Restaurant Al Farouk

Restaurant Al Farouk

store rating New
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store rating
1,000 DT
Glovo Prime
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Nos Pâtes

Pâtes Crevettes
Sauce rouge, crevettes
24,000 DT
Pâtes Bolognaise
Sauce rouge, viande hachée
17,500 DT
Pâtes Puttanesca
Sauce rouge, thon, olives,  câpres
17,500 DT

Nos Ojjas

Ojja Crevettes
Sauce rouge, œuf, crevettes
26,000 DT
Ojja El Ferouk
Sauce rouge, œuf, merguez, escalope
19,500 DT
Ojja Escalope
Sauce rouge, œuf, escalope
15,500 DT
Ojja Merguez
Sauce rouge, œuf, merguez
14,500 DT

Nos Plats

Kleya Bakri
Kleya bakri
28,000 DT
Kafteji El Ferouk
Double merguez ou kebda
18,000 DT
Kleya Dinde
Kleya dinde
15,000 DT
Mokli Double
2 Œuf, 2 merguez, sauce tomate, frites, piments
13,000 DT


Brik oeuf chevrettes
6,500 DT
Brik œuf thon
5,000 DT
Brik œuf
2,500 DT

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Frequently asked questions

Is Restaurant Al Farouk available in Prime?
No. Prime is Glovo’s subscription program where you get unlimited free deliveries from some of our partners and other benefits!
Is there a minimum order value at Restaurant Al Farouk?
There is a minimum order quantity at Restaurant Al Farouk. But don’t worry - if you don’t reach you will only have to pay an additional fee, but your glovo will be delivered to you anyways!