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Awash Ethiopian Restaurant

Awash Ethiopian Restaurant

store rating 95%
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Key Wot (Zigni)
Ethiopian stew of beef meat with spice mixtures such as berbere and seasoned clarified butter, served with one injera
Prime beef fillet sauced with onion, tomato, garlic. Served with or without chili powder.
Doro Wot (Two drumsticks)
One Ethiopian hot spiced Chicken Curry cooked with onions, Berbere & spices, served with two chicken drumsticks, one boiled egg and one lnjera


Quwanta Firfir
Scrambled lnjera mixed with pre-dried & hot fried beef fillet meat, mixed in stew, served with one lnjera
Enkulal Sega Firfir
Ethiopian Style scrambled egg with meat cubes, small tomato slices, green pepper and a touch of clarified butter, served with 1 lnjera

Main Course

Awash Collection
Combination platter containing the same dishes as in the 'Special Mix Dish' above, with the addition of one Doro wot (Ethiopian Style chicken stew dish), served with 3 lnjeras
Special Mix Dish
Combination platter containing the same dishes as in the 'Mix Dish' above, with the addition of a medium size Kitfo (marinated minced meat dish) and Ethiopian cheese, served with 2 lnjeras
Mix Dish - Mahiberawi
Key wot with egg, Minchet abish in red & yellow, Tibs fried meat, Shiro stew, red lentils stew, brown lentils stew, yellow split peas stew, cooked cabbage with carrots, fried French beans with carrots, cooked beetroots, and cooked spinach, 2 lnjeras
Special Kitfo
In addition to well spiced Kitfo, comes with a side of Ethiopian cheese and Smashed spinach, served with one lnjera
Kikil (Mutton Stew)
Goat meats on bone, boiled with herbs and spices the Ethiopian way, served with one lnjera
Doro Wot (Two drumsticks)
One Ethiopian hot spiced Chicken Curry cooked with onions, Berbere & spices, served with two chicken drumsticks, one boiled egg and one lnjera
Platter: 4 different Stews & 4 different vegetables; Shiro stew, red lentils stew, brown lentils stew, yellow split peas stew, cooked cabbage with carrots, fried French beans with carrots, cooked beetroots, and cooked spinach, served with 1 lnjera
Bozena Shiro
Well spices & cooked Shiro, cooked along with tender beef cubes, served with one Injera
Dinich Besiga
Well-cooked potato stew mixed with fried beef fillet, with or without chilly, served with one lnjera.
Misir Besiga
A mixture of well-fried beef red lentils, stewed in hot pepper or without pepper sauced with tomato, onions, garlic, and ginger Ethiopian way. Similar preparation as Misir Wot but cooked along with tender beef cubes
Prime beef fillet sauced with onion, tomato, garlic. Served with or without chili powder.
Shekla tibs
Pan-fried beef/ goat meat with onion, tomato slices and a touch of rosemary, served with one lnjera.
Tegabino Shiro
Made of powdered legumes or dried chickpeas or peas with traditional spices prepared in the Ethiopian way served hot on pan. A much thicker version of Shiro, served with one Injera
Key Wot (Zigni)
Ethiopian stew of beef meat with spice mixtures such as berbere and seasoned clarified butter, served with one injera
Minchet Abish
Minced prime beef cooked with different spices, with or without chili powder, served with boiled egg & lnjera
Gomen Besiga
Chopped & cooked Spinach mixed with fried meat, with a touch of clarified butter infused with herbs and spices, served with one lnjera
Tibs Firfir
Scrambled injera mixed with hot beef fillet tibs, prepared Ethiopian way, served with one injera
Zilzil Tibs
Strips of tender beef sautéed in butter, herbs, spices and vegetables
Minced Beef meat marinated in mitmita, a chili powder-based spice blend [Choice of Spicy, Medium and Non-spicy or for Mitmita to be served separately], and a clarified butter infused with herbs and spices, served with one lnjera
Powder Chickpeas or peas cooked with mildly spiced herbs, tomatoes, onions and garlic, served with one injera.
Ayeb Begomen
Chopped & cooked Spinach with Ethiopian cheese, clarified butter infused with herbs and spices, served with one lnjera
Misir Wot
Split-red lentils stewed in hot pepper sauce with tomatoes onions, garlic, and ginger, served with one lnjera.
Kik Alicha
Non-spicy Yellow split peas cooked with onion, garlic, ginger and sliced green peppers, served with one lnjera

Soft Drinks

Sweet carbonated drink
Still Water
Thirst quenching and reefreshing


Sour fermented pancake-like flatbread with a slightly spongy texture

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¿Cuánto cuesta la entrega de Awash Ethiopian Restaurant a domicilio en Nairobi?
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¿Cuándo puedo pedir Awash Ethiopian Restaurant a domicilio?
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¿Cómo valoran otros clientes a Awash Ethiopian Restaurant?
Awash Ethiopian Restaurant ha sido recomendado por un 95% de los clientes que han pedido un glovo en el establecimiento. ¡Haz tu pedido hoy para ver si también te gusta!