Honey Boba Bubble Tea

Honey Boba Bubble Tea

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Does not contain milk or any other dairy products.
Contains non-dairy creamer; free of dairy products.
Matcha Strawberry
Milky strawberry at the bottom & milky matcha in the 2nd layer & more milk at the top. Note that due to the shaking during transportation the drink can become one color. However, it does not affect the taste.

Signature Tapioca Tea

Strawberry Pudding
Strawberry milk tea with additional creaminess and thickness from strawberry pudding layer on top! In delivery the 2nd layer will not be black for visual purposes (due to shaking during the transportation) - the taste is the same.
Oreo Cheesecake
Biscuits, chocolate and mint in the tea base, and cheese foam topping with Oreo crumbs at the top. Note that due to the shaking during transportation the drink can become one color. However, it does not affect the taste.
Tiger Boba
Milk, Brown sugar syrup & Baked Brown sugar on top. After delivery the syrup will be at the bottom, so mix well before drinking! Note that the drink will not look like in the photo due to the transportation. However, it does not affect the taste.
Matcha Strawberry
Milky strawberry at the bottom & milky matcha in the 2nd layer & more milk at the top. Note that due to the shaking during transportation the drink can become one color. However, it does not affect the taste.
Dalonga Coffee
Sweet coffee foam with baked sugar on top, milk base and brown sugar syrup. Note that due to the shaking during transportation the drink can become one color. However, it does not affect the taste.
Brown Sugar Coconut
Milky coconut with jasmine tea base, brown sugar syrup & baked brown sugar on frothed milk on top. Note that due to the shaking during transportation the drink can become one color. However, it does not affect the taste.
Taro Lava
Jasmine milk tea base with creamy Taro lava topping (slightly sweeter and way more creamier version of Taro milk tea). Note that due to the shaking during transportation the drink can become one color. However, it does not affect the taste.
Vanilla Caramel
Vanilla flavor in jasmine milk tea base, and caramel pudding at the top. Note that due to the shaking during transportation the drink can become one color. However, it does not affect the taste.

Tapioca Milk Tea

Make your own Mix!
Choose any 2 flavors from below to make your own mix of milk bubble tea. * Note that drinks in delivery will not have layers as in the photo due to the shaking during transportation. აირჩიეთ 2 გემო ქვემოდან თქვენი მიქსისთვის.
Hokkaido milk tea has a unique smooth and sweet flavor with mild earthy and vanilla notes. Contains non-dairy creamer; free of dairy products.
Taro milk tea has a sweet, nutty flavour with a subtle but creamy vanilla finish. It is a staple for bubble tea lovers. Contains non-dairy creamer; free of dairy products.
Contains non-dairy creamer; free of dairy products.
Contains non-dairy creamer; free of dairy products.
Contains non-dairy creamer; free of dairy products.
Contains non-dairy creamer; free of dairy products.

Creamy jam series

Piña colada
A perfect blend of creamy coconut and refreshing pineapple with additional syrup infused heavy cream topping. Note that due to the shaking during transportation the drink can become one color. However, it does not affect the taste.
Raspberry cheesecake
Milky raspberry with additional syrup infused cheese foam topping. Note that due to the shaking during transportation the drink can become one color. However, it does not affect the taste.
Blueberry cheesecake
Milky blueberry with additional syrup infused cheese foam topping. Note that due to the shaking during transportation the drink can become one color. However, it does not affect the taste.
Mango creamy jam
Milky base with a hint of Jasmine, mango syrup & additional syrup infused cream topping. Note that due to the shaking during transportation the drink can become one color. However, it does not affect the taste.
Strawberry creamy jam
Milky base with a hint of Jasmine, strawberry syrup & additional syrup infused cream topping. Note that due to the shaking during transportation the drink can become one color. However, it does not affect the taste.

Matcha & Thai Tea

Matcha Latte
Delicate taste of Matcha, blended with milk, with a hint of Honey (less sweet than Matcha lava). Note that due to the shaking during transportation the drink can become one color. However, it does not affect the taste.
Original Thai Tea
Original Thai Tea combines the richness of black tea with the creaminess of condensed milk. It is mildly sweet with slightly spiced notes. Note that due to the transportation the drink can become one color. However, it does not affect the taste.
Hazelnut Matcha Lava
A delightful blend of Matcha and Hazelnut with condensed milk and heavy cream (sweeter and creamier than Matcha latte). Note that due to the shaking during transportation the drink can become one color. However, it does not affect the taste.
Green Thai Tea Latte
Green Thai Tea is a blend of jasmine tea with sweet and earthy flavor profile from the notes of pandan, vanilla, and mint. Note that due to the shaking during transportation the drink can become one color. However, it does not affect the taste.

Fruit Tapioca Tea

Wintermelon is a very sweet Asian melon, it does not taste like regular melon and has its own sweetness profile (with a hint of vanilla and cucumber). Does not contain milk or any other dairy products.
Does not contain milk or any other dairy products.
Does not contain milk or any other dairy products.
Does not contain milk or any other dairy products.
Does not contain milk or any other dairy products.
Lychee is a sweet tropical fruit. Its unique flavor can be described as a cross between strawberry and pear with floral notes. Does not contain milk or any other dairy products.
Passionfruit is a sweet and tangy tropical fruit. It tastes citrusy with hints of melon, pineapple, or kiwi. Does not contain milk or any other dairy products.
Blueberry has sweet and tangy flavor. Does not contain milk or any other dairy products.
Does not contain milk or any other dairy products.

Classic Tapioca Milk Tea

Our Oolong has creamy texture, with earthy and woody flavor profile. Contains non-dairy creamer; free of dairy products.
Assam is quality black tea with neutral flavor. Contains non-dairy creamer; free of dairy products.
Jasmine is green flower tea scented with jasmine blossoms. Contains non-dairy creamer; free of dairy products.

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Jak długo trwa dostawa z Honey Boba Bubble Tea w mieścieTbilisi?
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Kiedy mogę zamówić dostawę z Honey Boba Bubble Tea?
Zamówienia możesz złożyć w godzinach otwarcia Honey Boba Bubble Tea’s. Dostawa jest bardzo szybka, więc Twoje glovo błyskawicznie do Ciebie dotrze! Możesz również zaplanować dostawę w dogodnym dla siebie terminie, nawet jeśli punkt jest w danej chwili zamknięty.