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Cafe Deli Restaurant

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East African Breakfast
Freshly squeezed passion juice, maandazi, two boiled eggs with kachumbari, arrow roots or sweet potatoes, sliced fruits served with freshly brewed coffee or tea
KSh595.00 KSh850.00
Pork Spare Ribs Non Lean
Shoulder spare ribs sautéed in spicy ginger and garlic paste, served with barbecue sauce.
KSh735.00 KSh1,050.00
Special Chicken Curry
Boneless cubed chicken thigh, cooked in a rich curry sauce, garnished with cilantro can be (hot or mild).
KSh910.00 KSh1,300.00

Top sellers

East African Breakfast
Freshly squeezed passion juice, maandazi, two boiled eggs with kachumbari, arrow roots or sweet potatoes, sliced fruits served with freshly brewed coffee or tea
KSh595.00 KSh850.00
Pork Spare Ribs Non Lean
Shoulder spare ribs sautéed in spicy ginger and garlic paste, served with barbecue sauce.
KSh735.00 KSh1,050.00
Special Chicken Curry
Boneless cubed chicken thigh, cooked in a rich curry sauce, garnished with cilantro can be (hot or mild).
KSh910.00 KSh1,300.00


East African Breakfast
Freshly squeezed passion juice, maandazi, two boiled eggs with kachumbari, arrow roots or sweet potatoes, sliced fruits served with freshly brewed coffee or tea
KSh595.00 KSh850.00


Pork Spare Ribs Lean
Shoulder spare ribs sautéed in spicy ginger and garlic paste, served with barbecue sauce.
KSh1,050.00 KSh1,500.00
Special Chicken Curry
Boneless cubed chicken thigh, cooked in a rich curry sauce, garnished with cilantro can be (hot or mild).
KSh910.00 KSh1,300.00
Fried Chicken
3 Piecer, slightly buttered chicken served dry or sautéed in barbecue sauce
KSh833.00 KSh1,190.00
Pork Spare Ribs Non Lean
Shoulder spare ribs sautéed in spicy ginger and garlic paste, served with barbecue sauce.
KSh735.00 KSh1,050.00
Kuku Choma
Well roasted chicken served with chips or rice
KSh546.00 KSh780.00
Fried Chicken
2 Piecer, slightly buttered chicken served dry or sautéed in barbecue sauce
KSh490.00 KSh700.00
Fried Chicken
1 Piecer, slightly buttered chicken served dry or sautéed in barbecue sauce
KSh315.00 KSh450.00


Crispy Chicken Burger
KSh840.00 KSh1,200.00
Classic Beef Burger
KSh700.00 KSh1,000.00


Deli Special
KSh840.00 KSh1,200.00
Barbecue Chicken
KSh805.00 KSh1,150.00
Meat Feast
KSh805.00 KSh1,150.00
Classic Hawaiian Pizza
KSh770.00 KSh1,100.00

Cakes And Pastries

Fruit Cake
Rich fruitcake with a variety of dry fruits
KSh420.00 KSh600.00
Blueberry Cake
Chocolate sponge cake soaked in homemade syrup layered with cream, blueberry fillings and garnished with dark chocolate shavings
KSh420.00 KSh600.00
Chicken And Mushroom Pie
Chunky chicken and mushroom mixed with savory spices in a pie
KSh385.00 KSh550.00
Meat Pie
Chunky meat mixed with savory spices in a pie
KSh350.00 KSh500.00
Black Forest
Chocolate sponge cake soaked in homemade syrup layered with cream, strawberries and garnished with white chocolate shavings
KSh308.00 KSh440.00
White Forest Cake
Vanilla sponge cake soaked in homemade syrup layered with cream, strawberries and garnished with white chocolate shavings
KSh308.00 KSh440.00
Lemon Cake
An appetizing lemon flavored cake
KSh266.00 KSh380.00

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Nairobi - Kako mogu naručiti dostavu iz trgovineCafe Deli Restaurant?
Nairobi - Želiš li naručili dostavu iz trgovine Cafe Deli Restaurant, sve što trebaš učiniti jest otvoriti web-stranice ili aplikaciju Glovo i posjetiti kategoriju „Bakery and Pastry”“. Nairobi - Zatim unesi svoju adresu i provjeri je li dostava iz trgovine Cafe Deli Restaurant dostupna u tvom dijelu grada. Tad možeš odabrati željene proizvode i dodati ih svojoj narudžbi. Nakon što dovršiš plaćanje, tvoja će se narudžba početi pripremati i ubrzo nakon toga dostavljač će je donijeti izravno na tvoja vrata.
Nairobi - Što mogu naručiti iz trgovine Cafe Deli Restaurant?
Cafe Deli Restaurant nudi velik izbor proizvoda koje možeš naručiti. Pogledaj popis proizvoda i odaberi što želiš naručiti iz trgovine Cafe Deli Restaurant.
Nairobi - Koliko košta dostava iz trgovine Cafe Deli Restaurant?
Nairobi - Želiš li vidjeti koliko košta dostava iz trgovine Cafe Deli Restaurant, pogledaj naknadu za dostavu pri vrhu stranice. Također ćeš je moći vidjeti u prikazu troškova po stavkama prije slanja narudžbe.
Ima li promotivnih akcija za trgovinu Cafe Deli Restaurant na Glovu?
Uvijek potraži snižene proizvode i aktualne posebne ponude koje su označene žutom bojom. Ponekad možeš pronaći posebne ponude kao što su 2 za 1 ili sniženu dostavu!
Kada mogu naručiti dostavu iz trgovine Cafe Deli Restaurant?
Tijekom radnog vremena trgovine Cafe Deli Restaurant’s narudžbu možeš poslati u bilo kojem trenutku. Zahvaljujući našoj ekspresnoj dostavi moći ćeš uživati u svom glovu već za koju minutu! Također možeš zakazati dostavu za vrijeme koje ti odgovara, čak i ako je trgovina trenutno zatvorena.