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Fogo Gaucho- Brazilian Steakhouse

Fogo Gaucho- Brazilian Steakhouse

store rating 95%
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Glovo Prime
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Fogo Mixed Platter
Serves 2. A healthy platter in 3 packs that serves 2 including; (Pack 1: Beef, Chicken, Lamb & Pork Pack 2: Mixed Salad Pack 3: French fries & Fried bananas
Grilled Top Sirloin- 300gm
A favorite of Brazil, this cut is extra tender with a bold and robust flavor.
Grilled Chicken Legs
6pcs. It is a light meat with a delicate taste - well seasoned and prepared.


Fogo Family Pack for 6
600gms Rump Steak, 6pcs Beef Sausages, 6pcs Chicken Legs, 400gms Grilled Lamb, Double Portion French Fries, Double Portion Fried Bananas, Double Portion Assorted Salads, Garlic Sauce, Chilly Sauce and Chimichurri
Fogo Mixed Platter
Serves 2. A healthy platter in 3 packs that serves 2 including; (Pack 1: Beef, Chicken, Lamb & Pork Pack 2: Mixed Salad Pack 3: French fries & Fried bananas
Grilled Prawns
Our Prawns are marinated with garlic and uniquely grilled to perfection by our Gauchos."
Beef Ribs- 350gm
Our beef ribs are slowly cooked for 6 hours and are quite the delicacy of a Brazilian Churrasco
Fish Fillet
Medium Serving. Perfectly grilled and deliciously served
Grilled Lamb Leg- 300gm
The lamb leg gets crispy on the outside and has an unforgettable taste.
Pork & Cheese Sausages
Our pork sausages are slightly roasted to have a unique absolutely rich taste.
Beef With Garlic- 300gm
Tender & juicy steak with a golden garlic sauce that's out of this world good!
Grilled Top Sirloin- 300gm
A favorite of Brazil, this cut is extra tender with a bold and robust flavor.
Grilled Pork Ribs- 350gm
A big piece of long and extremely soft fibre. The whole is piece is perfectly roasted on burning charcoal to give it a remarkable taste.
Grilled Chicken Legs
6pcs. It is a light meat with a delicate taste - well seasoned and prepared.
Grilled Beef Sausages
7pcs. Our sausages are slightly roasted to give an absolutely rich taste.


Brazilian Beef Samosas
Deliciously addictive Brazilian samosa that can be had as an appetizer and as a meal.
French Fries
Sliced potato strips deep fried in hot cooking oil crisp and absolutely delicious.
Fried Banana
This is very popular in Brazil and is enjoyed as a delicious side dish or dessert with a crisp crust on the outside and soft and sweet in the inside
Garden Salad
Our freshly made garden salad is not only healthy and nutritious, but also colorful.
Potato Salad
A creamy blend of diced potatoes mixed with creamy sour cream, mayonnaise and fresh garden herbs.
Steamed Mixed Vegetable
A healthful medley of broccoli, zucchini, carrots, string beans and cabbage.


Sparkling Water
Water that has been infused with carbon dioxide gas under pressure 500ml
Still Water
Water without fizz 500ml
Coca-Cola Original 500ML PET
Carbonated soft drink
Coca-Cola Zero 500ML PET
Carbonated soft drink
Fanta Orange 500ML PET
Carbonated soft drink
Sprite 500ML PET
Carbonated soft drink

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Co mogę zamówić z Fogo Gaucho- Brazilian Steakhouse w mieście Nairobi?
Fogo Gaucho- Brazilian Steakhouse oferuje zróżnicowane artykuły. Spójrz na listę produktów i wybierz to, co chcesz zamówić z Fogo Gaucho- Brazilian Steakhouse.
Jak długo trwa dostawa z Fogo Gaucho- Brazilian Steakhouse w mieścieNairobi?
Po określeniu adresu zobaczysz szacowany czas dostawy dla punktów w Twojej okolicy. Szacowany czas dostawy z Fogo Gaucho- Brazilian Steakhouse możesz także sprawdzić w danych zamówienia przy kasie.
Czy oferta Fogo Gaucho- Brazilian Steakhouse jest dostępna w Prime?
Nie. Prime jest subskrypcją oferowaną przez Glovo, która zapewnia nieograniczone bezpłatne dostawy od wybranych partnerów oraz inne korzyści!
Kiedy mogę zamówić dostawę z Fogo Gaucho- Brazilian Steakhouse?
Zamówienia możesz złożyć w godzinach otwarcia Fogo Gaucho- Brazilian Steakhouse’s. Dostawa jest bardzo szybka, więc Twoje glovo błyskawicznie do Ciebie dotrze! Możesz również zaplanować dostawę w dogodnym dla siebie terminie, nawet jeśli punkt jest w danej chwili zamknięty.
Jak klienci oceniają Fogo Gaucho- Brazilian Steakhouse?
Przykładowo Fogo Gaucho- Brazilian Steakhouse ma polecenia od 95% klientów, którzy zamawiali tam swoje glovo. Złóż zamówienie i przekonaj się, czy mieli rację.