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Miješano meso sa roštilja 500 gr
Tri ražnjića - piletina, meso i tika od mesa ili piletine, služe se sa bijelom rižom ili pomfritom
12,75 € 15,00 €
Mixed Barbeque 500gr
Three skewer choices from kabab chicken, kabab meat, tikka meat or tikka chicken served with white rice or french fries
12,75 € 15,00 €
Fried Shrimps Wrap 370 gr + Coca-Cola + Baklava
Our special fried shrimps wrapped in Arabic bread with lettuce, tomatoes and ketchup mayo sauce, served with french fries and tahina
13,60 € 17,00 €

I più venduti

Miješano meso sa roštilja 500 gr
Tri ražnjića - piletina, meso i tika od mesa ili piletine, služe se sa bijelom rižom ili pomfritom
12,75 € 15,00 €
Fried Shrimps Wrap 370 gr
Our special fried shrimps wrapped in Arabic bread with lettuce and cocktail sauce, served with french fries and cocktail sauce.
11,00 €
Mixed Barbeque 500gr
Three skewer choices from kabab chicken, kabab meat, tikka meat or tikka chicken served with white rice or french fries
12,75 € 15,00 €

Combo ponuda

Miješano meso sa roštilja 1300gr + 2 Coca-Cola + Baklava
Kilogram miješanog mesa (piletine i junetine), služi se sa pomfritom, tanur hljebom i tahinijem.
36,80 € 46,00 €
Puna Grilovana Piletina + 2*Coca Cola + Baklava
Pečena pileća prsa poslužena s krompirom i hljebom
20,00 € 25,00 €
Leptirasti Gambori + Coca Cola + Baklava
Grilovani škampi sa limunom i služeni sa hlebom
18,40 € 23,00 €
Mačbos sa gamborima 500 gr + coca cola + Baklava
Svježi gamborimi spremljeni sa rižom i aromatičnim zalivskim začinima, služi se sa jogurt salatom (jogurt, krastavac i sušena nana).
18,00 € 22,50 €
Mačbos sa Mesom 500 gr + Coca-Cola + Baklava
Svježe meso spremljeno sa rižom, paradajzom, lukom, zelenim korijanderom i zalivskim začinima, služi se sa jogurt salatom (jogurt, krastavac i sušena nana)
17,60 € 22,00 €
Hamsat sa gamborima +Coca Cola + Baklava
Svježi gambori spremljeni na tradicionalan način s paradajzom, krompirom, lukom i zalivskim, služi se sa bijelom rižom
17,60 € 22,00 €
Emiratska Mesna Tika (Komadi Junetine sa Roštilja + Coca-Cola + Baklava
Komadi svježeg mesa marinirani u arapskim začinima grilovani na ćumuru, služe se sa bijelom rižom
16,40 € 20,50 €
Emiratski Pileći Ražnjići (Piletina sa Roštilja) + Coca-Cola + Baklava
Svježa mljevena piletina marinirani u tradicionalnom stilu, grilovana na ćumuru, služi se sa bijelom rižom ili pomfritom.
15,20 € 19,00 €
Dorucak Dzigerica 600gr + Hibiskus + Baklava
Svježa govedina džigerica pržena sa krompirom, paradajzom, zacinjena arapskim zacinima i limunovim sokom, arapska salata ihumus, služi se sa tanur hljebom
14,00 € 17,50 €
Tortilja sa prženim gamborima 370 gr + Coca-Cola+ Baklava
Naši posebni prženi gambori uvijeni u arapski hljeb sa zelenom salatom, paradajzom i sosom od ketchupa i majoneze, služe se sa pomfritom i tahinijem -pastom od susama
13,60 € 17,00 €
Pileća Šavarma salata 400 gr + Hibiskus + Baklava
Isjeckana piletina pomješana sa paradajzom, kupusom, krastavcima i lukom, na vrhu fino sjeckani peršun
13,20 € 16,50 €
Salata od Cvekle 450 gr + Hibiskus + Baklava
Cvekla, zelena jabuka, zrna sezonskog nara, bijeli sir, svježa nana, orasi, limunov sok, maslinovo ulje i sirup od nara.
12,80 € 16,00 €
Arapski Sendvič sa Mesom+ Coca-Cola + Baklava
Mljeveno meso umotano u arapski hljeb, služi se sa pomfritom i tahinijem
10,80 € 13,50 €
Tortilja sa Falafelom + Coca-Cola + Baklava
Prženi falafel (pljeskavica od leblebija i mješavine arapskih začina) uvijen u arapski hljeb, sa zelenom salatom, krastavcem, tahini sosom, kisjelim krastavcima, paradajzom, služi se sa pomfritom i tahinijem (pastom od susama).
10,40 € 13,00 €

Emiratski doručak

Egipatski dorucak 700g
Ful (kuvani bob), falafel (pljeskavica od leblebija), tvrdo kuvano jaje, džem, pomfrit, musaka (kuvani patlidžan sa krompirom i paprikom u paradajz sosu) i bijeli sir sa paradajzom, služi se sa tanur hljebom.
11,00 €
Doručak džigerica 600gr
Svježa goveđa džigerica pržena sa krompirom, paradajzom, začinjena začinima i limunovim sokom, arapska salata i humus. Služi se sa tanur hljebom
10,00 €


Humus sa mesom
Kremasti, gusti namaz od pirea od leblebije, sa tahinijem, i sjeckanim mesom. Služi se sa svježim tanur hljebom.
6,80 € 8,00 €
Falafel je jelo poznato širom svijeta 300gr
Pljeskavice napravljene od leblebije i mješavine arapskih začina, spolja hrskave, tople i sočne iznutra, služe se sa svježim povrćem i tanur hljebom
7,00 €
Humus sa džigericom
Kremasti gusti namaz od pirea i leblebije sa tahinijem i nadjevom od džigerice. Služi se sa svježim tanur hljebom
7,00 €
Hummus 160gr
Kremasti, gusti namaz napravljen od pirea od leblebije pomiješan sa tahinijem-pastom od susama prelivenim maslinovim uljem, služi se sa svježim tanur hljebom
6,50 €
Mesom Sambosa 150gr
Miješana sambosa-sambosa sa sirom i emiratska sambosa sa povrćem, služi se sa našim posebnim sosom
6,50 €
Mutabal 160gr
Pečeni patlidžan mariniran u jogurtu, tahiniju-pasti od susama, maslinovom ulju i zrnima sezonskog nara, služi se sa svježim tanur hljebom
6,50 €
Musaka 250g
Prženi patlidžan, krompir kuvan sa paprikom u paradajz sosu, lukom i posebnim začinima, služi se sa tanur hljebom.
6,50 €
Sambosa sa sirom 150gr
Prženo arapsko pecivo punjeno sirom, služi se sa našim posebnim sosom
6,00 €
Emiratska Sambosa sa povrćem 150gr
Arapska peciva punjena miješanim povrćem, servirana uz specijalan sos
6,00 €
Zapečeni pasulj 200gr
Bijeli pasulj skuvan sa sosom od paradajza, lukom, emiratskim začinima preliven maslinovim uljem i prženim lukom, služi se sa svježim tanur hljebom
6,00 €
Dango leblebija 350gr
Tradicionalna emiratska leblebija inspirisana domaćom kuhinjom, služi se sa svježim tanur hljebom
5,00 €
Bajella bob 350gr
Tradicionalna emiratska mahunarka inspirisana domaćom kuhinjom, služi se sa svježim tanur hljebom
5,00 €
Dubai House mladi krompir 250gr
Prženi mladi krompir začinjen arapskim začinima i zelenim korijanderom
5,00 €
Balalit 200gr
Rezanci spremljeni na poseban emiratski način, začinjeni kardamomom i cimetom
4,50 €

Supe i salate

Salata Rocca 350 gr
Listovi Roke, luk, paradajz, zrna sezonskog nara, orasi, sok od limete, maslinovo ulje, sirup od nara
9,50 €
Pileća Šavarma salata 400 gr
Isjeckana piletina pomješana sa paradajzom, kupusom, krastavcima i lukom, na vrhu fino sjeckani peršun
9,00 €
Salata od cvekle 450 gr
Cvekla, zelena jabuka, zrna sezonskog nara, bijeli sir, svježa nana, orasi, limunov sok, maslinovo ulje i sirup od nara
8,50 €
Salata od sira 400 gr
Prženi sir, avokado, sjeckana zelena salata, paradajz, krastavac, maslinovo ulje, sušena nana i poseban sos.
6,80 € 8,00 €
Fatuš 350g
Sjeckana zelena salata, paradajz, krastavac, paprika, isitnjeni luk, nana, zrna sezonskog nara pomiješana sa sosom od bijelog luka i limuna, sa pečenim hljebom na vrhu, sirupom od nara i bijelim susamom.
7,00 €
Arapska salata 450 gr
Sjeckani paradajz, zelena salata, krastavac, maslinovo ulje i peršun pomiješan sa sokom limete
6,00 €
Supa dana 250gr
Arapska Supa od Sočiva - Supa kuvana sa lukom, šargarepom, krompirom i žutim sočivom, dinstana sa arapskim začinima, kremasta.
4,25 €


Miješano meso sa roštilja 1.3kg
Kilogram miješanog mesa-piletine i teletine, služi se sa rižom ili pomfritom, tanur hljebom i tahinijem
37,50 €
pečena piletina, puna
poslužuje se s krumpirićima i kruhom
16,50 €
Miješano meso sa roštilja 500 gr
Tri ražnjića - piletina, meso i tika od mesa ili piletine, služe se sa bijelom rižom ili pomfritom
12,75 € 15,00 €
Bahreinska tika 500 gr
Komadi svježeg mesa začinjeni sa arapskim začinima i suvim crnim limunom, grilovani na ćumuru, služi se sa tanur hljebom
15,00 €
Emiratska MeatTika 450gr
Komadi svježeg mesa marinirani u arapskim začinima grilovani na ćumuru, služe se sa bijelom rižom
14,50 €
Emiratski meat ražnjići 450gr
Svježe mljeveno meso marinirano u tradicionalnom stilu, grilovano na ćumuru, služi se sa bijelom rižom ili pomfritom
14,50 €
Emiratski Dejaj roštilj 610gr
Polovina pileta grilovana na ćumuru, služi se sa bijelom rižom ili pomfritom i arapskom salatom
14,00 €
Komadi piletine sa roštilja 450g
Komadi svježe piletine marinirani u arapskim začinima, grilovani na ćumuru, služe se sa bijelom rižom ili pomfritom.
13,50 €
Emiratski dejaj ražnjići 450gr
Svježa mljevena piletina marinirana u tradicionalnom stilu, grilovana na ćumuru, služi se sa bijelom rižom ili pomfritom
13,00 €
pečena piletina, pola
poslužuje se s krumpirićima i kruhom
10,00 €

Emiratska glavna jela

Mačbos sa gamborima
Svježa gamborima spremljena sa rižom i aromatičnim zalivskim začinima, služi se sa jogurt salatom ( jogurt, krastavac i sušena nana)
16,50 €
Mačbos sa mesom 600 gr
Svježe meso spremljeno sa rižom, paradajzom, lukom, zelenim korijanderom i zalivskim začinima, služi se sa jogurt salatom -jogurt, krastavac i sušena nana
16,00 €
Tahta meso 500 gr
Isjeckano meso spremljeno u emiratskim začinima u bijeloj riži i posuto karamelizovanim lukom, listovima svježeg korijandera i suvim grožđem, služi se sa jogurtom
16,00 €
Birjan sa mesom 600g
Svježe meso spremljeno sa rižom i aromatičnim zalivskim začinima, služi se sa jogurt.
16,00 €
Saluna sa mesom 600gr
Svježe meso spremljeno na tradicionalan način sa paradajzom, krompirom, lukom, zelenim korijanderom, prepolovljenim leblebijama, zalivskim začinima, služi se sa bijelom rižom
14,00 €
Mačbos sa piletinom 600 gr
Svježa piletina spremljena sa rižom i zalivskim začinima, služi se sa jogurt salatom-jogurt, krastavac i sušena nana
13,00 €
Birjan sa piletinom 600g
Svježa piletina spremljena sa rižom i aromatičnim zalivskim začinima, služi se sa jogurt.
13,00 €
Saluna sa piletinom 600 gr
Svježa piletina spremljena na tradicionalan način sa paradajzom, krompirom, lukom, zelenim korijanderom i zalivskim začinima, služi se sa bijelom rižom
9,35 € 11,00 €
Saluna sa povrćem 600 gr
Svježe povrće spremljeno na tradicionalan način sa paradajzom, krompirom, lukom, zelenim korijanderom, prepolovljenim leblebijama, patlidžanom i zalivskim začinima, služi se sa bijelom rižom
9,00 €

Emiratska glavna jela-morski plodovi

Birjan sa gamborima 500 gr
Svježi škampi spremljeni sa rižom i aromatičnim zalivskim začinima
18,00 €
Našif gamborima 500g
Svježi gambori spremljeni na tradicionalan način s paradajzom, krompirom, lukom i zalivskim, služi se sa bijelom rižom.
15,30 € 18,00 €
Leptirasti gambori
Grilovani škampi sa limunom služeni sa hlebom
18,00 €
Mačbos sa gamborima 500g
Svježi gamborimi spremljeni sa rižom i aromatičnim zalivskim začinima, služi se sa jogurt
16,50 €
Hamsat sa gamborima 500 gr
Svježi škampi spremljeni na tradicionalan način s paradajzom, krompirom, lukom i začinima služi se sa bijelom rižom
16,00 €
Pečeni gambori
Sviježi gambori kuvani na tradicionalni način I služeni sa hlebom
16,00 €
Mačbos sa ribom 500 gr
Svježa riba spremljena sa rižom i zalivskim začinima
14,00 €
Mutfi sa ribom- gulaš od ribe 500 gr
Pržena riba spremljena sa paradaiz sosom, krompirom i zalivskim začinima sa bijelom rižom
14,00 €


Tortilja sa prženim gamborima 370 gr
Prženi gambori umotani u arapski hljeb sa zelenom salatom i koktel sosom, služi se uz pomfrit i koktel sos.
11,00 €
Riblji čips sendvič 370gr
Pržena riba umotana u arapski hljeb sa krompirom, lukom, tahina (pastom od susama) sosom i začinjena arapskim začinima, služi se uz pomfrit i koktel (sosom od susama)
8,00 €
Tortilja sa mesnim ražnjićima-kofta 370 gr
Pečeno mljeveno meso uvijeno u arapski hljeb sa susama, zelenom salatom, paradajzom i lukom, služi se sa pomfritom i tahinijem (pastom od susama
8,00 €
Dubai House posebna tortilja 350 gr
Naše posebno pečeno meso sjeckano na kocke uvijeno u arapski hljeb, sa humusom, zelenom salatom, paradajzom i lukom, služi se sa pomfritom i tahinijem-pastom od susama
8,00 €
Arapska šavurma sa mesom 370 gr
Pečeno začinjeno meso umotano u arapski hljeb sa tahina (pastom od susama) sosom, zelenom salatom, krompirom i kisjelim krastavcima, služi se uz pomfrit i tahina (pastom od susama) sos.
7,50 €
Arapski sendvič sa mesom
Mljeveno meso umotano u arapski hljeb, paradajz, krastavac, služi se sa pomfritom i tahinijem
7,50 €
Tortilja sa falafelom 300 gr
Prženi falafel uvijen u arapski hljeb, sa zelenom salatom, krastavcem, svježim listovima bosiljka, tahini sosom, kisjelim krastavcima, paradajzom, služi se sa pomfritom i tahinijem-pastom od susama
7,00 €
Tortilja sa pilećim ražnjićima kofta 370 gr
Pečena mljevena piletina umotana u arapski hljeb sa zelenom salatom, ) lukom i paradajzom, služi se uz pomfrit i sos od bijelog luka.
6,50 €
Arapska pileća šavarma 370 gr
Začinjena pečena piletina uvijena u arapski hljeb, sa sosom od bijelog luka i majoneza, zelenom salatom, krompirom i kisjelim krastavcima, služi se sa pomfritom i tahinijem-pastom od susama
6,50 €
Sendvič sa džigericom 370 gr
Svježa goveđa džigerica pržena sa krompirom, paradajzom, začinjena začinima i limunovim sokom i tahinijem uvijeni u arapski hljeb
5,50 €

Emiratski dječiji meni

Emiratski dječji ručak (gambori) 300g
Birjani riža sa gamborima, dekorisan sa šargarepom i krastavcem, servira se sa sokom od narandže.
9,50 €
Emiratski dječiji ručak sa govedinom 300gr
Ražnjići sa mljevenim mesom i bijelom rižom. Dekorisan sa svježom šargarepom i krastavcem. Servira se sa jagoda lasi-jogurtom
6,80 € 8,00 €
Emiratski dječiji ručak sa piletinom 300gr
Ražnjići sa mljevenom piletinom i bijelom rižom. Dekorisan svježom šargarepom i krastavcem, Servira se sa jagoda lasi-jogurtom.
6,38 € 7,50 €

Tradicionalni slatkiši

Dubai čokolade 180gr
15,00 €
Dubai čokolade 50gr
6,00 €
Kunafa 150 gr
Tradicionalni desert sa Bliskog istoka napravljen od glatkog tijesta od griza potopljenog u slatki sirup na bazi šećera, sa slojevima krema, kajmaka i oraha
5,50 €
Torta od urmi 150 gr
Parče tradicionalne torte, napravljeno sa posebnim brašnom pomiješanim sa urmama i posuto orasima
4,50 €
Umm Ali 150gr
Tradicionalni dezert napravljen od tijesta, mlijeka, pistaća, suvog grožđa i slatke kreme
4,50 €
Ferni 150 gr
Tradicionalni puding napravljen od prokuvanog mlijeka, šećera i riže, sa ukusom kardamoma i posut orasima
3,50 €
Luqaimat 150 gr
Slatke i hrskave arapske knedle punjene kardamonom, posute sirupom od urmi i sjemenkama susama
3,50 €
3,50 €


Sladoled od čokolade 80 gr
2,00 €
Sladoled od vanile 80 gr
2,00 €
Sladoled od jagode 80 gr
2,00 €

Hladna pića

400 ml
4,50 €
ledeni oblak late od jagoda
400 ml
4,50 €
ledeni španjolski late
400 ml
4,50 €
Hibiskus - Karkadeh
400 ml
4,00 €
Posebna limeta i nana
400 ml
4,00 €
Marokanski ledeni čaj sa nanom
400 ml
4,00 €
Ledeni moka
400 ml
4,00 €
ledeni late
400 ml
4,00 €
Svježa limunada
400 ml
3,50 €
Ledena amerikana
400 ml
3,50 €

Bezalkoholna pića

Mineralna voda 0.75 l
3,50 €
Kisjela voda 0.75 l
3,50 €
300 ml
2,50 €
330 ml
2,50 €
330 ml
2,50 €
Coca-Cola light
330 ml
2,50 €
Kisjela voda 0.25 l
2,00 €
Mala mineralna voda 0.25 l
2,00 €

Koktel i sokovi

Jagoda i banana
400 ml
5,00 €
Pomorandža i šargarepa
400 ml
5,00 €
ATH specialni sok od crekle
cikla, jabuka, mrkva,
5,00 €

Svježe cijeđeni sokovi

Sok od šargarepe
400 ml
4,50 €
Sok od zelene jabuke
400 ml
4,50 €
Sok od pomorandže
400 ml
4,00 €


Milkshake od avokada
400 ml
6,50 €
Milkshake od vanile
400 ml
5,50 €
Milkshake od hurmi
400 ml
5,50 €
Milkshake od jagode
400 ml
5,50 €
Milkshake od banane
400 ml
5,50 €
Milkshake od čokolade
400 ml
5,50 €
Čoko banana
400 ML
5,00 €
Laban Arjan
400 ml
4,50 €

Topli napici

200 ml
2,50 €
Espresso dupli
60 ml
2,50 €
Mocha kafa
150 ml
2,00 €
Francuska kafa
100 ml
2,00 €
Turska kafa
100 ml
1,50 €
150 ml
1,50 €

Posebni čajevi

Arapska kuća posebni čaj (čajnik)
400 ml
4,50 €
Crni čaj (čajnik)
400 ml
4,00 €
Zeleni čaj (čajnik)
400 ml
4,00 €
Sulaimani čaj 300ml
3,50 €
Karak čaj 300ml
3,50 €
Sulaimani čaj 150ml
2,50 €
Karak čaj 150ml
2,50 €

tanoor bread

Tanoor bread
Tanoor bread
1,50 €

Combo offer

Big Tray 1300gr + 2 Coca-Cola + Baklava
Kilogram of mixed meat, chicken and beef, served with french fries along with tanoor bread and tahina.
36,80 € 46,00 €
Whole Roasted Chicken + 2* Coca Cola + Baklava
Roasted Chicken served with fries and bread
20,00 € 25,00 €
Butterfly Shrimps + Coca Cola + Baklava
Grilled shrimps with Lemon served with bread
18,40 € 23,00 €
Machboos shrimps 500 gr + coca cola + Baklava
Fresh shrimps cooked with rice and aromatic gulf spices, served with yoghurt salad (yoghurt, cucumber, and dry mint)
18,00 € 22,50 €
Meat Machboos 500 gr + Coca-Cola + Baklava
Fresh meat cooked with rice, tomato, onion, green coriander and gulf spices, served with yoghurt salad (yoghurt, cucumber, and dry mint)
17,60 € 22,00 €
Hamsat Shrimps + Coca Cola + Baklava
Fresh shrimps cooked in a traditional way with tomato,potato,onion and gulf spices,served with white rice
17,60 € 22,00 €
Emirati Tikka Meat + Coca-Cola + Baklava
Fresh meat chunks marinated in Arabic spices, and grilled on charcoal, served with white rice or french fries
16,40 € 20,50 €
Emirati Kabab Chicken + Coca-Cola + Baklava
Fresh minced chicken marinated in traditional style, and grilled on charcoal, served with white rice or french fries.
15,20 € 19,00 €
Liver Breakfast Tray 600 gr + Hibiskus + Baklava
Fresh beef liver fried with potato, tomato, seasoned with Arabic spices and lemon juice, served with Arabic salad, hummus and tanoor bread.  For 2 persons
14,00 € 17,50 €
Fried Shrimps Wrap 370 gr + Coca-Cola + Baklava
Our special fried shrimps wrapped in Arabic bread with lettuce, tomatoes and ketchup mayo sauce, served with french fries and tahina
13,60 € 17,00 €
Chicken Shawarma salad 400 gr + Hibiskus + Baklava
Special salad of shredded chicken shawarma mixed with sliced tomato, lettuce, cucumber, and onion, topped with finely chopped parsley
13,20 € 16,50 €
Beetroot Salad 450 gr + Hibiskus + Baklava
Beetroot, green apples, pomegranate seeds (seasonal), white cheese, fresh mint, walnuts, lemon juice, olive oil and pomegranate molasses.
12,80 € 16,00 €
Arabic Meat Sandwich 300gr + Coca-Cola + Baklava
Minced meat wrapped in Arabic bread, served with french fries and tahina.
10,80 € 13,50 €
Falafel Wrap + Coca-Cola + Baklava
Fried falafel (patties made of chickpeas and a mixture of Arabic spices) wrapped in Arabic bread with lettuce, cucumber, tahina sauce, pickled cucumber and tomato, served with french fries and tahina.
10,40 € 13,00 €

Regular Breakfast Trays

Liver Breakfast Tray 400 gr
Fresh beef liver fried with potato, tomato Emirati spices, hummus and mixed vegetables, served with tanoor bread
6,50 €
Egyptian Breakfast Tray 300 gr
A tray that includes falafel chickpea patty, cheese with tomatoes and mixed vegetables, served with tanoor bread
6,50 €
Alexandria Breakfast Tray 400 gr
A tray that includes moussaka cooked eggplant with potatoes and capsicum in tomato sauce, yoghurt with mint, red cabbage with mixed olives, served with tanoor bread
6,50 €

Emirati Breakfast Trays

Egyptian Breakfast Tray 600 gr
A breakfast tray with foul cooked fava beans, falafel chickpea patty, hard boiled egg, jam, french fries, moussaka cooked eggplant with potatoes and capsicum in tomato sauce and cheese with tomatoes served with tanoor bread. For 2 persons
11,00 €
Liver Breakfast Tray 600 gr
Fresh beef liver fried with potato, tomato, seasoned with Arabic spices and lemon juice, served with Arabic salad, hummus and tanoor bread.  For 2 persons
10,00 €


Meat Hummus
Creamy, thick dip made of mashed chickpeas mixed with meat and topped with olive oil, served with fresh tanoor bread.
6,80 € 8,00 €
Falafel, World Known Dish 300gr
Patties made of chickpeas and a mixture of Arabic spices that is crunchy on the outside warm and moist on the inside, served with fresh vegetables and tanoor bread
7,00 €
Liver Hummus
Creamy, thick dip made of mashed chickpeas mixed with liver and topped with olive oil, served with fresh tanoor bread
7,00 €
Hummus 160 gr
Creamy thick dip made of mashed chickpeas mixed with tahina and topped with olive oil, served with fresh tanoor bread
6,50 €
Meat Sambosa 150 gr
Fried Arabic pastry stuffed with meat, served with our special sauce
6,50 €
Mutabal 160 gr
Roasted eggplant marinated in yoghurt, tahina, olive oil and pomegranate seeds seasonal, served with fresh tanoor bread
6,50 €
Moussaka 250 gr
Fried eggplant, potatoes cooked with capsicum in tomato sauce, onion and special seasoning served with tanoor bread
6,50 €
Cheese Sambosa 150 gr
Fried Arabic pastry stuffed with cheese, served with our special sauce
6,00 €
Emirati Vegetable Sambosa 150 gr
Fried Arabic pastry stuffed with mixed vegetables, served with our special sauce
6,00 €
Baked Beans 200 gr
White beans cooked with tomato sauce, onion, Emirati spices, topped with olive oil and fried onion, served with fresh tanoor bread
6,00 €
Arabian Tea House Fresh Potatoes 250g
Fried fresh potatoes seasoned with Arabic spices and green coriander
5,00 €
Dango 350g
Homemade inspired traditional Emirati chickpea beans served with fresh tanoor bread.
5,00 €
Bajella 350g
Homemade inspired traditional Emirati beans served with fresh tanoor bread
5,00 €
Balaleet 350 gr
Vermicelli pasta cooked in a special Emirati way seasoned with cardamom and cinnamon
4,50 €

Soup And Salads

Rocca salad 350 gr
Rocca, leaves, onion, tomato, pomegranate seeds seasonal, walnuts, lime juice, olive oil, pomegranate syrup
9,50 €
Chicken Shawarma salad 400 gr
Special salad of shredded chicken shawarma mixed with sliced tomato, lettuce, cucumber, and onion, topped with finely chopped parsley
9,00 €
Beetroot Salad 450 gr
Beetroot, green apples, pomegranate seeds seasonal, white cheese, fresh mint, walnuts, lemon juice, olive oil and pomegranate molasses
8,50 €
Cheese Salad 400 gr
Fried cheese, avocado, chopped lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, olive oil, dry mint and special sauce.
6,80 € 8,00 €
Fattoush salad 350 gr
Chopped lettuce, tomato, cucumber, capsicum, shredded onion, mint, pomegranate seeds seasonal mixed with garlic lemon sauce, topped with fried bread, pomegranate molasses and white sesame
7,00 €
Arabic Salad 450 gr
Chopped tomato, lettuce, cucumber, olive oil and parsley mixed with lime juice
6,00 €
Soup of the Day 250g
Arabic Lentil Soup cooked with onions, carrots, potatoes and yellow lentils simmered with arabic spices and then blended until smooth
4,25 €


Mixed Barbeque 1300gr
Kilogram of mixed meat, chicken and beef, served with rice or french fries along with tanoor bread and tahina
37,50 €
Whole Roasted Chicken
Roasted chicken served with fries and bread.
16,50 €
Mixed Barbeque 500gr
Three skewer choices from kabab chicken, kabab meat, tikka meat or tikka chicken served with white rice or french fries
12,75 € 15,00 €
Tikka bahraini 500 gr
Fresh lamb chunks mixed with arabic spices and dried black lemon grilled in charcoal, served with tanoor bread
15,00 €
Emirati Kabab Meat 500 gr
Fresh minced meat marinated in a traditional style and grilled on charcoal, served with white rice or french fries
14,50 €
Emirati Tikka Meat 500 gr
Fresh meat chunks marinated in Arabic spices, and grilled on charcoal, served with white rice or french fries
14,50 €
Emirati Chicken Barbeque 600 gr
Half chicken grilled on charcoal, served with white rice or french fries and Arabic salad
14,00 €
Emirati Tikka Chicken, Chunks Barbeque 500 gr
Fresh chicken chunks marinated in Arabic spices, and grilled on charcoal, served with white rice or french fries
13,50 €
Emirati Kabab Chicken 500 gr
Fresh minced chicken marinated in traditional style, and grilled on charcoal, served with white rice or french fries
13,00 €
Half Roasted Chicken
Roasted chicken served with fries and bread.
10,00 €

Emirati Main Course

Meat Machboos 600 gr
Fresh meat cooked with rice, tomato, onion, green coriander and gulf spices, served with yoghurt salad-yoghurt, cucumber, and dry mint
16,00 €
Tahta meat 500 gr
Tender shredded lamb cooked in Emirati spices served between two layers of white rice and topped with caramelized onions, fresh coriander leaves, and dried raisins served with yogurt
16,00 €
Meat Biryani 500g
Fresh meat cooked with rice and aromatic gulf spices, served with yoghurt
16,00 €
Meat Saloona
Fresh meat cooked in a traditional way with tomato, potato, onion, green coriander, split chickpeas and gulf spices, served with white rice
14,00 €
Chicken Biryani 600 gr
Fresh chicken cooked with rice and aromatic gulf spices, served with yoghurt salad yoghurt, cucumber, and dry mint
13,00 €
Chicken Machboos 600 gr
Fresh chicken cooked with rice, tomato, onion, green coriander and gulf spices, served and with yoghurt salad-yoghurt, cucumber and dry mint
13,00 €
Chicken Saloona 600 gr
Fresh chicken cooked in a traditional way with tomato, potato, onion, green coriander, split chickpeas and gulf spices, served with white rice
9,35 € 11,00 €
Vegetable Saloona 600 gr
Fresh vegetables cooked in a traditional way with tomato, potato, onion, green coriander, split chickpeas, eggplant and gulf spices, served with white rice
9,00 €

Seafood Emirati Main Course

Shrimps Biryani 500 gr
Fresh shrimps cooked with rice and aromatic gulf spices
18,00 €
Butterfly Shrimps
Grilled shrimps with lemon served with bread
18,00 €
Nashif Shrimps 500g
Fresh shrimps cooked in a traditional way with tomato, potato, onion and gulf spices, served with white rice.
15,30 € 18,00 €
Machboos shrimps 500g
Fresh shrimps cooked with rice and aromatic gulf spices, served with yoghurt
16,50 €
Hamsat Shrimps 500 gr
Fresh shrimps cooked in a traditional way with tomato, potato, onion and gulf spices, served with white rice
16,00 €
Fried Shrimps
Fresh fried shrimps in a traditional way served with bread
16,00 €
Fish Machboos 500 gr
Fresh fish cooked with rice, tomato, onion, green coriander and gulf spices
14,00 €
Mutfi Fish, Fish Stew 500 gr
Fresh fish cooked in a traditional way with tomato sauce, potato and gulf spices, served with white rice
14,00 €


Fried Shrimps Wrap 370 gr
Our special fried shrimps wrapped in Arabic bread with lettuce and cocktail sauce, served with french fries and cocktail sauce.
11,00 €
Meat Kabab Wrap 370 gr
Roasted minced meat wrapped in Arabic bread with hummus, lettuce, tomato and onion, served with french fries and tahina
8,00 €
Arabian Tea House Special Wrap 350 gr
Our special roasted meat cubes wrapped in Arabic bread with hummus, lettuce, tomato and onion, served with french fries and tahina
8,00 €
Fish Chips Sandwich
Fried Fish with potato, onions and seasoned with Arabic spices and tahina sauce, wrapped in Arabic Bread served with french fries and cocktail sauce.
8,00 €
Arabic Meat Sandwich 300 gr
Minced meat wrapped in Arabic bread, served with french fries and tahina
7,50 €
Arabic Meat Shawarma 370 gr
Spiced roasted meat wrapped in Arabic bread with garlic  mayo sauce, lettuce, potato and pickled cucumber, served with french fries and tahina
7,50 €
Falafel Wrap 300 gr
Fried falafel-patties made of chickpeas and a mixture of Arabic spices, wrapped in Arabic bread with lettuce, cucumber, tahina sauce, pickled cucumber and tomato, served with french fries and tahina
7,00 €
Arabic Chicken Shawarma 370 gr
Spiced roasted chicken wrapped in Arabic bread with garlic - mayo sauce, lettuce, ppotato, and picked cucumber, served with french fries and tahina
6,50 €
Chicken Kabab Wrap, Kofta 370 gr
Roasted minced chicken wrapped in Arabic bread with lettuce, Garlic sauce, onion and tomato served with french fries and garlic sauce
6,50 €
Liver Sandwich 370 gr
Fresh beef liver fried with potato, tomato, seasoned with Arabic spices, lemon juice and tahina sauce, wrapped in Arabic bread
5,50 €

Kids Breakfast Tray

Emirati Kids Lunch Tray, Robyan 300 gr
Lunch tray with shrimps and biryani rice decorate with fresh carrot and cucumber, Served with Orange juice.
9,50 €
Emirati Kids Lunch Tray  with beef 300 gr
Lunch tray with minced meat kabab and white rice decorate with fresh carrot and cucumber served with strawberry laasi.
6,80 € 8,00 €
Emirati Kids Lunch Tray with chicken 300 gr
Lunch tray with minced chicken kabab and white rice decorated with fresh carrot and cucumber, served with strawberry laasi.
6,38 € 7,50 €

Traditional Sweets

Dubai Chocolate 180gr
15,00 €
Dubai Chocolate 50gr
6,00 €
Kunafa 150 gr
Traditional Middle Eastern dessert made with fine semolina dough, soaked in sweet sugar - based syrup, layered with custard clotted cream and walnuts
5,50 €
Dates Cake 150 gr
Traditional slice cake made with special flour mixed with dates and topped with walnuts
4,50 €
Umm Ali 150 gr
Special bread pudding
4,50 €
Luqaimat 150 gr
Sweet and crunchy Arabic dumplings infused with cardamom, drizzled with dates syrup and sprinkled with sesame seeds
3,50 €
Ferni 150 gr
Traditional pudding made with boiled milk, sugar and rice, flavoured with cardamom and topped with walnuts
3,50 €
200 gr
3,50 €

Cold Drinks

Coffee Frappuccino
400 ml
4,50 €
Iced Strawberry Latte
400 ml
4,50 €
Iced Spanish Latte
400 ml
4,50 €
Special Lime and Mint
400 ml
4,00 €
Hibiscus, Karkadeh
400 ml
4,00 €
Moroccan Iced Tea with Mint
400 ml
4,00 €
Iced Latte
400 ml
4,00 €
Iced Coffee Mocha
400 ml
4,00 €
Fresh Lemonade
400 ml
3,50 €
Iced Karak Tea
350 ml
3,50 €
Iced Americano
400 ml
3,50 €


Mineral Water 451 ml
3,50 €
Sparkling Water 451 ml
3,50 €
330 ml
2,50 €
Coca-Cola Light
330 ml
2,50 €
330 ml
2,50 €
Mineral Water 251 ml
2,00 €
Sparkling Water 251 ml
2,00 €

Cocktail Juices

Orange and Carrot
350 ml
5,00 €
Strawberry and Banana
350 ml
5,00 €
ATH Special Beetroot Juice
5,00 €

Fresh Juices

Fresh Carrot
350 ml
4,50 €
Fresh Green Apple
350 ml
4,50 €
Fresh Orange
350 ml
4,00 €


Avacado Milkshake
400 ml
6,50 €
Banana Milkshake
400 ml
5,50 €
Chocolate Milkshake
400 ml
5,50 €
Strawberry Milkshake
400 ml
5,50 €
Vanilla Milkshake
400 ml
5,50 €
Dates Milkshake
400 ml
5,50 €
Choco Banana
400 ml
5,00 €
Laban Ayran
400 ml
4,50 €


Arabic Coffee, Dala
30 ml
4,50 €
150 ml
2,50 €
Double Espresso
Double 60 ml
2,50 €
Arabic Coffee
Cup 30 ml
2,00 €
French Coffee
100 ml
2,00 €
Café Latte
150 ml
2,00 €
Hot Chocolate
250 ml
2,00 €
Turkish Coffee
100 ml
1,50 €
Café Americano
150 ml
1,50 €
Café Macchiato
150 ml
1,50 €
Single Espresso
Single 30 ml
1,50 €

Special Tea Of The House

Hibiscus Tea
400 ml
5,00 €
Black Tea 300 ml
4,00 €
Green Tea 300 ml
4,00 €
Karak Tea 300 ml
3,50 €
Mint Tea
150 ml
2,00 €

Herbal Tea

Fresh Ginger Tea
170 ml
4,00 €

tanoor bread

Tanoor Bread
Extra Bread
1,50 €

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