pork and Chicken?
Zamówienia możesz złożyć w godzinach otwarcia Calabash Pork and Chicken’s. Dostawa jest bardzo szybka, więc Twoje glovo błyskawicznie do Ciebie dotrze! Możesz również zaplanować dostawę w dogodnym dla siebie terminie, nawet jeśli punkt jest w danej chwili zamknięty.