Fresh Element Restaurant

Fresh Element Restaurant

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2,99 €
Glovo Prime
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Embalagem de Utilização Única
0,37 €
0,10 €


chicken chilly
Frango / pimento verde e vermelho, cebola, tomate, coentros e molho de soja Chicken with green and red peppers, tomato, coriander, onions and soy sauce
6,50 €
paneer chilly
Queijo e ervihas com melho de caju, améndoas e especiarias
6,50 €
chicken nuggets and chips
chicken that are breaded and deep-fried or baked l frango empanado e frito ou assado
6,50 €
momo 6 pis
Frango picado com especiarias em farinha e cozido ao vapor. | Dumplings with chicken
6,00 €
panner pakora
Pastéis de queijo caseiro recheado com especiarias | Cheeese pie fried with gram flour and spices
4,50 €
chicken pakora
Pastéis de frango frito com farinha de grão e especiaries | Chicken pieces fried with gram flour and spices
4,00 €
vegitable pakora
Pastéis de vegetais fritos com farinha de grão e especiaries Vegetables fried with gram flour and spices.
3,50 €
onion bhaji
Pastel de cebola com farinha de grão e especiaries | Onion fried with gram flour and spices
3,00 €
vegitable chamuça
Crepe de Vegetais forma triangular | Deep fried pastry in a triangular shape with vegetables
2,00 €
chicken chamuça
Crepe de Frango, forma triangular | Deep fried pastry in a triangular shape with chicken
2,00 €


prawn soup - creme de marisco
Sopa de camarão | Prawn Soup
4,50 €
daal soup
sopa de lentilhas l lentils soup
3,50 €
vegetable soup
Sopa de various tipos de vegetais l soup of vegetables
3,50 €
chicken soup
Sopa de frango l chicken soup
3,50 €


Pão folhado com manteiga preparado |Buttered wholewheat Bread layered and roasted
3,50 €
cheese nan
Pão recheado com queijo | Bread with Cheese
3,50 €
garlic cheese nan
Pão com queijo e alho | Cheese and garlic bread
3,50 €
Peshwari nan
Pão recheado com coco e caju | Bread topped with almonds, coconut and cashew
3,50 €
garlic nan
Pão com alho e coentros | Bread with garlic and coriander
3,00 €
plain nan
Pão normal Indiano | Normal Indian bread
2,50 €
Pão integral preparado no oven | Whole wheat Bread prepared in the oven
2,00 €

especialidades de frango - chicken

fresh element special chicken curry
Frango guisado com natas, fruta seca, caju e coco Chicken stewed with dry fruits, cashew and coconut
9,00 €
chicken sag
Frango guisado com espinafres e especiarias Chicken ster stewed with spinach and spices
8,50 €
chicken mushroom
Caril de Frango / cogumelos Chicken curry with mushroom
8,50 €
chicken korma
Frango guisado com molho de coco Chicken stewed with coconut sauce
8,50 €
chicken tika masala
Peito de frango grelhado com molho de caju, tomate e natas Chicken breast stewed with sauce of cashew, tomato and cream
8,50 €
chicken butter masala
Frango grelhado com molho de manteiga, natas e especiaras Grill Chicken with butter, cream and spices
8,50 €
chicken jalfrezi
Frango guisado com tomate, cebola, pimento, coentros e especiarias secas Chicken stewed with tomato, onion, capsicum and dry spices
8,25 €
chicken curry
Frango guisado com molho de cebola e tomate e especiarias Chicken stewed with paste of onion, tomato and incredients
8,00 €

especialidades de borrego - lamb

lamb jalferzi
Cabrito guisado com tomate, cebola, pimentos, coentros e especiarias Lamb stewed with tomato, onion, capsicum and dry spices
11,50 €
lamb sag
Carne de Borrego guisado com espinafres e especiarias Lamb stewed with spinachs and spices
11,25 €
lamb curry
Carne de Borrego guisado com molho de cebola, tomate e especiarias
11,00 €
lamb tika masala
Carne de Borrego guisado com molho de caju, tomate e natas Stewed lamb meat with cashew, tomato and cream
11,00 €
lamb korma
Carne Borrego guisado com coco e natas Meat stewed with coconut and cream
11,00 €
fresh elements special lamb
Borrego em molho de natas, frutas secas, caju e coco Lamb in creamy sauce with dry fruits, cashew and coconut
11,00 €

mariscos - sea food

prawn curry
Camarão cozinhado em molho especial, cebola e tomate Prawn cooked in our special sauce with onion and tomato
11,50 €
prawn sag
Camarão grande com espinafres cozinhado em especiarias Prawn with spinach, cooked in spices
11,00 €
prawan karai
Camarão com pimentos, tomate, cebola e especiarias em frigideira especial Prawn with spices in a special frying pot
11,00 €
prawan masala
Camarão guisado c/ molho de tomate, caju, natas e especiarias Prawn stewed with sauce of cashew, tomato, cream and spices
11,00 €
prawan korma
Camarão guisado em molho especial, natas e coco Prawn with our special sauce, cream and coconut
11,00 €
fresh element special prawn
11,00 €


prawn biryani
Arroz basmati frito na frigideira com Camarão, frutas secas e especiarias Fried basmati rice in frying pan with Prawn dried fruit flour and spices
12,00 €
lamb biryani
Arroz basmati frito na frigideira com Borrego, frutas secas e especiarias Fried basmati rice in frying pan with Lamb dried fruit flour and spices
11,00 €
chicken biryani
Arroz basmati frito na na frigideira com Frango farinha de frutas secas e especiarias Fried basmati rice in frying pan with Chicken dried fruit flour and spices
9,50 €
vegitable biryani
Arroz basmati frito com vegetais, farinha de frutas secas e especiarias Fried basmati rice with vegetables, dried fruit flour and spices
7,99 €

pratos vegetarianos - vegetable plates

paneer masala
Queijo caseiro com molho de caju, amêndoas e especiarias House made Cheese with cashew sauce, almonds and spices
8,99 €
mix vegetable
Caril de ervilhas, cenouras, couve-flor, cogumelos, feijão verde Curry of peas, carrots, cauliflower, mushrooms, green beans
8,00 €
saag panner
Caril de espinafres e queijo fresco da casa Spinach curry and fresh house cheese
8,00 €
matter paneer
Queijo e ervilhas com molho de caju, amêndoas e especiarias Cheese and peas with cashew sauce, almonds and spices
8,00 €
chana masala
Caril de grão cozido com tomate, coentros, natas e especiarias Grain curry cooked with tomatoes, coriander, cream and spices
7,50 €
vegetable korma
Legumes com molho de coco, natas e especiarias Vegetables with a sauce of coconut, cream and spices
7,50 €
Dal Tarka
Lentilhas guisadas com cebola, alho, gengibre e coentro Lentils stewed with onions, garlic, ginger and coriander
7,00 €

arroz especial -special rice

egg fry rice
Arroz de ovo frito arroz Basmati frito com ova e coentros Fried rice with egg
3,50 €
mushroom rice
Arroz Basmati frito com cogumelos Fried rice with mushroom
3,50 €
pilau rice
Arroz Basmati frito com ervihas e especiarias fried rice with casew, almonds and spices
3,00 €
plain rice
Arroz Vapor Plain rice
2,50 €

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Да, в заведении «Fresh Element Restaurant» установлена минимальная сумма товаров в корзине. Но не волнуйтесь — при заказе на меньшую сумму вам лишь придется заплатить дополнительный сбор, но доставка вашего заказа Glovo будет осуществлена в любом случае!