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Grilled Fresh Fish Fillet
Tender fish that's seasoned and grilled for a flavorful and healthy meal. Served with Mediterranean roasted vegetables. Order now for a delicious taste of the sea!
Fish & Chips
Deep fried fish fillet coated in spiced breadcrumbs with coleslaw, tartar sauce served with French fries
Chicken Wings (15pcs)
Crispy on the outside, tender and juicy on the inside, tossed in your choice of flavorful sauces. Order now for a tantalizing taste sensation!
Art Pesto Chicken
Succulent grilled chicken breast smothered in aromatic basil creamy pesto sauce. Order now for a flavorful masterpiece!
Sweet & Spicy Chicken
Chicken cooked in sweet chilli sauce served with rice & steamed vegetables
Grilled Chicken
Beautifully spiced grilled chicken served with rice & French beans
Chicken Shawarma
Freshly baked flat bread topped with grilled chicken & onions in Mediterranean spices, fresh tomatoes, tahini, red raddish, red bullet & fresh coriander served with French fries
Roast Half Chicken
Straight from the oven served with Mediterranean roasted vegetables
Linguine Carbonara
Silky linguine tossed in a rich, velvety sauce made with eggs, bacon, Parmesan cheese, crispy pancetta, and cracked black pepper. An indulgent Italian classic that's simply irresistible.
Texas Burger
A hearty beef patty topped with crispy bacon, tangy BBQ sauce, melted cheese, and crunchy onion rings, all on a toasted bun. Order now for a taste of bold Texan flavors!
Chicken Caesar Salad
Tender grilled chicken served atop crisp lettuce, accompanied by savory ciabatta croutons and drizzled with creamy Caesar dressing. Topped with shaved Parmesan cheese and zesty capers for an added burst of flavour.
Grilled Halloumi Salad
Tender grilled halloumi cheese paired with roasted vegetables, crisp lettuce, and kale, all tossed in a flavorful honey mustard dressing. Topped with crunchy salad topper and served with a side of garlic bread.
BBQ Chicken in Rustic Ciabatta Sandwich
Succulent grilled chicken, tangy BBQ sauce, crisp lettuce, and creamy mayo, all nestled in a warm, crusty ciabatta. Order now for a mouthwatering BBQ treat!
Spicy Chicken Sandwich
Juicy chicken breast seasoned and topped with fiery spices and crisp lettuce, all between soft buns. Order now for a flavor-packed delight!
Everyday Breakfast
Two Beef sausages, two eggs (to your liking), home fries, served with toast & Art Jam (tree tomato) Select one of our NEW Gourmet Sausages ORIENTAL SPICY BEEF Sweet and spicy with top notes of garlic, coriander, ginger, cumin, orange spice blend, gre...

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Quanto custa a entrega do Artcaffe em Nairóbi?
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Quanto tempo demora a entrega do Artcaffe em Nairóbi?
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$ PrimeAvailability. O Prime é a subscrição da Glovo, que te dá entregas grátis ilimitadas de alguns de nossos parceiros, entre outros benefícios!
Quando é que posso pedir entrega do Artcaffe?
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