Chichkhan Resto

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Top sellers

صحن كفتاجي مشكل
Plat Kafteji Mixte Courgette, tomate, piment, kibda, escalope, merguez.
20,500 DT
دجاجة كاملة مشوية
Plat Poulet Grillé Riz ou pâtes, salade, frites.
30,500 DT
صحن عقد
Plat Okod Sauce tomate, tomate, piment, oignon,39od
20,500 DT


كسكروت كبدة
Sandwich Kebda pain, harissa, salade mechwiya, salade tunisienne, tomate, oignon, olive, kebda , frite
10,000 DT
كسكروت مرقاز
Sandwich Merguez pain, harissa, salade mechwiya, salade tunisienne, tomate, oignon, olive, mergez, frite
9,000 DT
كسكروت إسكالوب
Sandwich Escalope pain, harissa, salade mechwiya, salade tunisienne, tomate, oignon, olive, escalope , frite
9,000 DT
كسكروت تن
Sandwich Thon: pain, harissa, salade mechwiya, salade tunisienne, tomate, oignon, olive, pomme de terre , thon
8,000 DT
كسكروت كفتاجي
Sandwich Kafteji pain, harissa, tastira, oignon,persil , olive, frite.
7,000 DT


Tajine malsou9a
Tajine malsou9a bil l7am fromage
5,000 DT
Sardine Farcie
Sardine, pomme de terres, persil.
4,000 DT
Tajine poulet, fromage, pomme de terre, persil, oeufs.
3,000 DT
œuf, persil, fromage, thon
3,000 DT
Brick Danouni
Brik (semoule ) , viande hachée, fromage.
2,500 DT
بريك صوابع
Doigts De Fatma Brik poulet fromage
2,000 DT

Nos Plats

مشكل لحم مشوي
Plat Grillade Mixte Riz ou pâtes, salade
32,500 DT
دجاجة كاملة مشوية
Plat Poulet Grillé Riz ou pâtes, salade, frites.
30,500 DT
حوت مشوي
Plat Poisson Grillé: Poisson, riz ou pâtes, salade frites.
22,500 DT
صحن عقد
Plat Okod Sauce tomate, tomate, piment, oignon,39od
20,500 DT
إسكالوب مقلي
Plat Escalope Panée Riz ou pâtes, salade , frites.
20,500 DT
صحن كفتاجي مشكل
Plat Kafteji Mixte Courgette, tomate, piment, kibda, escalope, merguez.
20,500 DT
1/2 دجاج مشوي
Plat 1/2 Poulet Grillé Riz ou pâtes, salade, frites.
19,500 DT
إسكالوب مشوي
Plat Escalope Grillé Riz ou pâtes, salade, frites.
18,500 DT
صحن كفتاجي كبدة
Plat Kafetji Kebda Courgette, tomate, piment, frites, kebda d'agneau
18,500 DT
صحن كفتاجي إسكالوب
Plat Kafteji Escalope Courgette, tomate, piment, frite , escalope.
15,500 DT
صحن كفتاجي مرقاز
Plat Kafteji Merguez Courgette, tomate, piment, frites, merguez.
15,500 DT
1/4 دجاج مشوي
Plat 1/4 Poulet Grillé Riz ou pâtes, salade, frites.
13,500 DT
صحن تونسي
Plat Tounsi Salade tunisienne, salade mechwiya, salade houriya, tomate, oignon, pomme de terre œuf, harissa, huile d'olive.
10,500 DT
صحن كفتاجي
Plat Kafteji Tomate, piment, oeuf, frites.
8,500 DT
صحن سلاطة
Plat Salade Salade varié
6,500 DT
صحن بطاطا
Plat Frite
5,500 DT


Apla 24cl Canette
3,000 DT
Boga Lim 24cl Canette
3,000 DT
Boga Cidre 24cl Canette
3,000 DT
Eau Minérale 0,5l
1,500 DT

Plats du jour

كسكسي علوش
Couckous viande d'agneau
32,500 DT
عجة غلال البحر
Crevettes, poulpes, chevrettes, oeufs.
32,500 DT
مقرونة غلال البحر
Tagliatelles , crevettes, poulpe, chevrettes.
32,500 DT
عجة مرقاز
Merguez , poivron, persil, oeufs
20,500 DT

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Frequently asked questions

Are there any promos for Chichkhan Resto in Glovo?
Always look for discounted products and current special offers, which are marked in yellow. Sometimes you can find special offers such as 2 for 1 or discounted delivery!
When can I order delivery from Chichkhan Resto?
During Chichkhan Resto’s working hours you can place your order at any time. Thanks to our speedfast delivery you will be able to enjoy your glovo within minutes! You can also schedule your delivery to a time that would be convenient for you, even if the store is currently closed.
How do other customers rate Chichkhan Resto?
Chichkhan Resto was recommended by 93% of customers who ordered their glovo from there. Place your order today and check if you also like it.