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Chouzhang Wings

Chouzhang Wings

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Glovo Prime
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Chicken Wings

Teriyaki Chicken Wings Combo
6 Saucy, tender, flour coated, fried chicken wings flavored with both a chicken dry rub and respective flavored sauces. Served with a side.
Bbq Chicken Wings Combo
6 Saucy, tender, flour coated, fried chicken wings flavored with both a chicken dry rub and respective flavored sauces. Served with a side.
Hot Barbeque Chicken Wings Combo
6 Saucy, tender, flour coated, fried chicken wings flavored with both a chicken dry rub and respective flavored sauces. Served with a side.
Hot Teriyaki Chicken Wings Combo
6 Saucy, tender, flour coated, fried chicken wings flavored with both a chicken dry rub and respective flavored sauces. Served with a side.
Thai Chilly Chicken Wings Combo
6 Saucy, tender, flour coated, fried chicken wings flavored with both a chicken dry rub and respective flavored sauces. Served with a side.
Chinese Bbq Chicken Wings Combo
6 Saucy, tender, flour coated, fried chicken wings flavored with both a chicken dry rub and respective flavored sauces. Served with a side
Buffalo Chicken Wings Combo
6 Saucy, tender, flour coated, fried chicken wings flavored with both a chicken dry rub and respective flavored sauces. Served with a side.
Tandoori Chicken Wings Combo
6 Saucy, tender, flour coated, fried chicken wings flavored with both a chicken dry rub and respective flavored sauces. Served with a side

Chicken Thigh

Teriyaki Chicken Thigh Combo
1 Piece saucy, tender, flour coated, fried chicken thigh flavored with both a chicken dry rub and respective flavored sauces. Served with a side.
Bbq Chicken Thigh Combo
1 Piece saucy, tender, flour coated, fried chicken thighs flavored with both a chicken dry rub and respective flavored sauces. Served with a side.
Hot Barbeque Chicken Thigh Combo
1 Piece saucy, tender, flour coated, fried chicken thighs flavored with both a chicken dry rub and respective flavored sauces. Served with a side
Buffalo Chicken Thigh Combo
1 Piece saucy, tender, flour coated, fried chicken thighs flavored with both a chicken dry rub and respective flavored sauces. Served with a side.
Thai Chilly Chicken Thigh Combo
1 Piece saucy, tender, flour coated, fried chicken thighs flavored with both a chicken dry rub and respective flavored sauces. Served with a side.
Tandoori Chicken Thigh Combo
1 Piece saucy, tender, flour coated, fried chicken thighs flavored with both a chicken dry rub and respective flavored sauces. Served with a side.
Buffalo Supreme Chicken Thigh Combo
1 Piece saucy, tender, flour coated, fried chicken thighs flavored with both a chicken dry rub and respective flavored sauces. Served with a side
Hot Teriyaki Chicken Thigh Combo
1 Piece saucy, tender, flour coated, fried chicken thighs flavored with both a chicken dry rub and respective flavored sauces. Served with a side.
Chinese Bbq Chicken Thigh Combo
1 Piece saucy, tender, flour coated, fried chicken thighs flavored with both a chicken dry rub and respective flavored sauces. Served with a side

Beef Category

Buffalo Tender Beef Combo
Tender beef tossed together in a savory, yet slightly sweet buffalo sauce to create a beef stir fry. Served with a side
Bbq Tender Beef Combo
Tender beef tossed together in a savory, yet slightly sweet sauce to create a beef stir fry, served with a side
Hot Barbeque Tender Beef combo
Tender beef tossed together in a savory, yet slightly sweet sauce to create a beef stir fry served with a side
Hot Teriyaki Tender Beef Combo
Tender beef tossed together in a savory, yet slightly sweet sauce to create a beef stir fry, served with a side
Thai Chilly Tender Beef Combo
Tender beef tossed together in a savory, yet slightly Thai chilli sweet sauce to create a beef stir fry. Served with a side.
Chinese Bbq Tender Beef Combo
Tender beef and veggies tossed together in a savory, yet slightly sweet Chinese BBQ sauce to create a beef stir fry. Served with a side.
Tandoori Tender Beef Combo
Tender beef and veggies tossed together in a savory, yet slightly sweet sauce to create a beef stir fry


Vegetable Rice
Flavorful blend of veggies and rice
Sliced potato strips deep-fried in hot cooking oil
Masala Fries
Deep-fried sliced potato strips cooked in a chilli and tomato base
Roast Potatoes
Crispy, golden-brown potatoes, seasoned and oven-roasted to perfection
Grilled bananas
Sweet, caramelized bananas with a smoky, grilled flavor
Kenyan ugali

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Combien coûte la livraison de Chouzhang Wings à Найробі ?
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Combien de temps prend la livraison de Chouzhang Wings à Найробі ?
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Est-ce que Chouzhang Wings est sur Prime ?
Ні. Prime est le programme d’abonnement de Glovo, qui permet de bénéficier de la livraison gratuite et illimitée chez certains de nos partenaires, ainsi que d’autres avantages.
Y a-t-il un montant de panier minimum chez Chouzhang Wings ?
Chouzhang Wings impose un montant de panier minimum. Mais pas d'inquiétude : si vous ne l'atteignez pas, nous vous livrerons quand même votre commande, sous réserve du paiement de frais supplémentaires.