Smoke 'N' Savor

Smoke 'N' Savor

store promotion 2 por 1 alguns artigos
store rating Novidade
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1,99 €
Glovo Prime
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2 por 1
30cm stuffed tortilla with cooked chicken, red beans, cheese, corn, colorful peppers, served with Mexican rice, taco sauce
15,99 €
Nachos with salsas
2 por 1
Tortillas chips with Taco sauce, salsa roja, sour cream, Guacamole(Creamy avocado)
12,99 €
2 por 1
QUESADILLA POLLO Tortillas 30cm with cooked chicken, colorful peppers, cheese, corn. served with Taco sauce.
13,90 €

Mais vendidos

2 por 1
30cm stuffed tortilla with cooked chicken, red beans, cheese, corn, colorful peppers, served with Mexican rice, taco sauce
15,99 €


Nachos with salsas
2 por 1
Tortillas chips with Taco sauce, salsa roja, sour cream, Guacamole(Creamy avocado)
12,99 €


2 por 1
QUESADILLA POLLO Tortillas 30cm with cooked chicken, colorful peppers, cheese, corn. served with Taco sauce.
13,90 €
Cheese Croquettes
2 por 1
mix cheese
11,99 €
Fried Chicken Wings 6 pcs
Asas de frango bbq, limão, mel com bukovo, maionese com molho de paprika fumada servido com batata frita
8,00 €


2 por 1
With chicken fillet,Filletini da carne de sua escolha com cebola mexer pimentos fritos e molho tradicional, servido com arroz mexicano, taco sauce, guacamole, creme de leite e 4 tortilhas
26,99 €
FAJITAS DE VAGAN Filletini da carne de sua escolha com cebola mexer pimentos fritos e molho tradicional, servido com arroz mexicano, taco sauce, guacamole, creme de leite e 4 tortilhas.
16,00 €
2 por 1
30cm stuffed tortilla with cooked chicken, red beans, cheese, corn, colorful peppers, served with Mexican rice, taco sauce
15,99 €
Salmon Fillet
Salmon fillet lemon Sauce served with Basmati rice and French fries.
14,00 €
Salmon Fillet
Filé de salmão ao molho de limão servido com arroz basmati e legumes grelhados
13,99 €
2 por 1
Three traditional tacos with mixed vegetables, mixed peppers, onion, corn, beans, salsa roja, Guacamole, pickled onion.
12,99 €
Three traditional tacos with crispy shrimp breaded with panko, coleslaw, Guacamole, Sour cream and pickled Radish (rapnaki).
12,99 €
2 por 1
Three delicious tacos with marinated chicken, onion. Mixed capcicum, Taco sauce. crispy onion and coleslaw.
11,90 €
Chicken alla Crème
Filete de frango marinado com molho alla crème servido com arroz e batatas
11,00 €
Crispy 30cm tortilla with beef, crispy onion, cheese, corn, colorful peppers, served with Mexican rice , Taco sauce .
9,99 €
Taco Beef
Three traditional tacos with slow cooked steam beef, onion, and mixed peppers. Sour cream, Taco sauce and pickled cucumber.
8,99 €
Chicken Fileet
Filete de frango marinado servido com arroz basmati e legumes grelhados
8,99 €


Cabbage and Carrot Salad
Repolho e cenoura, milho, vinagrete limão
4,99 €


Pizza DI Pollo
2 por 1
Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella, Chicken Fillet, Green Pepper.
14,99 €
Pizza Pepperoni
2 por 1
Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella, Pepperoni.
13,99 €
Pizza Margarita
2 por 1
Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella, Oregano.
12,90 €
Pizza Vegetables
Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella and Mixed Vegetables.
7,99 €


Spaghetti Carbonara
2 por 1
Bacon, Eggs and Parmesan cheese.
15,99 €
Spaghetti All Pesto
2 por 1
Spaghetti All Pesto
14,99 €
Penne Tuna
Salsa tomato, Mixed vegetables, Onion
7,99 €
Spaghetti smoke Salmon
Whipping creams and Salmon
7,99 €
Penne 4 Formaggi
Whipping creams and Mix Cheeses
7,99 €
Spaghetti Alio E Olio
Garlic, parsley, Extra virgin Olive oil
6,99 €


Risotto Al Fungi Porcini
2 por 1
Risotto with a mix of Mushroom and porcini.
13,99 €
Risotto Con Pollo E Verdure
2 por 1
Risotto with chicken and Vegetables.
13,99 €
Risotto With Verde
Risotto With Mix Vegetable and Tomato sauce.
8,00 €


Vegan Burger
2 por 1
Vegetable burger, tomatoes, Lettuce, sweet chilli sauce, served with French fries and sauce.
13,99 €
Crispy Chicken American Burger
2 por 1
Fried chicken, Lettuce, Cheddar cheese, Cocktail sauce served with French fries and sauce.
13,99 €
The Crazy Bacon
2 por 1
Lettuce, tomatoes, onions, 150 gm burger, Cheddar cheese, bacon, cocktail sauce served with French fries and sauce.
13,99 €
Classic cheese burger American (BURGER)
2 por 1
Tomatoes, lettuce red onions, Cheddar cheese, 150 gm burger, cocktail sauce served with fried potatoes and sauce.
12,99 €


5,00 €


4,00 €
Somersby 33 CL
3,90 €
Red Bull
3,70 €
3,60 €
Cola Zero 33ml
2,88 €
Sprite 33cl
2,88 €
Fanta Laranja
2,88 €
Coca Cola 33ml NORMAL
2,80 €
2,80 €
Ice Tea
2,80 €
Sagres 33ml
2,80 €
Super Bock 33cl
2,80 €
Frize Limao
1,90 €
Água Castelo
1,90 €
Água Pedras
1,90 €
Água Normal 50cl
1,80 €

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Розмістити замовлення можна в будь-який час, коли заклад «Smoke 'N' Savor’s» відкрито на нашій платформі. Замовивши у додатку або на веб-сайті, ви отримаєте фірмову швидку доставку і зможете насолоджуватися вашим замовленням Glovo вже за кілька хвилин! Ви також можете запланувати доставку на зручний для вас час, навіть якщо обраний заклад у цей час закритий.