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I più venduti

Red evergreen burger
Our exclusive beetroot vegetarian patty topped with caramelized onions, tomatoes, fresh rocket leaves our signature honey mustard sauce, and a side of french fries.
15,50 €
Mighty chicken burger
Marinated grilled chicken breast topped with crisp lettuce, a fresh tomato slice, tangy pickles and our thousand island sauce, and a side of French fries.
15,50 €
Beef Burger
Grilled beef patty
12,50 €

Choose your patty

Beef Burger
Grilled beef patty
12,50 €
Marinated grilled chicken breast
12,50 €
White Veg
Chickpeas and potatoes patty
12,50 €
Red Veg
A base di barbabietola e patate
12,50 €

Create your bowl

Create your bowl
11,00 €


Mozzarella Bombs
Con salsa 1000 island
7,50 €
7,50 €
Onion rings
7,50 €


Swiss Truff
Grilled beef patty, with homemade mushroom cream, fresh rocket leaves melted brie cheese and our signature truffle mayo sauce, served with a side of classic french fries
17,50 €
Cuban burger
Grilled beef patty topped with grilled onions and green peppers, jalapeños, melted blue cheese a fresh tomatoe slice with our signature hot cuban sauce, and a side of french fries.
16,50 €
Chili chicken
Marinated grilled chicken breast in sweet and sour hot sauce, served with fresh rocket leaves, tomato slices, jalapeños and our home made cuban sauce with a side of classic french fries
16,00 €
Classic double smashed cheese burger
Double Smashed grilled beef patty topped with melted cheddar cheese, onion slices, dill pickles and our cocktail sauce, and a side of French fries.
15,50 €
Mighty chicken burger
Marinated grilled chicken breast topped with crisp lettuce, a fresh tomato slice, tangy pickles and our thousand island sauce, and a side of French fries.
15,50 €
Red evergreen burger
Our exclusive beetroot vegetarian patty topped with caramelized onions, tomatoes, fresh rocket leaves our signature honey mustard sauce, and a side of french fries.
15,50 €
White evergreen burger
Our exclusive chickpeas vegetarian patty topped with caramelized onions, tomatoes, fresh rocket leaves our signature honey mustard sauce, and a side of french fries.
15,50 €


Sweet potato fries
6,00 €
Cajun fries
5,00 €
Signature rosmarino french fries
4,50 €
Zaatar french fries
4,50 €
Classic french fries
4,00 €


San Sebastian Cheesecake
8,50 €
Sundae Brownie
8,50 €


Coca-Cola Lattina 330ml
3,50 €
Coca-Cola Zero Lattina 330ml
3,50 €
Sprite Lattina 330ml
3,50 €
Fanta Lattina 330ml
3,50 €
Acqua naturale 50 cl
2,50 €
Acqua frizzante 50 cl
2,50 €


Birrificio fiorentino
6,50 €
6,50 €
5,50 €
5,00 €
5,00 €

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Què puc demanar a Reburger a Florencia?
Reburger ofereix una gran varietat de productes que pots demanar. Dona una ullada a la seva llista de productes i tria el que vulguis demanar a Reburger.
Quant triga el lliurament de Reburger a domicili a Florencia?
Després d’afegir la teva adreça de lliurament, podràs veure el temps estimat de lliurament de cada establiment a la teva zona. També podràs veure el temps de lliurament previst de la comanda feta a Reburger a la pàgina de pagament.
Hi ha promocions de Reburger a Glovo?
Busca sempre els productes amb descompte i les ofertes especials (s’indiquen en groc). De vegades, pots trobar ofertes especials com ara 2x1 o lliurament amb descompte!
Està Reburger disponible a Prime?
No. Prime és el programa de subscripció de Glovo que permet gaudir de lliuraments gratuïts il·limitats d’alguns dels nostres Partners i altres avantatges.
Com valoren altres clients a Reburger?
Reburger ha estat recomanat per un 100% dels clients que han demanat un glovo a l’establiment. Fes la teva comanda avui per veure si també t’agrada!