Tastie Hasty Place(Quick Bites)

Tastie Hasty Place(Quick Bites)

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Main Meals

A pizza loaded with various types of meat, such as pepperoni, sausage, ham, bacon, and possibly others, along with cheese and tomato sauce.
Zanzibar (Meat Lover)
A hearty pizza featuring a variety of meats, such as beef, chicken, sausage, and possibly pepperoni, along with cheese and tomato sauce.
Peperoni (Salami)
A pizza topped with slices of pepperoni or salami, along with cheese and tomato sauce.
A classic pizza topped with ham (or canadian bacon), pineapple chunks, cheese, and tomato sauce
Steak Pizza Beef
A pizza topped with slices of steak or beef, along with cheese and tomato sauce, possibly with additional toppings like onions or mushrooms.
Chicken Tikka
A pizza topped with pieces of marinated and grilled chicken tikka, along with cheese and tomato sauce, possibly with additional toppings like onions and bell peppers.
BBQ Chicken Pizza
A pizza featuring barbecue sauce, chunks or shreds of grilled chicken, cheese, and possibly other toppings like onions or bell peppers
Vegetarian Pizza
A pizza topped with various vegetables, such as bell peppers, mushrooms, onions, olives, and possibly tomatoes, along with cheese and tomato sauce
A simple pizza topped with fresh mozzarella cheese, tomatoes, fresh basil leaves, olive oil, and tomato sauce.
Roasted Chicken
A quarter portion of a roasted chicken, typically seasoned and cooked until golden and tender.
Texas Burger
A hearty burger variation, possibly featuring a larger beef patty, bacon, barbecue sauce, cheese, and other toppings
Chicken Burger
A burger consisting of a chicken patty served on a bun, typically accompanied by lettuce, tomato, onions, and condiments like mayonnaise or ketchup.
1 Piece Plus Fries
A meal consisting of  pieces of chicken (likely fried) served with a side of fries.
Beef Burger
A burger made with a beef patty served on a bun, typically accompanied by lettuce, tomato, onions, and condiments like mustard or mayonnaise
Veggie Burger
A burger made with a vegetarian patty, often composed of ingredients like black beans, chickpeas, vegetables, or grains, served on a bun with lettuce, tomato, onions, and condiments
Fruit Salad
A salad made with a variety of fresh fruits, often served chilled and dressed with a light syrup or citrus dressing.
A salad made with shredded cabbage and carrots, dressed with mayonnaise or a vinaigrette dressing.
Mixed Salad
A salad made with a variety of fresh mixed greens, such as lettuce, spinach, arugula, along with other vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers, often served with a dressing on the side.
Chicken Bites
Bite-sized pieces of chicken, typically breaded and fried, served as a snack or appetizer, often with dipping sauces
Plain Fries
French fries served without any additional seasoning or toppings
1 Piece
A popular east african snack made from slices of potatoes or other vegetables, coated in a spiced gram flour batter and deep-fried
A portion of sausage, usually served as a standalone item or as an addition to other dishes.
A savory pastry filled with spiced potatoes, peas, and sometimes meat, folded into a triangular shape and deep-fried
A smoked sausage, often served as a snack or appetizer

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Какие товары доступны в заведении «Tastie Hasty Place(Quick Bites)»?
В интересующем вас заведении «Tastie Hasty Place(Quick Bites)» можно заказать товары из категории «Burgers». Ознакомьтесь с ассортиментом товаров выше, чтобы узнать, что именно можно заказать. Также можем порекомендовать вам просмотреть и другие заведения города Найроби, работающие в категории «Burgers».