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Santai Restaurant

Santai Restaurant

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1,99 €
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Ayam Penyet
Ayam Penyet is a popular Indonesian dish featuring deep fried chicken leg served with a spicy sambal sauce and a side of rice.
17,00 €


Bakso Akang
Fried/Grilled beef meatball
10,50 €
Lumpia Ayam
A handmade spring rolls with chicken inside serving with handmade sweet chili sauce.
9,50 €
Batagor is a popular Indonesian street food that tantalizes the taste buds with its crispy and savory goodness. This snack consists of deep-fried dumplings with tofu and chicken inside.
9,50 €
Perkedel is an Indonesian dish consisting of mashed and seasoned potatoes, typically mixed with minced shallots, and garlic. Deep-fried until crispy and golden brown.
9,50 €
Tahu Gejrot
Tahu Gejrot is an Indonesian fried tofu in sweet spicy sauce from Cirebon, a port city in West Java, Indonesia. Tahu gejrot consists of tahu pong, a type of hollow tahu goreng (fried tofu) cut into small pieces.
9,50 €
Cireng Kuah
Cireng Kuah is a popular Indonesian street food, featuring crispy fried rice flour fritters known as "cireng" served with rice noodles, pickles and a flavorful and spicy tamarind-based dipping sauce.
9,50 €
Pangsit Sayur
Indonesian handmade Gyoza with vegetables, serving with handmade sweet chili sauce.
8,50 €
Lumpia Sayur
A handmade spring rolls with vegetables inside serving with handmade sweet chili sauce.
8,50 €

Main Dish

Sup Iga Majalengka
Sup Iga Sapi (beef rib soup) with carrots and potatoes, and the soup is simmered for a bit more until the vegetables and the rib are tender.
18,50 €
Beef Rendang
Beef Rendang is a rich and aromatic Indonesian curry made with tender beef slow-cooked in a coconut milk and spice mixture until it becomes melt-in-your-mouth tender. Served on top of white rice and topped with cherry tomatoes and fried shallots.
18,00 €
Ayam Bakar
Grilled chicken marinated in a flavorful blend of Indonesian spices, served with rice and sambal.
18,00 €
Ayam Geprek
Ayam Geprek is an Indonesian dish that features crispy, fried chicken that's been crushed or "geprek-ed" and typically served with a spicy sambal (Indonesian chili sauce).
18,00 €
Sate Maranggi
Beef satay (or skewers) marinated with sweet soy sauce. The unique flavor from coriander seed, cumin, and garlic. Served with Rice.
18,00 €
Ayam Penyet
Ayam Penyet is a popular Indonesian dish featuring deep fried chicken leg served with a spicy sambal sauce and a side of rice.
17,00 €
Sate Ayam
Satay Ayam consists of skewered and grilled chicken pieces marinated in a flavorful peanut sauce, creating a perfect blend of savory and nutty flavors. Served with rice and acar (pickles).
17,00 €
Chicken Rendang
Chicken rendang is a rich and aromatic Indonesian curry made with slow-cooked in a coconut milk and spice mixture until it becomes melt-in-your-mouth tender.
17,00 €
Bakso Kampung
Bakso is an Indonesian meatball soup made with beef meatballs served in a savory broth, often accompanied by glass noodles and a variety of condiments.
16,00 €
Soto Ayam
Soto Ayam is a comforting Indonesian chicken soup infused with aromatic herbs and spices with chicken and various toppings : (glass noodles served with thinly sliced cabbage, tomato and boiled eggs).
16,00 €
Kwetiau Goreng
Kwetiau goreng is stir-fried flat rice noodles with a savory blend of sauces, vegetables and fried egg on the top for a satisfying and delicious meal. Paired with Indonesian sambal, acar (pickles) and kerupuk (Indonesian chips).
16,00 €
Nasi Goreng
Nasi Goreng is Indonesia fried rice, stir-fried with a savory blend of sauces, vegetables and fried egg on the top for a satisfying and delicious meal. Paired with Indonesian sambal, acar (pickles) and kerupuk (Indonesian chips).
15,50 €
Mie Goreng
Mie Goreng is Indonesia fried noodles, stir-fried with a savory blend of sauces, vegetables and fried egg on the top for a satisfying and delicious meal. Paired with Indonesian sambal, acar (pickles) and kerupuk (Indonesian chips).
15,50 €
Gado - Gado
Gado-gado is an Indonesian salad featuring a colorful mix of steamed vegetables and hard-boiled eggs, all dressed in a creamy peanut sauce. Highly recommend for Vegetarian and Vegan.
15,50 €


Coca - Cola Original
3,50 €
Coca - Cola Zero
3,50 €


Pisang Goreng
Fried banana with nutella (without ice cream)
6,50 €
Piscok (Pisang Coklat)
Indonesian sweet snack made of slices of banana with melted chocolate wrapped inside thin crepe-like pastry skin and being deep fried (without ice cream)
6,50 €

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