Tanawal Family Foods

Tanawal Family Foods

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Main Dishes

Mutton Karahi (Full 1kg)
Tanawal Special dish. Cooked with full attention, rich of memorable taste.
Chicken Karahi (Full 1 Kg)
Mutton Karahi (Half Kg)
Tanawal Special dish. Cooked with full attention, rich of memorable taste.
Chicken Karahi (Half Kg)
Chicken pieces, with gravy. A Pakistani cuisine fusion meal, with natural grounded spices garnished with fresh ginger strips & coriander
Chicken Jalfrezi (Boneless)
Tanawal special dish, Boneless Chicken , rich with flavour, topped with 1 boil egg, & garnished with fresh ginger slices.
Butter Chicken (Boneless)
Pakistani cuisine boneless chicken, cooked in thick gravy with grounded natural herbs & spices. Best served with our Tandoori Naans. Comes with free salads & Chartny.
Tanawal Special Chicken Qorma
A gravy flavourish chicken with bornes dish. Favourite to many. A portion can serve two persons.
Chicken Ginger (Boneless)
Authentic tanawal gravy dishes
Chicken Handi (Boneless)
Boneless, soft, tasty delicacy. Full of flavour. Touch of Pakistani cuisine
Pakistani Beef Haleem
Smooth Beef + Legumes + Rice + Daal Pakistani tradition delicacy . Very healthy & tasty. Mild spicy. Freshly served garnished with fried onions, fresh ginger strips ,chillies & corridor.
Pakistani Chicken Biriani +Shami Kabab +Raita + Salad + Red pepper chartny
Shami Kabab are pakistani spiced delicacy made of daal chana+ minced meat.
Tanawal Special Mutton Qorma
Pakistani special Cuisine. A dish full of lasting taste & flavour
Beef Qeema Khara Masala
Beef Minced meat. delicacy. Cooked in thick gravy with natural asian spices.
Beef Haleem
Smooth Pakistani beef Haleem. Freshly made with natural herbs & spices. Garnished with fried onions+fresh dishes Ginger & chillies.Served with fresh Salads. very nice when accompanies by our white rice or Fresh Tandoori Naans.
Pakistani Chicken Biryani with Raita & Salad
This is a mild spicy dish, pakistani cuisine served with a portion of Sweet rice( Sugary rice topped with Almonds)
Daal Chana Makhni
Mutton Pilau with Raita +Shami Kabab+ Raita+ Salad
This is a Pakistani recipe- Mutton pilau, delicious & well balanced ingredients. It's served with side Raita(curd) + Salad + Red pepper chartny + Banana
Daal Chana
Daal Mash
Mutton Pilau with Raita + Salad + Red Pepper Chartny
Pakistani simple, Well balanced tasty pilau. Enjoy with our Raita sauce
Daal Mash Makhni
Tanawal Creamy Yellow Beans
Maharagwe/ Kenyan green beans. Guality, tasty, unique, large portion
Pakistani Shami Kabab
Fresh spiced chana+ beef qeema mix. its then fried in a beaten egg. Super. Best accompanied by pilau or Biryani.Served two in a plate.
Pakistani -Shami Kabab
A mixture of chana and minced meat , spiced with natural herbs. The mixtire bun is then coated with egg & fried to taste. Served 2 pcs in a plate.

Tanawal Barbecue

Chicken Malai Boti Boneless
This are Boneless chicken chucks, slow flame cooked on charcoal until tender. It's white cream tasty texture is tanawal special. this dish is served 8 pcs in a plate.
Chicken Kabab
A Pakistani cuisine Chicken Kabab, 2 pieces in a plate, each pc 1feet long. Quality, Soft, Juicy, well marinated boneless chicken for everyone. Enjoy with our BBQ chartny + Salsa Salad
Beef Kabab
Boneless grounded beef, mixed with natural herbs & spices, grilled on Charcoal on slow heat untill well done, soft & juicy
Chicken Tikka Breast
Chicken marinated in natural spices and grilled on charcoal, slowly flame cooked till tender
Chicken Tikka Leg
Chicken marinated in natural spices, and grilled on Charcoal. Slowly cooked till tender with no burnings
Boneless beef tender meat.All red meat marinated in natural herbs & spices, cooked on charcoal grill. A plate has 3 sticks.

Group Sharing- Offers

Group Pack (Tanawal Sinia Platter)
Includes pilau, biriani, 1 kabab, 1 tikka, 2 naan, sweet rice, chips, beans, 1 litre soft drink
Grilled Mix Platter Bbq
Includes beef or chicken kabab, malai boti 8pcs, chicken tikka (1pc leg), french fries and free 1 litre soda( coke or sprite)

Fast Foods

1/4 Deep-Fried Chicken Breast
Cooked in hot oil, submerged. No marinates. Freshly fried, soft & well done.
Peri Peri Chips
Deep fried potato thin strips, crispy to taste. Garnished with Indian Chart- masala powder.
Masala Chips
Deep-fried sliced potato strips cooked in a chilli and tomato sauce, spiced with coriander, rosemary & Onion.
Sliced potato strips deep-fried in hot cooking oil. Served with our special tamarind & Raita dipping sauc + Salad. Additional tomato & chilli sauce offered.


Roghani Naan
Naans which are made using white flour, cooked in a Tabdoori oven. Our unique Roghani naan has sesame seeds & butter on top
Lahori Kulcha
Soft Tandoori bread, topped with sesame seeds. It has no butter. Full of taste & Flavour
Kalwanji Naan
Tandoori baked Naan with Kalwanji seeds & butter.
Tanawal Naan
Tandoori baked naan. Soft & Fresh

Fresh Juices

Blue Lemonade
Freshly done cocktail, a nice refreshment with mixed tastes of Lemon, Mojito & Sprite.
Mint Margarita
A fresh refreshment with a mixture of fresh mint leaves. Good for digestion. Try Tanawal Margarita finest
Mango Juice
Daily freshly blended Apple Mango juice. Little brown sugar added for taste.
Special Pakistani refreshment. A mixture of Tamarind & dry Aplicot. Tanawal Special.
Lemon Juice
Tasty freshly done lemonade, with a blend of peppermint. Good for appetite & digestion.

Sof Drinks

Drinking Water 1.5litres
Bottled Soda
Bottled pep Soda. 500ml
Bottled Soda 1/2 Litre
Drinking Water 500ml
sparkling drinking water

Milk Shakes

Pakistani Lasi
Freshly blended, rich well balanced.
Rooh Afzah
Rooh afza + milk cocktail. A well blended to taste refreshment of rose flavour flavour . Natural sugar syrup.
Avocado shake
Tasty fresh blended milkshake. Healthy & thick
Mango Shake
Fresh mix of mango + milk + sugar syrup blended together. Thick, tasty, healthy.

Hot Drinks

Milk Tea
Milk Kenyan TeaSpiced with natural herbs to taste. Served in a mug & extra sugar sachets
Kenyan Black Tea
Kenyan black Tea Spiced with natural herbs to taste. Served in a mug & extra sugar sachets

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